Plateau... BMR?

I just had a thought regading my BMR. I feel like I read a thread somewhere regarding this question but I can't find it for the life of me.

MFP says my BMR is about 1550 kcal/day. However, it's telling me to eat 1330 kcal/day, which I've been following but I've hit a plateau over the past couple months and it's been kind of discouraging. My question is, if I'm eating under my BMR could this be slowing down my metabolism, or making my body hang on to fat instead of losing it? I do eat all of my exercise calories so my net caloric intake has consistantly been around 1330. If anyone could provide some insight I'd really appreciate it! :)


  • bump!
    I'm wondering the same.
  • mandy_lynn
    mandy_lynn Posts: 165 Member
    I plateaued so I upped my caloric intake. It seems to be working for me for now. I think with the numbers, it's all a trial and error thing. I just try different things until I find something to get the numbers moving again.