mom struggle... still same weight after past month weigh in

i weighed in last nite and i still weigh the same i did almost a month ago...
i just dont get it!! where is all my dieting and exercise going? >.<
i know i cant go to the extend of exercise that i want to becuz i have a 3 month old baby and its hard to provide that energy and time to how much i wanna do -sighs- i dont intend to give up becuz i want my old body back and thats what im here for, but i get so upset sometimes when i dont see results and wishing i can do the workouts that i want but i cant becuz of the baby. and ontop of that im not getting the full support n motivation from my hubby, i just feel alone around me. any moms out there in the same boat?


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Open up your diary for the best feedback.

    Are you eating enough?
    Are you working out enough?
    What types of foods are you eating/drinking?
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    Sounds like stress could be hinderence. When you are stressed out your body produces adrenaline to keep your body going becuase back in cave man times stress meant that it is time to RUN! Well when your body lets go of adrenaline your body almost stops digesting food and slows your metabolism so you can run fast as hell. As we all know that is not as much of a necessary reaction for todays world.

    My advice to you, would be, #1. Attempt to get as much rest as you can while caring for a 3 month old. #2. Possibly invest in some vitamins that will help your mood and not react to stress as much. #3. Try some meditation or yoga to help with stress.
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    Sounds like stress could be hinderence. When you are stressed out your body produces adrenaline to keep your body going becuase back in cave man times stress meant that it is time to RUN! Well when your body lets go of adrenaline your body almost stops digesting food and slows your metabolism so you can run fast as hell. As we all know that is not as much of a necessary reaction for todays world.

    My advice to you, would be, #1. Attempt to get as much rest as you can while caring for a 3 month old. #2. Possibly invest in some vitamins that will help your mood and not react to stress as much. #3. Try some meditation or yoga to help with stress.
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    Being a new mom is hard all the way around! Its amazing but exhausting ... It took me a good long while after I had my son to get back to a decent place. I'm still working on it and the kid is going to be 2 in January :) Don't be down on yourself. Your body changes a lot when you have a kiddo ... Just try (you'll find good support here on MFP!) to stay positive and keep going! Its hard to find the time with a 3 month old because you would rather hang with the lil one than go to the gym, but if you do little things like go on walks (with her if its not too cold), it'll help! Best wishes to you :) Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Make your diary public
  • I am in the same situation as you are.. I have a 2 and a half month old baby and I gained a lot of baby weight! It is soo hard to try to get good exercise with a baby! If you have one of the baby bjorn or whatever they are called, put her in it and go for a walk thats good exercise you dont even have to walk for very long! Hang in there! I too am hoping this gets easier! =]
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    It's so hard when you have a new baby - that's when I gained a lot of weight, so the fact that you're maintaining is pretty good. I don't know what your feeding arrangements are but could you use the pretext of 'me time' maybe a couple of evenings a week for an hour and get your OH to sit downstairs while baby snoozes (if you're lucky) and head for the gym?
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from. My hubby complains that I have a gym membership and then when i want to go to the gym (which means he would need to watch the kids -- there is an 8 yr old, a 5 yr old and a 2 month old) he complains about that too. I haven't been able to make it to the gym because of this and I like to be an active person and he doesn't. So to try and get activity in, I take all three kids for a walk where the two older ones ride their bikes and I push the little one in a stroller. I think we will take a few walks this weekend so that he can work on our basement and get it finished so I don't have to hear him talk about how he needs to get it finished .... blah blah blah.... It will get done sooner or later (we are building a bedroom and office in our basement). I also do not get support from my hubby in eating habits either. I want to eat healthier but he could care less what he stuffs in his face (he weighs about 100lbs more than me).
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    It's so hard when you have a new baby - that's when I gained a lot of weight, so the fact that you're maintaining is pretty good. I don't know what your feeding arrangements are but could you use the pretext of 'me time' maybe a couple of evenings a week for an hour and get your OH to sit downstairs while baby snoozes (if you're lucky) and head for the gym?

    That is actually a very good idea. I might have to try that once I get back to work.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Don't give up! It takes time and your body has been through a lot. It took me 6 months to get back in shape after I had my daughter, and I gained less than 30 pounds during the pregnancy. If you keep at it, it WILL happen!

    And your baby is darling!
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I can totally relate. My youngest is 4 and I'm finally getting rid of the weight. Part of the problem (and for me, a HUGE part of the problem) might be hormones. You may want to try cutting your carbs to 50% or a little less and increase your protein and good fats to try to get your hormones back in balance.

    Another thing I would suggest is to make sure you're getting enough rest. Sleep gives your body time to recover from all the stress you're experiencing, but high stress levels can kill your efforts to lose weight, even if you're eating right.

    There's also some exercises that you can do WITH a new baby, if you're interested.

    Good luck to you! :)
  • Hi just thought I would reply as Im in a similar boat.
    I'm a mummy with one almost 6 month old (still partially breastfeeding) and a 2 year old. Hubby works away approx 5 days a week so we see him for the whole 2 days he comes home. Only good thing is he is supportive and will look after the little ones when I have a zumba class. But with reguards to eating healthy he will just eat whatever he likes and it really stretches my willpower to say no when he offers me something naughty.
    I try and do excercise like aerobics on youtube or zumba. Also take your little one to the park in the pram or take baby swimming. Both of mine love swimming and my 2 yr old loves dancing with mommy to zumba.
    But most of all you need to stay positive!!!! Involve your little on in as much activity as possible so it doubles as quality time for you too. And tell your hubby off he should be supportive of you and possibly look after little one for and hour or so so you can go and do the excercise you want to, if he wont ask a close friend or relative. It makes you feel better having a break from being mummy all the time. It's tiring work and don't worry about losing it straight away as it took you 9 months to put the weight on so it will take time to lose it.
    Chin up and be POSITIVE!! Keep thinking you will lose at next weigh in.
    Hope this helps
  • Thanks everyone for the feedback! its good to know there's some out there in the same boat as me and that it hasn't been easy <3 im still committed and will take some ideas that was said out there, Thanks again!! =)