Healthy Raw Apple Cinnamon "Oat"meal Recipe!!!


Raw Apple Cinnamon “Oat”meal with Raisins and Slivered Almonds

-1 large apple
-3 tablespoons almond butter (I used my banana butter - which is what the calories are set to!!)
-3 tablespoons flaxseed (ground - if you have whole flaxseed, grind in a coffee grinder or food processor)
-cinnamon to taste
-2 tablespoons raisins (optional)
-1 tablespoon slivered almonds (optional)

1. If not already ground, grind up flaxseed into meal. Set aside.
2. Chop up apple and place in food processor along with almond butter. Process until chopped - but not a puree.
3. Pour apple nut mixture into bowl. Mix in flaxseed, cinnamon, raisins [optional] and almonds [optional] (or whatever else you’d like)!
4. Enjoy!!!!

Yields: about 2 cups
Nutritional Information [per cup w/raisins and almonds]: 211 calories | 30g carbs | 10g fat | 6.5g protein | 1mg sodium | 8.5%RDA Iron
Nutritional Information [per cup w/o raisins and almonds]: 162.5 calories | 21.5g carbs | 8.5g fat | 5g protein | 1mg sodium | 6.5%RDA Iron

OR if you’re a pig like me, you can eat it all and not think about it cause it’s so amazing!!! Yes, it’s higher in calories and fat, because they’re GOOD fats from nuts. And let’s face it - 1 cup of regular oatmeal [which is the recommended serving size] is 311 calories|54.3g carbs|5g fat|13g protein according to anyways. So, why not make this healthier version, and gobble up all of it, which will fill you up for hours and leave you energized rather than eating only half the amount of regular oatmeal?

Seriously guys, try this. It’s hands down the best oatmeal I’ve ever made. This is going to be my go to breakfast from now on!

**Recipe adapted from Raw Food Nation.


  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
  • TrishKennett
    Thank you - will def try this one out!
  • jocraw66
    It sounds really good but this morning when it was so cold outside I really enjoyed my hot 311 calorie oatmeal. LOL
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    Yum! Yum!
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    Yum, thanks!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    This sounds good, but I wouldn't try to make the comparison to oatmeal. The recomended serving of oatmeal is one cup cooked, which is a half of cup raw and only around 150 calories so your comparison is off a little. And as someone else pointed out oatmeal is warm and comfy which on some mornings is exactly what I need. These are two different breakfasts both of which can have a regular place in a healthy diet.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Oatmeal without oats...have I got that right?.....and a healthy delicious apple made unhealthy by adding fat & high fruit sugar from dried fruit (24gms of sugar to 30gms of fruit!)..sorry I'll stick to my oatmeal made from oats & oatbran with a little soya milk to sweeten it.....but then I'm English...I probably don't 'get it' LOL
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Looks great...thanks!!
  • angelinerstetzko
    This sounds good, but I wouldn't try to make the comparison to oatmeal. The recomended serving of oatmeal is one cup cooked, which is a half of cup raw and only around 150 calories so your comparison is off a little. And as someone else pointed out oatmeal is warm and comfy which on some mornings is exactly what I need. These are two different breakfasts both of which can have a regular place in a healthy diet.

    I'm not trying to completely put down oatmeal - I love it! Which is why, because I'm on an all raw diet this week (and I might extend it a week) I got really excited that I could make something that tasted super good and close to oatmeal! The calculations for the oatmeal nutrition facts were taken from as noted in the recipe though. And yes, oatmeal is better warm - but you could always put this in a dehydrator for a little while to achieve the warm factor - but honestly, it's not like it was COLD. It was room temperature which completely satisfied me on this cold morning :)
  • angelinerstetzko
    Oatmeal without oats...have I got that right?.....and a healthy delicious apple made unhealthy by adding fat & high fruit sugar from dried fruit (24gms of sugar to 30gms of fruit!)..sorry I'll stick to my oatmeal made from oats & oatbran with a little soya milk to sweeten it.....but then I'm English...I probably don't 'get it' LOL

    Nuts aren't unhealthy - they contain good fats and proteins that help your body run at it's optimal levels. And the sugar found in fruit is easily digestible whereas normal refined sugars take a while to process through your body - causing weight gain. And the dried fruit that I use doesn't have sugar added to it - just simply fruit that has been dried :)
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Sounds delish!
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    Yummmm, thanks girl!! =)
  • gradgal01
    gradgal01 Posts: 46 Member
    i saw this earlier and had to make it (i love oatmeal, but i've finally gone completely grain free). it was fantastic cold/room temperature, but then i added a little water and microwaved it for a bit. and it's even better than oatmeal. thanks for the recipe!
  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    I ate a complete raw vegan diet for 6 weeks as a detox. I also lost 8 lbs. This was a few years ago. It was very energizing and my body digested the food really well. BMs after every meal once your body adjusts. Which means it worked at carrying out a lot of waste even though it was high calorie. I ate nuts, seeds, fruit and veggies including avocados as much as I desired. I then stayed vegan for 2 years, now I'm vegetarian and eat mainly whole foods. Mainly I now have problem with portion control and change of life weight gain since last year. I joined MFP to bring more awareness to how much I am consuming and motivation to increase my exercise. I look forward to trying this recipe. Thanks for posting.
  • Bluestar083
    Oatmeal without oats...have I got that right?.....and a healthy delicious apple made unhealthy by adding fat & high fruit sugar from dried fruit (24gms of sugar to 30gms of fruit!)..sorry I'll stick to my oatmeal made from oats & oatbran with a little soya milk to sweeten it.....but then I'm English...I probably don't 'get it' LOL

    um ok how is this unhealthy? dried fruit (not in huge amounts) is not unhealthy. i have been slim my entire life and have dried fruit everyday. A little bit in my muesli or some sultanas on All Bran. It is a natural sweetener and good for you.
  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    Agreed! Calories are important but not the whole picture. I see too many people having no problem using their calories for unhealthy food, so it doesn't make sense to not eat something healthy because of the calories. Really, it is not that many calories when eaten in moderation.