Turbo Jammers 4/6-4/12

Good morning my happy little Turbo Jammers!

It's a new week and a new opportunity for us to get closer to a new you!

Welcome one and all!


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning my happy little Turbo Jammers!

    It's a new week and a new opportunity for us to get closer to a new you!

    Welcome one and all!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good morning my happy little Turbo Jammers!

    It's a new week and a new opportunity for us to get closer to a new you!

    Welcome one and all!

    I have heard so much about Turbo Jammer but has anyone seen any results from the workouts? I wanted to order the dvd but wasn't sure if it works...Can someone give me feed back on the dvd and how long are the work outs? when do you start feeling that its workings and so on???
  • machonregier
    I'm new to MFP but not to Turbo Jam. I'm wondering if you know approximately how many calories are burned by doing a Turbo Jam video? I realize that intesity level will make a big difference but if anyone has an approximation for me to go by that would be great! The videos I do are Turbo Sculpt (45min), Cardio Party II (40min), Punch, Kick and Jam (45min), and the 20 minute workout. Since I have been doing these videos for a long time I would say my intensity level is very high. Any help would be very appreciated!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Well ladies sorry I was a little MIA since Friday but I had the most wonderful weekend with my family. On Friday we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. Not my favorite place but Dre loves it. Adi also had fun riding a few of the toddler rides and crawling all over the place (yuck dirty floor I know but I had to let go a little). When we came home I made salmon and asparagus for dinner (we don't eat at Chuck E, I don't like their pizza). Afterwards we went to a new frozen yogurt place that is about 2 blocks from the house...I can see myself walking the kids down there A LOT this summer :wink: We came home and watched Bedtime Stories, cute movie. Saturday we went over to a friends house for an Easter Egg Hunt and potluck (I stayed away from all the delicious desserts....well except for the 3 choco chip cookies that made their way to my mouth). Afterwards we went shopping cuz we all needed some new summer clothes. When we came home and I took the kids for a walk in the sunshine (burned 400 cals). We grilled some steak for dinner with baked potatos and a green salad. Yesterday we took the kids to one of the local hot spring pools. We spent about 2 1/2 hrs relaxing in the pool. It was Adara's first time in swimming pool and she loved it! I hope you all had a great weekend!

    I'm ready to step up my game a bit for the next 3 weeks. I have 7 more lbs to reach my goal. I'm hoping with the weather warming up that I will be able to get some more walking in. I'm also going to try to get in 1hr of Cardio and then some toning. This weeks eating will be the same as always but I think next week I'm gonna cut down on my carbs. Lots and Lots of Water is also on the menu...I didn't drink enough this weekend and I'm definately feeling it today.

    Deedun-I don't necessarily have a TJ schedule but I am interested in seeing what you are doing. Have you tired both of your new workouts? What do you think?

    Janet-great job on your workouts. I don't know how you get so much in. You have amazing energy and determination! WTG on removing your need for medication. I agree with you on taking meds....let the body take care of its self without aide from drugs.

    Megan-great job on your workouts this weekend.

    Sara, Kelly, Becky, and everyone else I hope we see you again this week. Keep up the good work!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning my happy little Turbo Jammers!

    It's a new week and a new opportunity for us to get closer to a new you!

    Welcome one and all!

    I have heard so much about Turbo Jammer but has anyone seen any results from the workouts? I wanted to order the dvd but wasn't sure if it works...Can someone give me feed back on the dvd and how long are the work outs? when do you start feeling that its workings and so on???

    I sent you a PM but I forgot to answer some of your questions. The cardio workouts are about 40 minutes long (some a little more or little less). There is a 20 minute cardio workout on the original dvd. The strength workouts vary...some are 20 minutes, some are 30 or 40. Some people have said they can feel results within the first couple of days. I think that you notice it the most in your back and your core because a lot of the movements work those muscles. I noticed definition in my arms and my legs after about 4 or 5 months. If it wasn't for this stupid baby fat on my abs I'm pretty sure I would see a change there as well but right now I just have to settle with feeling it rather than seeing it.

