Nutrition in November Week 5

O.K. I am slowly running out of ideas... So, I hope you all enjoy this week!

Remember today is weigh day so here's the sheet to log it:

Week 5

1. De Stress this week. From what I hear stress can keep you from losing weight. So, I am sure we all have stress in our lives. Let it go. Read a book, soak in the tub… Whatever you do to de stress do it. Make time for you, even if it means telling the kids you are pooping and locking the bathroom door for 20 minutes.
2. Stretch. I am sure we don’t do it as often as we should. Try stretching at least once a day.
3. With Trick or Treat going on for us on Monday, why don’t we try to think about something healthy to pass out. OR ways so we as parents don’t dip into the kids candy. Share something, chocolate is so wonderful but so bad!!!
4. 20 crunches a day. Mama thought of 50 but I can’t do that so I thought 20 was a nice number. You can break them up into smaller sets if need be.
5. Every time you work out this week, do something different. It can be something you hate, like for me it is jumping jacks, or something totally new that you have never done before. We need to shock out systems so your body don’t get used to the same old workout. If you go to a gym, try something new there!
6. Read labels, on everything! You will be so shocked by what you “thought” was healthy but really is not! What is something you "thought" was so healthy, but after really reading the label is kinda bad???
7. Planks, yep lets do them again! Let’s see who can do them the longest! Share your time!


  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I haven't been part of your challenge, but it looks fantastic! I had to giggle about the pooping for 20 minutes. I do that already just to get some piece and quiet. Some of my best reading time. Thank you for your positive outlook!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I haven't been part of your challenge, but it looks fantastic! I had to giggle about the pooping for 20 minutes. I do that already just to get some piece and quiet. Some of my best reading time. Thank you for your positive outlook!

    Well thanks! We are going on for another month. Want to join?
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    thanks again for setting this up. One thing I would like to add to the challenge is to invite someone else to walk with you. Miles are so much easier when they are shared. We all know someone who would benefit even from I short walk.
  • authson
    authson Posts: 233
    weigh in for today is 225! I hit the 50 pounds lost mark!!!!
  • kellyb63
    kellyb63 Posts: 109 Member
    This looks good Jen. Thanks. I especially like the de-stress part. My two teenagers really "get" to me sometimes, I just can't stand some of the music thats on the airwaves these days and they bicker back n forth with each other. The tub sounds good, thats where Im headed now.

    It looks like I will finish up October with a loss of 3-4 lbs. Im good with that!
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    thanks again for setting this up. One thing I would like to add to the challenge is to invite someone else to walk with you. Miles are so much easier when they are shared. We all know someone who would benefit even from I short walk.

    Yeah Walking with someone is fun, but recently I found out that I like walking by myself, because then i can control my speed and don't have to walk slow. But I am still going to invite someone. I promised my friend I will walk with her sometime :-)
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    HI Group!!:flowerforyou:

    Have missed all of you and your updates this last week.
    Went to Havasu last weekend with all of my kids to celebrate #52:drinker:

    Prelim trial started Tuesday for the double fatality traffic collision. Talk about
    a stressful/emotional week this has been. Jenn your idea for de stress is
    just what I need:flowerforyou:

    Never got to the planks last week...that'll be my challenge for this week:tongue:

    Have a great weekend true to yourselves:heart:


    ps Jenn, already put my #'s in for today on our chart..
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Can we add a sleep challenge next week? It's so important for your body to get a good amount of sleep, but I just can't seem to get it together to get my butt in bed. I think it would be a great thing to add to our weekly challenges.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you Jen!! As always you are fabulous!! We love you and your challenge ideas!! Welcome to everyone who has just joined, we are happy too have you!

    Even though i expected a small increase in wt this week, I acutally lost another 1.5 lbs!! YAY!!!!

    I was LMAO at the locking the door and telling the kids you are pooping idea! Hillarious!! De-stressing is important, and if anyone has thoughts to share on how they do that, I am all ears, I'm getting ready to start back to school to earn my BS in Heath and Wellness, so de-stressing is going to be great for me over the next few years!!! :D

    I'm eager to hear everyone's thoughts on how to keep out the Halloween candy! My kids are 14/17 so the temptation isnt really at home but at the hospital(work). Its been everywhere for the last few weeks. Being an RT (respiratory therapist) i am ALL over the hospital so i have the temptation everywhere ALL night, and its easy to get a piece on first, then 2nd, then in ICU....ETC. I have mentioned to my friends about my struggles with the candy and they have vowed to help keep me accountable!!!

