Does anyone else have this problem?

I have noticed lately that whenever I lose around 15 pounds my hips start to hurt. I'm not doing any extreme workouts, just lots of walking/jogging. It only happens in the morning when I first wake up and it goes away in 3 or 4 hours. It's not unbearable, but they are sore and annoying. Any suggestions? Do you have this happen to you?


  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Your mattress
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    nope can't say it's ever happened to me.. Are you taking good calcium citrate supplements? Make sure it's calcium citrate, any other calcium supplement isn't properly absorbed usually... Also could try glucosmine supplement.. Perhaps you are wearing out some cartledge in that area with jogging.. A little pain is something to watch so it doesn't become more and permenant...
  • Jacksonsmomma2211
    Jacksonsmomma2211 Posts: 52 Member
    That sounds like what happens to me when I need to go to the chiropractor for an adjustment.
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    Mine hurt when I am not taking my calcium sups. Maybe you are lacking in calcium through your new way of eating? Just a thought.
  • sls4uk
    sls4uk Posts: 9 Member
    Also have the Dr. check your vitamin D levels,, I recently had to take it.
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    I start to feel like that whenever my shoes are wearing out... my hips feel it waaaay before my feet do... You're supposed to get new shoes every 300 miles, and i was averaging about every 650...
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Its it more muscular, joint or bone pain? It could be your hip-flexers. My doctor tells me to never ignore a pain after 3 days. Maybe go get it checked out just to be sure.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I was having the exact same thing. I do butterfly stretches now (or whatever its called when you put the bottoms of your feet together and pull them in to your body while sitting) after i run how to strech my hip sockets. I have not had that problem again since i started doing that stretch. I hope it helps for you too.
  • IDK if its that or not. But I was having the same problems. Only I would wake up in the night with it also. My doctor told me it was Brusitus. I asked her what it was and she said something old people get. Lol. Im only 24!
  • nsanati
    nsanati Posts: 40 Member
    U cud try taking a joint supplement like chondroitin & glucousamine.
  • Go to the Dr...
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I agree with the matress comment. I had exact same thing. Achy hips in AM, and also when I turned over in bed. Went away when I got a memory foam mattress. Great investment. Feel better.
  • These all sound like possibilities. I have bad hip pain and it turned out that it is my lower back causing the problem. Nerves get pinched with all of the inflammation and cause hip and butt pain (sciatica). I got an injection because it was a chronic problem. I have to get another one next week. But do think about your back and if that could be it.
    Good luck and I hope you feel better! :sad:
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    I do have this problem, but I'm still +30lbs over my weight goal. Started in my knees from being overweight and now that I am doing extreme workouts, my hips are "irritated." Stretching has helped a lot. I think that it b/c one of my hips didn't release like the other when I took Belly Dancing... but I'm not a doctor.

    I suggest stretching, and walking to loosing up. If the problem continues then the doctor will be your best bet.

    Thanks for sharing,

  • IDK if its that or not. But I was having the same problems. Only I would wake up in the night with it also. My doctor told me it was Brusitus. I asked her what it was and she said something old people get. Lol. Im only 24!

    Lol, I'm only 20. I hope its just the mattress, I'll try an extra cushion. Thanks for your help everyone.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I start to feel like that whenever my shoes are wearing out... my hips feel it waaaay before my feet do... You're supposed to get new shoes every 300 miles, and i was averaging about every 650...

    Same here....
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Check your shoes... a lot of times wore out running/workout shoes will start to cause knee/hip/leg pains because they aren't giving you the support they are supposed to... they are doing more harm than good.
    If they are looking worn on the bottom, it's probably time to get new shoes.
  • I agree with you
  • IDK if its that or not. But I was having the same problems. Only I would wake up in the night with it also. My doctor told me it was Brusitus. I asked her what it was and she said something old people get. Lol. Im only 24!

    Your doctor is the one qualified to answer this question and provide you with treatment/pain management options. Bursitis isn't that uncommon (I've had it). Rule of thumb is to ask your doctor - not a forum.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I agree with the matress comment. I had exact same thing. Achy hips in AM, and also when I turned over in bed. Went away when I got a memory foam mattress. Great investment. Feel better.

    That is exactly what I did, now I sleep like a baby!