10 down by Christmas - Team 2 WK1 - (CLOSED)

Welcome to Team 2!:flowerforyou:

I look forward to getting to know everyone as we motivate each other to reach our goals (and to kick the other teams butts).

Good luck everyone!!


  • Hello Team 2! I believe I've added all of you as friends, so if I missed anyone, please add me.

    Let me introduce myself, I'm Shannon, I'm 23, married for four years, no children (yet, but TTC), lost 23 pounds so far (in about 7 weeks), and still have about 60 or so to go! I'm currently in a fitness challenge at my local gym, that ends in a couple weeks, and hopefully this new challenge will help keep me on track through the holidays. I hope to lose more than the 10, but losing 10 would still be better than none!
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome Shannon!!

    I'm Carmen, 35 married and 1 Daughter that is 19 months. I have been using MFP for a long time and have lost 50 lbs so far.
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Team! I am Lisa, I have been logging on here for a while but not seriously utilizing the site. Decided now is the time & that I am ready for a change. I am 31 years old, have a 15 yr old stepson that lives with us, a 2 yr old & a 10 month old. I am looking forward to this challenging helping me establish a renewed commitment to my health & help me loose the last bit of "baby weight" that I would like to get off.

    Look forward to getting to know you all more :)
  • hello team 2!

    My name is Kristín and I'm 20 years old. I live in Iceland, i'm studying in a multimediaschool here in iceland, and i'm single.

    I guess my story is that i have always weighted just a liiittle bit more than I have wanted. but this year has been very hard and so much has been going on that I stopped thinking about my body and gained about 10-15 pounds.
    but now it is time I get rid of these extra pounds I gained AND hopefully more :wink:
  • missmaggiemd
    missmaggiemd Posts: 25 Member
    Hello teammates! Im siked and ready fir this challenge. Im 33so years old a mother of three and married to an amazing man. I have around 70lbsfor to lose and am happy to have u all right there w me while we cheer one another on!

    And w saying that is anyone else having problem pulling up the spreadsheet link?? I am I have an android I highlight and paste the link and it says it don't exist. :-(
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 181 Member
    And w saying that is anyone else having problem pulling up the spreadsheet link?? I am I have an android I highlight and paste the link and it says it don't exist. :-(

    To get the spreadsheet to work I had to download google docs on my droid. If you have an account for google it might work that way..
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    Hello Team 2

    My name is Heather, and I started MFP about Mid July this year. So far I have lost 19lbs which averages about 1lb a week. I am single with no children....well let me rephrase that I am single with 26 children as I teacher fourth grade. During the summer I was doing really well with working out and started the C25K app. Now that school has started and I also began a Grad class I am feeling a little over-whelemed and lacking in the exercise area. So our first challenge will be helpful for me. I still continue to lose a little less then 1 lb a week just by eating well.
    Hopefully we will become a close group of friends for the next 8 weeks and help to guide each other along.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Hi Girls!
    I'm Jacki. I'm 60 and single. I work as a hairdresser and I am a college student. I started this in the spring, so that when school resumed, it would have become a way of life. So far, so good.
    This is my first challenge and I already am realizing that this is so good for me. I am very lax when it comes to exercise. The dogs will appreciate the 15 min. walk every day.
    My personal goal is to see ONEderland by Christmas. I have 13.5 lbs to go for that. Call me an over-achiever... lol but I'm going to continue to strive to accomplish that. So far, I have been averaging a little over 2 lbs. a week, so it is do-able, but with the holidays coming and plateaus that are inevitable... we'll see.
    So happy to meet all of you! Team 2= The GO TO team!
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Isabelle and I am 35 years old. I have about 80 pounds to loose. It's tough, really tough as I have brain tumors that trick my body to think it's pregnant all the time. But I have lost 25 pounds since Easter and I am very proud. I hope to keep on going down. My doctors are very happy for me.

    I have a very nice husband and 2 daugthers : one that's 13 and the other is 4. They have very different personnalities and I love it. I have a job that I love but is tremendously demanding.

    Other than that, this is my first challenge so I hope I do everything OK. Go team 2!!
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 181 Member
    With Halloween coming up, what are you going to do to avoided temptations.

    Myself, we tend to buy candy for the kids that I don't like. Anything with coconut I have no problem staying away from.:laugh:
  • With Halloween coming up, what are you going to do to avoided temptations.

    Myself, we tend to buy candy for the kids that I don't like. Anything with coconut I have no problem staying away from.:laugh:

    For me, it's all about moderation. My husband and I picked out a small amount of candy we wanted to keep for ourselves, and we gave out all the rest for trick or treating last night. We will have maybe a piece of candy every other day or a couple times a week. Whenever we are in the mood and most importantly, when we have the extra calories for it. We do pretty well of sticking to 1200-1300 calories a day during the week and around 1300-1400 on the weekends, and some days we are still under our minimum goal of 1200 that we have to find something to eat, just to put us to the 1200 calories, so there's days we have room for 2-3 candy bars, but we usually don't have more than one in a day.

