Is weight training same for men and women?


I've been successfully lost weight through LOTS of running. I'm now getting quite small and the weight lost has stalled. However, I'm still not completely satisfy with how I look. I've tried running longer, faster, reduced cal and I'm seeing no different on my body. On the contrary I feel like I'm getting softer and mushier...

SO! today I'm going to start my weight training properly. I go to the gym with my boyfriend and intend to become his gym buddy He's going to help me with the weight training. Now, I'm sure he knows what he is doing as he looks pretty damn good.

I have heard that woman just can't get big because of the lack of Testosterone... But I REALLY don't want to risk getting any bigger particular my already bulky thigh and calves!!

The questions are

1. If i would like to get for the lean, toned look without bulking up, can I do the same training as he does??

2. Is there any particular weight exercise I should avoid? any machine? or is there any toning exercise that is particularly good for girls that my boyfriend wouldn't know about?

My particular concerned areas are Lower Abs, Thigh and Bums..

Thanks for your help!!!


  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I lift all the same lifts as guys. Women (unless they produce a lot of testosterone) won't bulk up like men do. I was a hardcore runner last year- and then I started lifting weights and have completely changed my body. When I ran I was super skinny and weak, now that I run and lift I've built a lean figure for myself that's strong. I do a lot of pull-ups and push-ups and lift 4-5 days a week.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Lift heavy. Training is no different for men or women.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    You likely burned a lot of your muscle when you lowered your calories and increased your exercise.

    BTW Muscle doesn't make you bulky, fat does. Don't be afraid to lift heavy. I HIGHLY recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women. It will change your entire perspective on Women and Weight Lifting. It includes a 6-month (or more) lifting plan, eating plan, and some recipes.

    You will love your body once you complete it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The questions are

    1. If i would like to get for the lean, toned look without bulking up, can I do the same training as he does??

    2. Is there any particular weight exercise I should avoid? any machine? or is there any toning exercise that is particularly good for girls that my boyfriend wouldn't know about?

    My particular concerned areas are Lower Abs, Thigh and Bums..

    Thanks for your help!!!

    1. Yes, you will not bulk up, as you don't have enough testosterone to do so ( it is even hard for a man to bulk up, it takes a lot of work and a caloric surplus)

    2. I would suggest you read the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women".
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    I'm not really an expert, I've been doing weights and strength training for a number of years but I find I just don't get the results I want so I'm probably not really qualified to say much, However, I will say that when I've done a hard work out session I can feel quite bulky and (I think) its water retention around the muscles - I really don't like it, but it goes away after a few days depending on how hard I train. It can put women off training though.
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Lift heavy. You won't get bulky. You should only be able to perform 6-10 reps with good form for about 2-3 sets. There is a lot of great information online if you google it.

    I also recommend the New Rules of Lifting for Women.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm not really an expert, I've been doing weights and strength training for a number of years but I find I just don't get the results I want so I'm probably not really qualified to say much, However, I will say that when I've done a hard work out session I can feel quite bulky and (I think) its water retention around the muscles - I really don't like it, but it goes away after a few days depending on how hard I train. It can put women off training though.

    Read New Rules of Lifting for Women, you were probably not lifting heavy enough
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    Women have a higher quality of muscle so they can do more with less. Unless you are taking some crazy supplements you aren't going to get huge. I would stick to free weights and concentrate on correct form. Don't kill yourself trying to keep up with the guys. Use weights that are challenging but not impossible for you to lift. If you pick up a weight and you start doing reps and you can't get to 8 it's too heavy, 10 is about right, and over 12 you need something heavier. You have to be careful with machines because they don't go with the natural movement of your body and put strain on your joints. Guys tend to go heavy and swing the weight into place. Make sure you concentrate on correct form. If you're just wanting to tone up you could try one of the DVDs that everyone is talking about and avoid the gym altogether. 30 Day Shred???? The results pictures on this site alone are very encouraging.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Women have a higher quality of muscle so they can do more with less.

