In 5 weeks you will weigh...



  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    yet... but your net has to be the same every day. for the most part anyway =)
  • Laststand2011
    Laststand2011 Posts: 42 Member
    No even close, I mean there is a 10 pound difference. I don't know how it calculates it but as my friend says... The true test would be to eat and do the EXACT same thing, every day, for 5 LONG weeks.. Now THAT'S a challenge! ;)
  • Purecity
    Purecity Posts: 115 Member
    Nope. My weight is coming off very slowly, and though it's fun to look at the number when I close out my day, I don't expect to reach that number in 5 weeks. If I did, I'd be ecstatic!

    This is the exact same for me. I was excited at first and then realized that my weight is dropping slowly, regardless how many wonderful tracking days i have.
  • Moeincognito
    In the five weeks since i've started the gym i've lost a stone and I am immensely proud, I cannot get over it ;_;
    Started at 17.9stone and i'm down tonight to 16.9 ;__;
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I did it, and made a note of the number it said.

    5 weeks to that day i checked it. It said i would be 208 lbs. I was actually 210lbs. I'd say that's pretty close! :)
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    Almost 5 weeks ago it said I would weight 320 and today I weighed in at 319.0...
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    It's been a pretty close projection when I'm at my desired net (with deficit) of 1200 cals, but not on days when I make a bigger exercise calorie deficit than I can eat that day. But of course the actual results should be an average of all the predictions, adjusted for your metabolism and any misreporting.

    And thanks for the inspiration: I just put a reminder on my calendar for five weeks from today to dig up this topic and check it against what MFP predicts for me today (which was based on a net 1201 cal day). I'll report back then. You should too!
  • pink59eldo
    It is accurate for some. Mine said that I would weigh 163 in 5 five week mark is next Friday and I'm at I guess we'll see. I probably won't hit that mark, but I'll be close (I hope). At least it's somewhere to start. I know that it gives me motivation to check it out every now and then.
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    Haven't been on MFP for 5 weeks yet :)

    I do find it instructional lets me see how little changes over time could have an impact.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    Nah for me it's not even close to accurate. 5 weeks ago it said i'd weigh 182-7 and i'm 192.5. I am a slow loser and it seems like my body is more resistant to weight loss than others.