    But to avoid too much temptation, we only kept a small amount, and know that that's all we get, so to ration it out.
  • jang711
    jang711 Posts: 24 Member
    Good afternoon all! My name is Janet and I'm 59 y.o. I am mother to three adults children (all married) and grandmother to six grandchildren ranging in age from 12 to 4 months. I recently married my boyfriend of 10 years, (second marriage for both of us). Since October of 2008 I have lost 100 lbs and have 50 to go.

    I'm relatively new to MFP, but have found great success in a short time. This challenge is just what I need to keep the success going. The additional 15 min walk will certainly be a challenge as I already walk 40 min at lunch (no way can I increase that due to work constraints) and run on the treadmill 30-40 min at the gym and 25 min on the stationary bike. BUT I WILL fit it in! :happy:

    Here's to great success for team 2.
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    Well ladies, I am starting this weeks challenge off well. Tonight a group of friends and I went to a corn maze, known for its size and in-depth designs. We went late at night for the flashlight maze starting at 7:15. When you travel through the maze you have to look for clues and puzzle pieces to find your way out. When we had ALL pieces and exited the maze it was 9:20. Thats right, it took 7 twenty something year old, over 2 hours to get through the corn maze. The lady at the end says if you get all pieces and go through the maze its about 2 miles. For us....it should be doubled after all the u-turns, dead ends and doubling back we did ha.
    It wasn't a fast speed or anything special but it was 2 hours of walking, so it totally counts :)
  • missmaggiemd
    missmaggiemd Posts: 25 Member
    With Halloween coming up, what are you going to do to avoided temptations.

    Myself, we tend to buy candy for the kids that I don't like. Anything with coconut I have no problem staying away from.:laugh:

    I have an issue w heart palpitations which increase w sugar so that's how I stay away from the candy . The palpitations scare me enough to just say no way! :-)
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I bought candy to give out, but just found out I am working on Halloween, so tomorrow, back to the store it goes.
    I am not doing so well on this weeks challenge though. Yesterday, I worked all day. I am a hairdresser and after running around the salon for 7 hours, I had nothing left in me for a walk. Today we are having a snow storm. Crazy, huh? Anyway, it is supposed to warm again later in the week, so I will try to make up the time I missed.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    So far, our halloween candy boxes have stayed sealed ~ so have managed not to eat any that way :) Usually my hubby buys the treats, but this year I did. I bought significantly less (so as not to avoid not having large amounts left over) and tried to pick stuff that is not so appealing. Since my stepson is 15, he does not go out trick or treating. My plan is to give the leftovers & stuff the little kids can't eat to him, which he will then put away in his room, & I will be ok. He is super skinny and young, so I won't feel guilty about him having it.

    This weeks challenge is going well for me. I love walking & try to do it every chance I get. The weather has been cooperating so I have been able to take the little kids out in the stroller with me & make it a fun adventure that has been involving Pumpkin counting as well as checking out Halloween decorations.
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone,

    One day, we'll have to talk about the damage week-end does on me. I feel like I'm spending the week undoing what I did on the week-ends. It's usually because I have tons of friend to entertain; parties to go to; and family to care for. During the week, I pretty much control my exercise and our eating. On week-end, I feel into the 'let's have just one bite' or 'just one drink' but as I do not do exercise (I'm spending all the time with my kids and hubbie), it's worst than the 'one bite' during the week. I need tricks!

    So tonight is Halloween, tons of extra walking for me and my monsters !! ;-) Don't get into your kids candies!
  • jang711
    jang711 Posts: 24 Member
    Good Morning to all!
    Well I've been without power since, Saturday at 5:30 P.M. along with an enormous percentage of the state of Massachusetts:mad: . I will admit that I did not log foods the last couple of days, no internet etc. I will try to catch that up today and see how I did. Due to the weather and lack of power I haven't been able to get out for a walk to keep up with this weeks challenge, but I'm hoping to get in some exercise at the gym on Tues-Thurs, so I'll try to increase then. Considering the weather and no power I don't think I did too bad. There will be not trick or treating tonight in our town, roads are too dangerous so glad I didn't buy any candy or it would be staring at me, begging me to come enjoy. Have a great day all.:smile:
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone,

    One day, we'll have to talk about the damage week-end does on me. I feel like I'm spending the week undoing what I did on the week-ends. It's usually because I have tons of friend to entertain; parties to go to; and family to care for. During the week, I pretty much control my exercise and our eating. On week-end, I feel into the 'let's have just one bite' or 'just one drink' but as I do not do exercise (I'm spending all the time with my kids and hubbie), it's worst than the 'one bite' during the week. I need tricks!

    So tonight is Halloween, tons of extra walking for me and my monsters !! ;-) Don't get into your kids candies!

    A cheat day once in awhile is not terrible. You still should make yourself accountable as much as possible. Are you tracking all those extra bites? Or do you check your food before you decide to have extra to see how far it will throw you over? To get in exercise in on the morning I get up an hour before my husband and daughter to I can get something in.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Got my power back yesterday, but most of the town I live in is still out. Haven't been able to do the challenge with the weather, but I did get in some snow shoveling. Does that count?
    How is everyone else doing?