    Ummm, what?
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Do you run at a steady pace? Lift weights (heavy! like everyone else is saying) and also try some intervals (if you aren't already). Intervals help burn up more fat - while steady state cardio can actually lead to your body getting a little squishy. It will store fat to use when you are running steady. I wish I could remember the article I read about a woman that trained for a marathon and her body started storing fat and she couldn't see her six-pack anymore. As soon as she was done, she went back to interval training and got it back. It was really interesting... i will see if I can find it.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Women have a higher quality of muscle so they can do more with less.

    Ummm, what?

    LOL. This made my day.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Women should lift the same way men do, but the effects will be different. Men put on muscle more than 2x as fast and have a much higher max lean mass per inch of height. Under natural conditions (no steroids) there is a point when a man and a woman reach maximum lean mass potential.

    A female natural bodybuilder that is 5'5" will be around 115 pounds, a male natural bodybuilder of the same height will be around 150 pounds.

    Most men have a potential to carry 40+ pounds of lean mass more than a woman of the same height.

    My wife lifts weights and we are the same height but I'm about 50 pounds heavier and about the same level of fitness.

    The best thing about weight lifting for women is that it tighten up a lot of areas like thighs, butt, back of the arms, legs in general and maybe even make your boobs more perky. You will also have more functional strength which, IMO, is something a lot of women who don't lift have little of. Life is just more simple if you can open your own jars and not need the hubby to lift all the heavy stuff. Lifting can also be a lot of fun and is an activity where it is easy to measure progress and goals.

    You can do all of this and not bulk up like a man. Initially you might feel like your bulking up but it's really just the fat over the top of the muscle. Not that you won't gain some muscle mass, you will but most women have such a relatively small amount of muscle that it simply enhances how they look rather than making them look manly.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Women have a higher quality of muscle so they can do more with less. Unless you are taking some crazy supplements you aren't going to get huge. I would stick to free weights and concentrate on correct form. Don't kill yourself trying to keep up with the guys. Use weights that are challenging but not impossible for you to lift. If you pick up a weight and you start doing reps and you can't get to 8 it's too heavy, 10 is about right, and over 12 you need something heavier. You have to be careful with machines because they don't go with the natural movement of your body and put strain on your joints. Guys tend to go heavy and swing the weight into place. Make sure you concentrate on correct form. If you're just wanting to tone up you could try one of the DVDs that everyone is talking about and avoid the gym altogether. 30 Day Shred???? The results pictures on this site alone are very encouraging.

    Last I check we are from the same species.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Women have a higher quality of muscle so they can do more with less.

    Ummm, what?
    The muscle tissue is softer and smells nicer.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member

    I've been successfully lost weight through LOTS of running. I'm now getting quite small and the weight lost has stalled. However, I'm still not completely satisfy with how I look. I've tried running longer, faster, reduced cal and I'm seeing no different on my body. On the contrary I feel like I'm getting softer and mushier...

    SO! today I'm going to start my weight training properly. I go to the gym with my boyfriend and intend to become his gym buddy He's going to help me with the weight training. Now, I'm sure he knows what he is doing as he looks pretty damn good.

    I have heard that woman just can't get big because of the lack of Testosterone... But I REALLY don't want to risk getting any bigger particular my already bulky thigh and calves!!

    The questions are

    1. If i would like to get for the lean, toned look without bulking up, can I do the same training as he does??

    2. Is there any particular weight exercise I should avoid? any machine? or is there any toning exercise that is particularly good for girls that my boyfriend wouldn't know about?

    My particular concerned areas are Lower Abs, Thigh and Bums..

    Thanks for your help!!!
    1) I do the exact same training as my buff hubby... you be the judge.

    2) You don't need to avoid anything unless there is a physical reason(i.e. past injury) Squats and deadlifts with heavy weights are awesome total body moves! "heavy" meaning you cannot do more than 12 reps at a time, but preferably 6-8.
  • CAlexRose
    CAlexRose Posts: 33 Member
    It is rare, but some of us (women) DO bulk up. I do like crazy to the point that I force myself lighten up on certain areas of my body. I've literally grown out of shirts and jackets in my shoulders and back from weight training. It may not happen to you, but it MAY happen.