LIBC Challengers! *update* (please read if you're in this ch


To all the new people, WELCOME, and just to reiterate my previous post, anyone can join so sign-up all you friends, just make sure they are posting that weigh-in! I will be updating this Sunday so make sure you get it to me and PLEASE DON'T MESSAGE IT TO ME! Ok, moving on...

@spottedlee That is such a great loss! I'm happy to hear you spoke to your doctor about it, I get worried about you all sometimes with those crazy weight losses....For the rest of you, don't forget that the small losses add up, so don't be discouraged!! One pound at a time will get you to where you are going! That goal takes one step closer to you the more you work hard... it WILL pay off, I promise.

This week's NSV's, another notch on my belt down and I've reached a healthy BMI range!

Tell me your NSVs this week!! I want to knoww so I can be a proud weight-loss like mom and post it all over my MFP wall :D!

Ok, here's my LET'S ROCK THIS WEEK talk for you: Remember: fill half your plate with veggies, sleep for a full 8 hours, drink water, eat less meat, dairy and sugar, breathe deep and slow, activity! movement! exercise! Take time to soothe away stress. Take care of yourself. Most importantly-- love yourself.

YOUR CHALLENGE THIS WEEK: Post a before/after picture. I don't care if you've you lost 2 pounds or 200! I want to see EVERYONE on my spreadsheet posting their pictures on here or on their profile picture. I want you all to take a look at the work you've done and be proud! I think sometimes we are too negative and pick on all the things we aren't doing, or can't do well enough...... I want this to be a POSITIVE week for everyone! Walk away from the cookies and pizza, and reach for the green beans and grapes! Think of MEEEEE and this challenge every time you get tempted... then come post your NSV for the week when you over come it!

Love you all- stay strong, positive and motivated!


  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Christina:) you are awesome!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    Agreed. You are awesome...thanks for organizing!
  • lucylou9701
    Love the challenge unfortunately I am up 0.5 lbs since last week :( not getting too worked up because it is probably water weight but still discouraging just going to keep going though :)
  • saudade87
    yeyeyeyeyyy! i WILL post a before/after pic, even though i only lost 12 lbs... :) still it will give me the encouragement i need...
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Alright...I weighed in & now that my TOM is over (thank goodness) I lost something. I weighed in today at 222! Wooooohoooo!
  • justaskforbrandy
    justaskforbrandy Posts: 90 Member
    173!!!! down 2 more pounds!!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    I'm actually up this week...... sorry for taking so long to update- I was out of town over the weekend and away from my regular scale!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hey can I log my weigh in here???? I stayed the same 222!!! I guess that is a win. Of the 7 days of this week I was off track 4 of them and I managed to turn it around and get back on track WOOOOOHOOOO! I'm looking forward to a loss this upcoming week! I WILL BEAT THE 220S!