i know my way is not right



  • Just wanted to point out that obviously you know your way is not right as that is the title of this post. Think about that. If a friend told you they were doing something that they already knew wasn't right, what would you say to them? Keep doing it or change your ways?

    I'm not condemning you for using these pills as I have used them in the past as well. What I have found is that the exercise and dieting are what is actually effecting change. The pills become a crutch. When I used them I found myself acting hyper all the time, I couldn't sleep or focus on one task and sometimes I would feel like I was having heart palpitations. But I would just keep taking them because I thought they were the thing that was helping. But one day when I was feeling all these things I decided, just like your post "I know my way is not right" and I stopped using them. I am still tempted though, when I walk by them in the stores.

    Those type of pills can be very hard on the body and although the manufacturer's claim they are safe, I would take a much deeper look into them before continuing on. I know when you have a lot of weight to lose you really want it to come off fast. If you were to ask any doctor or pharmacist about the safety of those pills, I am sure they would not recommend. Keep in mind that at the end of your weight loss you want to be healthy and potentially doing damage to your organs is not OK.

    Perhaps if you are stagnating in your weight loss you should try to change something. More or different exercise or change your diet plan. If you are doing low calorie, that might not be the best diet for you. Not everyone responds well to a low calorie diet. A low carb diet might be the change your body needs to get losing again.

    That's my two cents, for what it's worth. Good luck.
  • kornido
    kornido Posts: 14
    thanks for the replies
    i'll post my updates next week.
    i'll try to go and spend more time in the gym next week,
  • I have known of others who have used diet pills with great success but with a few unwanted products: they either had to continue taking the drug or they put all the weight back on (and more) shortly after going off the drugs or worse - kept taking the drug and put the weight back on!! So the journey each of us take to live in the body we choose is unique. We have to figure out what works for us chemically (what we eat) and psychologically (why we eat). Good luck to all my new friends!!!
  • kornido
    kornido Posts: 14
    as of now am not losing w8
    am flat just that clothes are getting looser but my weight is just the same
  • kornido
    kornido Posts: 14
    TIME TO GO and finish my work... got 3 hours to go and clean 11 patients :D
    have a good day everybody
  • I can understand wanting to lose your weight, and see quick results.
    You know the pill route is wrong, and it's been confirmed by many above.
    It's your head that needs to be 'right'.
    Think positively, walk 20-30 minutes each day to start with, and eat less.
    Do that for a week and see what happens on the scales.
    You CAN do it!
    Good luck.
    PS Feel free to make me a friend.
  • suzieduh
    suzieduh Posts: 196 Member
    :drinker: :explode: :explode:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    This from a 32 year old male?

    I expect it from a 16 year old girl FFS!
    But a man your age should know better and be smarter than this.

    Plus the "I have 11 more patients" comment shows that he is a CNA or something similar. A comment thrown out there to make us realize he should know better due to medical training....

    I smell a BB.Com invasion.
    Please don't feed the trolls.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Most of this stuff doesn't work. There is very little, that works. Probably prescribed by a doctor for very obese people. But these Over-the-counter-pills are trash. It is a money making machine, giving people false hope.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I totally sympathize with you Kornido. I completely understand the desperation! I exercised, I ate exactly how much MFP told me to and I gained. I didn't even cheat and I gained. Then I started eating less than what MFP told me to and I started losing ever so slowly. There are some days that with exercise calories added back in that MFP tells me to eat over 3,000 calories but I eat 1100-1500 instead because I've already proven to myself that I CAN'T eat all the calories that MFP gives me or I'll gain. If I complained about it here, the folks would say. "OMG you're not eating enough, you have to eat to lose weight!" But everyone is different and some of us honestly and truly are blessed with a super efficient metabolism.

    All of the comments about people who reach a desperation point and want to reach for pills are just wanting to sit on the couch and eat what they want are hurtful. Obviously you don't want that, you just want an aid that will make you feel like you're on even ground with everyone else. something that will help you actually see some results from all of your hard work.

    Personally, I do take some supplements, but I'm extremely careful about what I take and err on the side of caution. I take green tea, klb6, Gymnema Sylvestre, chromium, and Garcinia cambogia . None of these are miracle workers but they do help a bit.

    If you're in need of something strong, then I'd strongly recommend visiting your doctor. Please don't go to some quack weight loss doctor. See a regular doctor whose only business isn't prescribing weight loss pills en masse. Understand the risks associated with the pills. Read the warnings. Make your own decision. I took doctor prescribed pills back 15 years ago and they worked amazingly well but after a few months, I felt like my aerobic capacity was diminishing during vigorous exercise instead of increasing so I stopped taking them. That was my experience, but everyone is different.
  • Big waste of money :sad:
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    This from a 32 year old male?

    I expect it from a 16 year old girl FFS!
    But a man your age should know better and be smarter than this.

    Plus the "I have 11 more patients" comment shows that he is a CNA or something similar. A comment thrown out there to make us realize he should know better due to medical training....

    I smell a BB.Com invasion.
    Please don't feed the trolls.

    You, my dear have very good detective skills! Good job!
  • kornido
    kornido Posts: 14
    yup i am a CNA night shift work on a gerpsych unit
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I'm thinking you used to work where I did...they put in a "healthy eating right" cafeteria that deep fried bacon..

    I researched, remembered, wrote it down, and the best thing I could figure out was when I moved around, the weight came off. I have a great friend that leads by example...many small meals a day, and it looks like she eats all the time, but really, her caloric intake was about 1/4 of mine...it spread through the day.

    Do what is right for you...make sure you have support in what you do, and it really is possible to lose the weight and keep it off. It's a lifestyle change to keep the weight off, and it's a full time job to lose the weight you want.

    I've lost almost 40 pounds in 2 months watching calories by logging them into this sight, and I added exercise about a month ago. No pills :)

    I feel better, mostly muscle pain and joint pain, but it's gone by the next day so I do the exercising all over again. I'm learning to walk better because of this,, and yesterday---you will not believe me---I hit a major goal. I was able to walk up two flights of stairs without holding onto the rail. The reason, I'm learning to trust my body again after knee surgery 5 years ago. I'm not walking on the instep of my right foot any longer and this makes a difference in balance and posture.

    You will get to a point where you are proud to be (period). I'm here to encourage!!! Feel free to add :)
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member

    Ok so you already know your way isn't right, and we all know where you're coming from in asking because we've all been in that position, it's how we landed here.....

    we've already figured out that the pills just don't work, and they aren't worth the health risks in taking them for the very very short term effects that are achieved...

    We really are trying to help you lose that weight you hate so much when we tell you that the fastest, safest way is to really start changing the way you view food and exercise.

    I spent 25 years carrying around a ton of extra weight and and guilt and shame. I felt defective because I couldn't shake all that weight no matter what pills I took or crazy extreme diet I tried. Finally I found a diet that worked for me, because it helped me change the way I viewed food, and stopped mistaking it for my friend....

    I've lost 135 lbs in about 15 months of dieting and I really really encourage you to just accept that there is no magic bullet other than giving in and resigning yourself to healthy eating and exercise..... I wish you could feel how good it feels just to be able to get up off the couch without having to really think about it or make an effort.... You CAN do this.....
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    No personal info or picture, diary closed...hard time taking this serious.