Goals for the Week

72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
#1- Make more of an effort to log my foods! I've gotten lazy.
#2- Actually count how many cups of wather I drink, because I really don't know. It's all I drink, so I never really counted.
#3- Mix up my exercise at the gym and get in my walks with the dog!

About 4 weeks until my husband gets home from Iraq! I need to be game on!


  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    #1- Make more of an effort to log my foods! I've gotten lazy.
    #2- Actually count how many cups of wather I drink, because I really don't know. It's all I drink, so I never really counted.
    #3- Mix up my exercise at the gym and get in my walks with the dog!

    About 4 weeks until my husband gets home from Iraq! I need to be game on!
  • erica9699
    erica9699 Posts: 53
    Those sound like excellent goals!
  • miasuperstar
    That must be so exciting that your husband is coming home soon! And you will look terrific! Good luck this week. Oh, I like the water goal, maybe i'll do the same.
  • kaleohone
    kaleohone Posts: 86
    Girl...you can do it!!!!
  • angelascott919
    You go girl... I've been in your shoes and when hubby gets home he will be amazed.

    I like your goals and it has made me think about what my next goals will be.
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    That is great that your husband will be coming home soon. I also have some goals this week.
    1. start packing my own lunch ( my boss buys lunch for the whole office everyday. that is just his way to keep us at our desk all day LOL . But it has been hell on the scale. So packing healthy lunches is my #1)

    2. Drink more water.

    So far that is all I have but its a start.