


  • ascott048
    I cook Organic Irish Steel Cut Oats, I never used to be an oatmeal girl but find I am totally loving it and love the way that it keeps me full. Oatmeal is good for you, often complex carbs like oatmeal are suggested to be combined with a protein as a good option before a work out. I eat them all the time just because I like feeling full for less calories. I add cinnamon and Stevia In The Raw when I make mine. My husband (who is super tiny and needs the extra calories) adds nuts and dried fruit. I make myself one batch at the start of the week and portion it out to reheat during the week. I find the quaker instant oats don't give me enough bang for my caloric buck $$
  • ashaaleigh94
    I hope you're not eating only 800 calories a day. Did I misunderstand your initial statement? Anyway, nuts and raisins make oatmeal taste good.

    Yes, im only eating 800 Calories a day, and i tried nuts with it, it was lovely, thankyou.
  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    Oh these suggestions look YUM!

    Oatmeal is great, I cook up a packed at a time and keep it in the fridge for my family to 'snack on' incase they are hungry.
    My dad likes it with cooked with sultanas. It's mean to be good for your cholesterol. We make it on Water.
    I like to add in LSA (linseed (flaxseed) sunflower seed and almond mix) for added health benefits.
    Sometimes I add some other dried fruits - figs.
    I also cook it with a stick of cinnamon and some nutmeg, sometimes I'll put in a star anise also ( these don't add any cholesterol).

    Bananas are a great one to add - they are so full of nutrients, and especially good for helping your brain work.

    Agree -don't go for the quick oats, go for the steel cut ones, they are less processed and cheaper.

    My gran used to add a bit of brown sugar which caramelises at the top. and she'd also add prunes to keep her regular.
    I like the idea of adding dates though.

    Yes it's got a bit of calories, but they will keeping you going for hours and hours.

    Can I suggest you get some good quality fish oil capsules that you have with the breakfast.. they will help protect your joints and brain - seeing as you are finding eating so challenging and you are exercising so much this would be good. ( they don't give you a great after taste - so make sure you have them with your biggest meal)

    ( have you given up on veganism? - you thinking of having milk again)