    Maybe for next week, we can invest in pedometers(can be purchased for several dollars) and try to walk 10,000 steps a day...or since we are leading into Thanksgiving(US), perhaps come up with ideas on how to eat moderately and yet stay on track for the holidays! Maybe even bringing in the idea of supplements/vitamins..i would at the very least be interested to know what everyone uses..what works....what doesnt!! Just a few thoughts! :D

    So excited to share another month on this journey with everyone! Hugs to all! I believe in everyone!! We can do this!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, this is super exciting! I love all the wonderful ideas you all are throwing at me. Keep them coming!!!

    Pedometers are great. I have one I wear every day. I got mine at CVS for.... i think like 25 bucks. it's a real good one. it doesnt count steps when you are riding in a bumpy car. I have gone the cheap route a few times. and when I shook my cheap one, it logged like 102 steps. and it was in my hand and I shook it. LOL FYI, mine is a life fitness active step brand. it logs steps, aerobic steps, miles (always off) and distance. it also saves the past 7 days. There's also a site I use to log my steps called kinda cool fun site.

    Brandy: us parents never get alone time, even in the shower, so I finally figured out what will keep my kids away from me. pooping. They will not walk into the bathroom to get a brush or to look in the mirror if I close the door and say um I'm pooping! At our house, we hardly close the bathroom door, we all go in and out if someone is in there showering or whatnot. The twins are at that age where they close the door, because of puberty, but usually the door is always open. lol my poor hubby always uses the basement bathroom. the girls do not like that one because it is cold, unfinished, and no mirror in there. And he gets no privacy either, so he gets all the privacy he wants in the basement.

    Anyone cooking for Thanksgiving? We can come up with low cal yummy foods too!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    This looks great. Last week fell apart for me so I'm going to do my best to pull it all back together.
  • Malumyangel
    weigh in for today is 225! I hit the 50 pounds lost mark!!!!

  • Malumyangel
    Thanks again Jenn. We all appreciate your work. So I have really blown this past week. I did not get my six miles in, I stopped biking to work, and my calores have been overly plentiful. LOL. Somehow I had a 1lb loss! yay. This week I will bike to work again, and I decided to try the C25K plan. Google it. I have yet to try a plank, so I am on it. What a great group we have, and Congrats to everyone for just sticking with it, even if you've had a gain.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I know I pretty much stayed the same all month but I am not giving up! My back problems and then eating out for 3 days this last week kept me from losing but i didn't gain much either so I take that as a good thing!

    I promise thanksgiving or not to lose this next month!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I know I pretty much stayed the same all month but I am not giving up! My back problems and then eating out for 3 days this last week kept me from losing but i didn't gain much either so I take that as a good thing!

    I promise thanksgiving or not to lose this next month!!

    You can do this Marla!!!!!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Today's weigh in: 189.8!!!

    I think the last time i was under 190 was maybe the end of 2007... It feels good!

    Down 8.6 lbs in October! Can't wait to see how November goes!
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I am pretty excited about another month! I admit I have not been very good at the challenges but the weekly weigh ins are helping me stay on track.
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    I only lost 1 pound. I added it to the sheet. Do we need to do our measurements too? I haven't measured yet.
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    LOVE the challanges this week Jen!! I lost another pound this week, it's all coming off, slowly but surely!! I think this week I'm gonna kick it into over-drive. I had a bunch of days last week where I was very, very good about eating healthily, not eating many processed foods, I ate mostly meat and veggies. But yesterday was my best friend's birthday, and we had cake and cookies and celebrations :drinker: (She's on MFP too, so it was her cheat day!) SO Today it's back to the healthy eating!

    edit: I just noticed my conter is now at 60 pounds to go, can't wait to get into the 50's!! :) You guys are so much inspiration!!!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Love the challenges this week!!!! I have been slowly adding to my mileage every day. Today I am shooting for 5 miles. We shall see....