Slytherin Common Room



  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Sorry for the long hiatus... but I'm back!

    -Steady 109lbs all week (no loss, no gain).
    -Total exercise minutes of 768, for a 3028 total calorie burn.
    -5 OWLs (I love this one because I already walk a ton!)
    -2 NEWTs (not my best week...)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Did the video...not sure I am a fan but at least I did it...I am not going to count that in my exercise calories or minutes though.

    How is everyone else? I feel like none of us that in a different thread that I am missing?
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    How is everyone else? I feel like none of us that in a different thread that I am missing?

    I don't think a lot of people are very chatty. :ohwell:
    There is not a different thread for it... only this one. I kept it as one because I didn't want it to get confusing.

    But thanks for getting a convo going!!! :smile:
    As for myself, I'm sick. Boooo. I have a viral infection that is kicking my butt. Good thing though: I haven't gained any weight so far which is really exciting for me. I'm still sticking to eating the best I can with what I have. I was bad and made brownies yesterday because I felt like doing something, but I was good and only had 1!!

    how about everyone else?? Let's get some discussion going here!!
  • Chaosdrone
    very tired and sore today . i did my job corps weight liftinging clubs conditioning last night and im hurting
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm sorry you are sick! That is no fun!
    I have a slight cold which is driving me NUTS. It's not painful just annoying...can taste anything :ohwell:
  • james8008
    Good morning everyone! How is everyone's day going? I am stuck out in the missile field right now. It's snowing here in the western parts of Nebraska. Hopefully you feel better Mac, its ok to splurge every now and then with some brownies and sweets. Last week I had a butterfinger lol, it was my first time to eat a candy bar in like 3 months but it was nice having it. That sucks Emma that you can't taste anything! Hopefully everyone has a good day!
  • james8008
    I got another 5 miles in tonight :D. I've ran 64 miles so far this month. How is everyone else doing?
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm doing pretty well. Super, super busy... Lots of work, and lots of fun things coming up this weekend, but I'm still kind of looking forward to the weekend being over so that I can have more workout time! Is that crazy or what? :P

    Sorry to hear about everyone who is getting sick... I have a friend who got a stomach virus recently, and I just hope I never get one again... I got one in 2008 and I'm scared of them because it was HORRIBLE. Hope none of you have that!!

    Exciting thing: Got DirecTV today so that I can watch football on Sundays :)
  • james8008
    Good morning everyone! Today is my Friday! I get 4 days off when I go home today. I work out in the missile field for 4-6 days at a time for the Air Force, it's been a long 6 days! Have a good weekend everyone!
  • Chaosdrone
    i lost a mound finally out of the 334 plateu
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I got another 5 miles in tonight :D. I've ran 64 miles so far this month. How is everyone else doing?

    Nice Job James!! That's awesome! I made a goal for myself where I want to walk/run/bike the distance between my house and my grandmother's house before I get married next year. It's a total of 1,300 miles and my wedding is on 10/27/12. So I need to walk/run/bike at least 85 miles each month to get there (I started at the end of August). I've slacked a little this month due to my sickness, but I still got in some decent miles. On my last check, I'm up to 58.9 miles this month! I'm hoping to maybe at least get up to 70 miles within the next few days before November comes!

    Exciting thing: Got DirecTV today so that I can watch football on Sundays :)

    That is exciting Erin! It's always good to watch football. I can be one of those loud obnoxius people when watching... I wonder how many caloires I burn while yelling at the TV???? Maybe I should plan on wearing my heart rate monitor while watching the game to see....
    That will be a new exercise I can add to MFP: Watching Football, Aggressively. HAHA

    i lost a mound finally out of the 334 plateu

    YAY!! That's awesome!! :drinker: It may be slow, but at least you're loosing right?!?
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Hope everyone has had a good week.
    7 Owls, 7 Newts and 1.6 pounds lost. 946 exercise minutes.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    1 owl 0 newts
    2lb lost this week
    683 minutes exercised and 4516 calories burnt
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Troll in the dungeon!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Slytherins!

    1 OWL, 0 NEWTS.
    1lb lost this week
    429 minutes exercised and 1996 calories burnt

    Busy week with not much exercise time... but at least I lost a lb :D
    I couldn't do the 10 cups of water on any of the days because it would cause the need for too many bathroom breaks for my busy days to handle!!

    I'm excited to see what next week will bring... started it off with a great exercise session today!
  • almostgoth
    almostgoth Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all,

    Down 1 pound and 90 minutes exercise.

  • james8008
    Hello all

    3 OWLS, 5 NEWTS, weight stayed the same, 320 minutes exercise, 2,451 Calories burned.

    Sorry I didn't get my totals in yesterday, very busy weekend and Halloween! :(
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    So for this week, I'm going to work on kind of re-working our House. We've had a lot of people leave and I need to reorganize the spread sheet that I use and I also wants to start using my blog on here to get the weekly challenges set up.

    So for this week, come up with one exercise challenge and one food/water challenge for yourself. When you report your weigh-in next Monday, post what your challenges were and how you broke down the OWLs/NEWTs.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I went MIA but I have had major upheaval at work (I start a new job on Monday) and I've been performing in a play all week, couple with a broken laptop means I have been out of action. HOWEVER, I am going to be back in the game as from the weekend and hope to contribute to Slytherin glory, if you'll still have me!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I went MIA but I have had major upheaval at work (I start a new job on Monday) and I've been performing in a play all week, couple with a broken laptop means I have been out of action. HOWEVER, I am going to be back in the game as from the weekend and hope to contribute to Slytherin glory, if you'll still have me!

    Of course we'll still have you!! :smile: Get caught up when you can!
    What play are you in?
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    GUYS and GALS!!! WE DID IT!!!

    WE WON THE QUIDDITCH CUP THIS MONTH!!! This means that we had the highest average percentage of weight loss this month!!

    Please include this in your signature to so we can brag about our accomplishment! (remember to change the IMG to all lower case)

