Sexy for Summer 2012 Challenge



  • NicolioRussell

    Nicole: Please let me know how progress will tracked (is there going to be a google spreadsheet like I see on some challenges or are we going to just do check through blog posts?); also is there a certain day we should check-in for the weeks challenge and results.

    Good question!

    I have a spreadsheet that I am keeping track of everyone on. Weigh-in day will be Mondays; starting with the upcoming on October 30th. You should also let me know how you did for the previous week's challenge.

    I will post updated spreadsheet image shots by Wednesdays, with updated points.

    Good luck! :-)
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    I would love to join! I need all the motivation I can get! Already did 2 miles today, yay!!

    Name: Julie
    CW: 226
    GW: 175
    Location: Toledo, OH

    I like my smile :)
    I hate my flabby upper arms, aagghhh!
  • NicolioRussell
    I would love to join! I need all the motivation I can get! Already did 2 miles today, yay!!

    Name: Julie
    CW: 226
    GW: 175
    Location: Toledo, OH

    I like my smile :)
    I hate my flabby upper arms, aagghhh!

    Your message to me about the millenium force was too cute. I grew up in Fremont (45 minutes south east of Toledo), and so Cedar Point was always 20 minutes away. I haven't been there in a few years because when I went in 2009, I was about 260 pounds....and THREE people had to help buckle me into the wicked twister while I pushed together my breasts! SOO embaressing. Haven't been back since. I really want to go this summer. My husband and I love roller coasters and it would be our first time going together.
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    I would love to join! I need all the motivation I can get! Already did 2 miles today, yay!!

    Name: Julie
    CW: 226
    GW: 175
    Location: Toledo, OH

    I like my smile :)
    I hate my flabby upper arms, aagghhh!

    Your message to me about the millenium force was too cute. I grew up in Fremont (45 minutes south east of Toledo), and so Cedar Point was always 20 minutes away. I haven't been there in a few years because when I went in 2009, I was about 260 pounds....and THREE people had to help buckle me into the wicked twister while I pushed together my breasts! SOO embaressing. Haven't been back since. I really want to go this summer. My husband and I love roller coasters and it would be our first time going together.
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    I would love to join! I need all the motivation I can get! Already did 2 miles today, yay!!

    Name: Julie
    CW: 226
    GW: 175
    Location: Toledo, OH

    I like my smile :)
    I hate my flabby upper arms, aagghhh!

    Your message to me about the millenium force was too cute. I grew up in Fremont (45 minutes south east of Toledo), and so Cedar Point was always 20 minutes away. I haven't been there in a few years because when I went in 2009, I was about 260 pounds....and THREE people had to help buckle me into the wicked twister while I pushed together my breasts! SOO embaressing. Haven't been back since. I really want to go this summer. My husband and I love roller coasters and it would be our first time going together.

    I was thinking about going to Cedar Point this weekend for the Halloweekends, but not sure how it would work with a sweater/sweatshirt on and winter coat. Thinking the seat belt thing probably wouldn't work too well since I have a big booty and hips, in addition to all the clothes I would need to stay warm. Lol I had almost the same problem on the millennium force with one of the workers trying to fasten the seat belt. It fasten but I was super embarrassed about it all. It will feel sooo good not to have that problem anymore!!
  • NicolioRussell

    I was thinking about going to Cedar Point this weekend for the Halloweekends, but not sure how it would work with a sweater/sweatshirt on and winter coat. Thinking the seat belt thing probably wouldn't work too well since I have a big booty and hips, in addition to all the clothes I would need to stay warm. Lol I had almost the same problem on the millennium force with one of the workers trying to fasten the seat belt. It fasten but I was super embarrassed about it all. It will feel sooo good not to have that problem anymore!!

    Well, at least if you don't go....think of all the crowds you will avoid! I'm sure it will be crazy busy.
  • ready4achange1
    I would love to join. Been trying to lose weight for the past few years, but instead been gaining.

    Name: Bobbie Jo Sunday
    Location: Minneapolis, MN
    SW: 305
    GWS'12: 275
    1IL: I love my…… eyes (hard one don’t really love anything about me… yet)
    1IH: My HIPS, Hate them!!! :explode:
    Challenge status:1 Mile, drank 72 oz today :smile:
  • 8dozendiets
    Hi and thanks for setting this up. I lose weight very slowly which is OK with me. I would like to look good next summer even though I feel I"m too old to be in a swimsuit in public.