    Hope this helps.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I'm new to MFP but not to Turbo Jam. I'm wondering if you know approximately how many calories are burned by doing a Turbo Jam video? I realize that intesity level will make a big difference but if anyone has an approximation for me to go by that would be great! The videos I do are Turbo Sculpt (45min), Cardio Party II (40min), Punch, Kick and Jam (45min), and the 20 minute workout. Since I have been doing these videos for a long time I would say my intensity level is very high. Any help would be very appreciated!

    I burn roughly 500 cals for a 40 minute workout (depending on my day). My intensity level is (in my opinion) rather low though so I can keep my heart rate in the zone. I can tell you that since I got my heart rate monitor (HRM) it has taken all the guess work out of exercise calories and am I over/under estimating. In my opinon they are not a "wasted" expense.

    Welcome to our thread and MFP. I hope we will see you on our thread often. This is a wonderful bunch of ladies (and gentleman). They are motivational, inspiring, caring and supportive. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. And please feel free to share your Turbo Jam story with us.
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    Good morning my happy little Turbo Jammers!

    It's a new week and a new opportunity for us to get closer to a new you!

    Welcome one and all!

    I have heard so much about Turbo Jammer but has anyone seen any results from the workouts? I wanted to order the dvd but wasn't sure if it works...Can someone give me feed back on the dvd and how long are the work outs? when do you start feeling that its workings and so on???


    thats my progress since starting turbo jam 8 weeks ago. and changing my eating patterns. I haven't done any other work outs other than turbo jam (except I did do yoga the first week) and it really will get your butt in shape!!! lol Its the only workout I've ever done that actually has taken inches off my thighs. I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO TAKE INCHES OFF MY THIGHS. Its also the only work out that I've actually looked forward to. The work outs just fly by!!! I def. recommend it to anyone. :):)
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43


    thats my progress since starting turbo jam 8 weeks ago. and changing my eating patterns. I haven't done any other work outs other than turbo jam (except I did do yoga the first week) and it really will get your butt in shape!!! lol Its the only workout I've ever done that actually has taken inches off my thighs. I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO TAKE INCHES OFF MY THIGHS. Its also the only work out that I've actually looked forward to. The work outs just fly by!!! I def. recommend it to anyone. :):)

    Oh my...you have done wonderful with the pictures! Ok, I'm going to get moving! This is fabulous! So, I'm curious. What are you eating?
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Had a very busy weekend. I am going to work out this evening. The pictures in the post above are miraculous is motivating :) I need to stop by the grocery on my way home. Plan on getting some goodies to eat. :)
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144


    thats my progress since starting turbo jam 8 weeks ago. and changing my eating patterns. I haven't done any other work outs other than turbo jam (except I did do yoga the first week) and it really will get your butt in shape!!! lol Its the only workout I've ever done that actually has taken inches off my thighs. I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO TAKE INCHES OFF MY THIGHS. Its also the only work out that I've actually looked forward to. The work outs just fly by!!! I def. recommend it to anyone. :):)

    Oh my...you have done wonderful with the pictures! Ok, I'm going to get moving! This is fabulous! So, I'm curious. What are you eating?

    Everyday it totally different but an example of a day last week is:
    I had eggs and toast for breakfast (sometimes I add some fruit.) Then I had a snack of a nature valley trail mix fruit and nut bar. Lunch was a salad with light dressing and some grilled chicken strips. Then for a snack I had some yogurt. Dinner is always different. I love to cook so I am constantly adding new things to the mix lol. But dinner is usually something with chicken (its the only meat I can get my kids to eat!!) and a vegetable (my kids love green beans, corn, peas basically anything that's a vegetable crazy right??) and sometimes some bread. Then as a desert I ate a Fiber One chocolate bar. And After my work out I had some fruit.
    Sometimes I eat a little more sometimes a little less. Sometimes A LOT MORE. lol I'm still working on trying to develop a healthy balanced diet thats right for me. oh and I drink a ton of water. Its all I drink and I love it. :):)
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Just checking in with TJ20 +half of TS !!

