Hey Guys

Hey guys I am Chris and I'm 29 years old and when I started my new journey I weighed a robust 525 pounds and I have been using MFP for almost a month and I am proud to say I am now a slender 481 HAHAHAHA, and to make matters worse I am the general manager of a BK. Its a great start to my journey and and looking to see where this road leads me. I just wanted to say hi and introduce my self


  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    Congrats...and welcome...
  • chrisandmontey
    I also forgot to mention I am vlogging this journey, please feel free to watch

  • Mlehew
    Mlehew Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome aboard and good luck on your journey. You will find a lot of support here.

  • melbasc
    melbasc Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome! This is my first week and I am amazed at the support here! Feel free to add me if you like. And congratulations on your success so far!
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    Congrats! Way 2 go! That's impressive! BK Manager, that's a challenge, huh? But, hey look, you can do it.:smile:
  • chrisandmontey
    thank you guys and yes being a bk manager is hard for the diet but I gave it up cold turkey and have been doing good, im going to post a note i posted on facebook on oct the 1st I call in my Deceleration of Weight Independence

    Well here I am october 1st 2011 and I just finished reading a story about a guy who weighed 524 pounds (roughly) the weight I am now. He now weighs 350 ish pounds. So here I am at a very pivotal fork in the road with one path taking me down the road of killing myself with food or the other path of curing my disease (yes over eating is a psychological disease). I think I should explain somethings on how I got to where I am today.
    I have always been big but 6 years I ago I started a rapid weight gain and since than my health has gotten so bad that even my doctors have told me that surgery Is my only option, I suffer from sleep apnea, water retention, ademea, osteoporosis, compessed spinal fracture and they have even found cancer cells in my body. I have contemplating just packing in this life and seeing what the next has in store for me but there is one reason why i cant and she sleeps beside me every night. Now my main goal for weight loss is so I don't leave the love if my life alone.
    So what steps do I have to take? What moves must I take? These are all questions that I'm going to have to figure out fast and nit procastanate.
    This is not going to be easy this will be the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
    So oct the first two thousand and 11 will be my independence day, it will be the day I will celebrate as the day I saved my life, this is a goal I have to hit because the alliterative means death
  • SherleeTxn
    SherleeTxn Posts: 24 Member
    You are very brave and are to be commended! You have taken on a very difficult challenge, but you have a great attitude and I think you can absolutely do it. I have been using MFP for 4 months and lost 37 pounds. You have done very well and you have a great inspiration. Do not let this challenge get you down. You are a winner!
  • YepItsTime
    YepItsTime Posts: 33 Member
    Best of luck to you! You've started the journey and can take it to great new places. Stick with it and go far. :-}