    I love - that my arms are thin
    I don't love -all the fat around my stomach
    I forced myself to exercise today - I "walked" three miles (one then two) with Leslie Sansone, whose DVDs I really like

    Glad to be here.
  • prdchrmom
    hey everyone! Today was a good day. I drank 10 cups of water and walked another mile. I just started yesterday so thats 2 miles for me this week. I would love to have friend requests. I need and would love to give encouragement. The amusement park has been an issue for me. I looooove to ride all kinds of rides but havent for years. I watched them ask a woman to get off one summer because she couldnt fit and thought that she looked the same size as me. I wanted to cry for her and never got back on a ride since. I have 5 girls and every summer think about how im loosing out on riding with them. I always make excuses as to why i cant ride and I dont want another summer of doing that!
    Ive been trying to find a moment each day to remind me of why I should stay strong and loose weight. so here is my one reason for today.... I was in the mall and as i was passing stores i thought that I should stay strong and loose because the bigger you get the less attractive the clothes are to buy. I wanna dress like a cool mom lol. I want my daughters boyfriends to think im the hott older sister!!
  • NicolioRussell
    Made a siggy for us!

    Just copy and paste to your signature, but make sure you make the IMG lowercase to img


  • melcarroll
    melcarroll Posts: 26 Member
    Would love to join!
    I love that I actually have a butt
    I don't love that I am always too worried about my weight to enjoy things I could be doing with my husband and kids, like going to the lake or beach.
    I started to take a break from the treadmill a couple weeks ago bc I hurt my ankle. Then, I decided to start Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I guess next week I will start your challenge. I only drank 40 oz of water today.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Good morning everyone! Just a few questions.
    1. What day is weigh in day?
    2. What day do the challenges begin and end?

    I also wanted to see if I put the pic in my signature correctly! Have a great Friday everyone!:drinker:
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    I ask the same questions yesterday, weigh In and challenge update is on Mondays - nicole will tally and post points/progress by Wednesday.
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just a few questions.
    1. What day is weigh in day?
    2. What day do the challenges begin and end?

    I also wanted to see if I put the pic in my signature correctly! Have a great Friday everyone!:drinker:

    I ask the same questions yesterday, weigh In and challenge update is on Mondays - nicole will tally and post points/progress by Wednesday.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Good morning everyone! Just a few questions.
    1. What day is weigh in day?
    2. What day do the challenges begin and end?

    I also wanted to see if I put the pic in my signature correctly! Have a great Friday everyone!:drinker:

    I ask the same questions yesterday, weigh In and challenge update is on Mondays - nicole will tally and post points/progress by Wednesday.

    Ahh. Okay. Sorry, I must've missed it. Thanks!
  • Brooke1585
    Brooke1585 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi!!! I'm a game for this challenge because my goal is to be oh so sexy for next summer so I'm not forced to wear pants and quarter length shirts. I refuse for summer 2012 to come and not be at the weight I want to be at.

    Name: Brooke
    Location: North Carolina
    SW: 217
    GW for '12: 160
    Love About Me: I love my face. LOL. I'm not vain by any means but I know I'm a cutie!!!
    Hate About Me: There are a few places on my body I hate but most of all my arms. Ugh!!
  • NicolioRussell
    How is everyone doing today???

    I won't get to work out for about another 3 hours, but my day is going well! Got married on the 15th, so today I changed my name, got a new license....and now I'm gonna go get my hair cut off to celebrate new changes :-)
  • michellelay
    Hi, I would love to join the challenge.

    Real name: Michelle
    Location: Michigan
    Starting weight:164
    Goal weight for summer 2012: 140
    One thing you love about your body: I had my third child in June. I am back into my jeans before I was pregnant.
    One thing you really want to work on: body- a flatter stomach; Mind-self-control
  • 160poundgirl
    What you need to do right now: Post your real name, location, starting weight, goal weight for summer 2012, one thing you love about your body, and one thing you really want to work on.

    Name: Mo
    Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
    SW: 202.4
    GWS'12: 160
    1IL: Even though the scale is so often evil, i can lose inches and it shows well.
    1IH: My chest and super sized boobs. I would love to be able to buy bras at regular people stores...
    Challenge status: Just joined Friday so I will be all aboard next week!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I would love to join if its not to late

    Name: Crystal
    Location: British Columbia, Canada
    SW: 199.5
    GWS'12: 150
    I love my eyesand my smile!
    I want to work on toning my muscles
    Challenge status: So far, I have done 4 miles today.