    Dont have much time but here is the schedule that I made up:

    Monday 20 Min + Turbo Sculpt= 60
    Tuesday Fat Blaster + Ab Jam = 50
    Wed Cardio Party 3+ 3T = 85
    Friday Cardio Party 2+ Lower Body Jam= 75
    Saturday PK&J + Booty Sculpt + Abs= 80

    = 290mins per week
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Thanks so much wmcnicol...you have done fabulous. I need to cut out my weekend beers. lol! Actually I have done better on that. And I can drink the water if it is in front of me.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    Great job on the workouts ladies!
    Whitney...those pics are amazing, and proof of how well TJ works!
    As far as calories...I burn about 500 in a 45 min workout as well.
    Deedun, love the schedule! I don't have anything written down, but I always combine a CP with a toning/sculpting to get an 80-90 min workout...which brings me up to 650-700 calories burned!

    I burn about the same amount of calories doing TJ as I do when I run for the same amount of time, but with TJ I'm definitely working more muscle groups...and it's much more fun!!!:drinker:

    No workout today...maybe later if I feel up to it. We had a blood drive today for a friend who has cancer, so I feel a little drained. :yawn:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    No workout today...maybe later if I feel up to it. We had a blood drive today for a friend who has cancer, so I feel a little drained. :yawn:


    LOL a little drained...blood drive LOL

    I'm finally checking in with CP3 and 20 min-680 cals WAHOO! I'm gonna have to try to get my toning in later...I gotta hurry and shower so that I can walk over to the school to pick up my son...it's officially spring here in Idaho and it's beautiful out.

    Whitney your pics are amazing...I wish my stomach looked like that! Good for you.

    Great job on your workouts Megan and Deedun.

    Amanda nice to see you again. Just remember beer = beer gut...and we don't want that LOL Thats why I drink rum and dt coke :laugh:

    Gotta run! :heart:
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    thank you guys for all the compliments!!! It def. wasn't easy there is a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears involved in this transformation but ya'll know what thats like!!! lol
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    LOL a little drained...blood drive LOL

    :laugh: :laugh: I didn't even realize I made a pun! :laugh: :laugh:
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    Ok had to come on and brag... lol Last week I did the turbo sculpt and could only make it 20 minutes... today I did the turbo sculpt with my husband and made it 27 minutes!!!!! lol I made it 7 more minutes!!! lol I dunno if I'm ever going to make it to 40 minutes haha!!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Ok had to come on and brag... lol Last week I did the turbo sculpt and could only make it 20 minutes... today I did the turbo sculpt with my husband and made it 27 minutes!!!!! lol I made it 7 more minutes!!! lol I dunno if I'm ever going to make it to 40 minutes haha!!!

    I know how you feel! I done TS last night for the first time in weeks and I got as far as the lunges and I just turned the tv off and walked away before I even realised what I was doing! My shoulders were killing me after doing the bicep and shoulder work!! Much prefer booty scupt for the toning!!

    Keep it up tho as it will get easier each time you do it!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Jammers,
    Hope all are well and staying on track!. Missed you guys yesterday didn't have time to post I was so in awe of Mcnicols pix - outstanding and very motivating to see a bdy change like that! So proud of you!!
    No weight loss this week but my body feels different ( leaner) if that makes any sense! So I'm grateful for that ~ it's time to check my inches again, maybe tonight after work.
    Checking in w/ PKJ,20min and AbJam for yesterday, 20 min so far for today. It's supposed to be sculpt/strength day but in the morning I need something that makes me move more. SO I'll be sculpting my behind off when I get home tonight:laugh:
    I think I told you guys that we ran a biggest loser contest at the office- started right after the 1st of the year w/ 55 contestants. After 90 day we whittled down to 6 players. 2 of them were guys and they always seem to lose more! To make it more fair we did % of weight lost instead of pounds. Well guess what jammer came in 1st place .. me! I didn't get the confetti but I did win $138.50, Woo Hoo!! I was really surprised because the guys - one in particular, was way ahead of me last month... i've only lost 14.8 lbs since Jan but I am definetly a lot leaner and stronger.
    It's funny, you always (i always) want the weight to come off really, really fast....but that's not going to be a permanent change, is it? If I want it I have to work for it - that's what I keep telling myself during the times when the numbers dont change. Don't Quit!!

    Hope all of you have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    WTG Janet!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That's so exciting! Make sure you do something special for YOU with your winnings! :smile:

    I ended up doing Booty Sculpt and Ab Jam last night. Haven't decided what to do today...it's snowing here so no jog :grumble: I'm thinking CP3 and TS today.

    I'll check back in with you guys later...