best food to keep sugar craving down

hey all i was wondering what is the best way to curb food cravings for sugar. plz add btw..need so much support


  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    I started taking Chromium around lunch time. It seems to help. Now if I could just get my brain to stop thinking about the snack size Almond Joy in the fridge...
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    They say you can eat some peanut butter, I really love Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds...

    Maybe some yogurt, or a 90 cal. bar? Depends on what you like and how many cals. you have left....
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    ICE CREAM!!!

    oh wait you meant non sugary foods lol....ummm yogurt?
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Apples - they are sweet and crunchy. Although there is sugar in apples, it beats eating a big candy bar.
  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    usually a teaspoon of honey does the trick for me. but i also enjoy fiber one bars - chocolate and peanut butter. they are only 5grams of sugar.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have had good luck with naturally sweet herbal teas. I like Celestial Seasonings Blueberry tea. But by far the thing that has helped my cravings the most is to stop eating sugar! The more I have, the more I want.
  • jenna066
    I like plain Greek yogurt mixed with chocolate protein powder and some peanut butter it's like a Reese cup!!
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    I take a chromium and a cinnamon supplement. LIFESAVERS. I never knew how much I was craving sugar, and thinking about it, until the cravings and thoughts were gone. It was like night and day for me.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Its a little more difficult here at Halloween, isn't it?
    For me, cutting carbs and artificial sweeteners and fruit for 3 days straight stopped my cravings. Then eating less than 50g of carbs a day and no artificial sweeteners/diet sodas help keep your mind off sweets.
    Check out
    Good luck!
  • blacktallon
    I found great 100 cal mini popcorn bags by jolly pop. :) Kashi bars are good to. Also drinking water to keep me full helps hold back the munchies.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Oh is that what Chromium is for? What else?
  • leannmanderson
    A single stevia leaf works wonders.

    Or squeeze some lemon juice in your mouth. That works really good for me, too.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I like plain Greek yogurt mixed with chocolate protein powder and some peanut butter it's like a Reese cup!!

    Is this really good? I tried plain Greek yogurt by itself and couldn't stand the taste! But I LOVE Reese :)
  • BootyCamper
    BootyCamper Posts: 5 Member
    See how you feel after having a snack that is more protein and less sugar. Try pecans, walnuts or other nuts. I If you have something sweet, it might make your sugar cravings worse. If you have to have sweet though, fruit is great. Even better: apple slices and peanut butter.
  • apeecaleb
    apeecaleb Posts: 58 Member
    Plain greek yogurt and honey is also pretty yummy, it's almost like eating vanilla ice cream.
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    sugar-free fat-free jello!!!
    i love the cherry stuff...i know people think fake sugar is bad for you but eating honey is pretty much like eating straight up sugar...
    i didn't have cravings for sweet stuff when i started dieting, but as soon as i discovered jello i eat it pretty often now they're like 10 calories each 1/2 cup and taste awesome!!!!