
Hey all!

I've had the app on my Android phone for a while now, but after listening to a few podcasts (Get Fit Guy and Nutrition Diva from the quick and dirty tips website), and really realizing that I need to do better with my health, I've decided that I need some help and maybe accountability.

I'm at 229. I'd like to be at 180.

About me personally...I've been married 2 years to a wonderful woman who likes to shoot alligators (well, gators, turkeys, wild hog, and deer). I work as a warehouse manager for a molded rubber factory. I love photography, and I have a collie/GSD mix named George.

I have a gym membership and have been working out steadily for the last 2 weeks (before that I took a month off...lots of family emergencies...glad that month is over with!), but I'm always open to suggestions!

Take care!

Chad 'hbar98' Hershey


  • lkempe4
    I'm pretty new to this site too! I alwasy start working out really hard then stop for a couple months, I need some motivation to keep me going and make exercising and healthy eating a part of my everyday life!

    I work in an office setting, so I'm sitting mostly during the day. Any suggestions on how to keep my energy up while sitting all day?

  • hbar98
    hbar98 Posts: 39

    Thanks for the reply! I know how you feel. There are times when I am stuck at a desk for what seems like eternity. And when I sit, I get droopy. And when I get droopy, I get sleepy. And then I feel crummy the rest of the day.

    The best counter to this droopy feeling is to stand up. I get to walk around a lot because I'm in charge of a warehouse. But just the act of standing seems to help out a lot.

    If you can stand, rock on your feet. Lift on your toes, then lift your toes up so you are standing on the balls of your feet. Just that simple act can help me from nodding off. Though you may have to find what works best in your environment.

    Hope that helps!

  • hbar98
    hbar98 Posts: 39
    Good grief! One day and seven pages later! Lots of people here!

    Feel free to add me! I'm looking for support and accountability. And someone to joke around with.

    Have a great day!
  • lkempe4
    thank you! That definitely helps, I gues I just need to get off my butt! haha