
Hey guys, About 3 weeks ago i got my bike out of the shed and started using it to commute to and from work and going on little rides to burn some extra cals, since doing that i have felt great and fitter and its gotten alot easier.

I've decided to kick it up a notch and try jogging. Got up this morning and set out for a jog, i must of lasted about 4 minutes and i thought id been kicked in the chest by Bruce Lee.

i weigh 260 lbs and im 6"1, is it too early to try jogging and running? i didnt realise how much harder it was than cycling.



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It gets easier, but you have to start off slow or you will hate it! Check out the C25K program on google. It will give you pointers on how to start out running, and the workouts will build you up slowly so you build up confidence along the way.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    There is a C25K group on here who are starting around 5 November feel free to join us!
  • yodabeaumont

    Definitely start with the couch to 5k programme - the link I used is here.

    There are podcasts on iTunes that you can download which tell you when to run, when to walk.

    When i started on week 1, i could barely complete the run, which is 1 minute if I remember, but your staying power rapidly increases if you stick with the programme. I start week 8 today, which is 28 minutes non-stop, and in that time I will be covering almost 4 miles, so it definitely works.

    I combined this jogging programme with a steady weight loss, i've lost 42lb and have got 0.75lb to go to my ideal weight, and I'm on day 151 of using myfitnesspal. You can do it, good luck!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    when i first started jogging at 219lbs i could only jog for around 1 min solid, man that hurt too!

    I started the c25k program and i tell you that first week was killing me (asking you to run for only 60 seconds at a time!)

    i haven't kept up running so much but my fitness has greatly improved however I managed a solid 6 mins of running the other day straight AFTER completing week 2 of c25k

    so yeah, dont expect you to be able to run for extended periods of time at first.

    i definately say do the c25k program, its brilliant and if you search online you can find different versions of podcasts depending on what sort of music you like :happy:
  • Ian214
    Ian214 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. It has definately helped!

    I have just checked the C25k Program and i will definately give it a go :D
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I agree with everyone here try the C25K programme, it does work
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    On week 7 of C25K myself and I love it!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I put all mu beginner's running tips together here;

    It's worth re-iterating point 1:
    "When you start out, it’s HARD! Even if you think you’re fit, running is so different to anything else you’ve done before you will get out of breath quickly. Stick with it. Can’t manage a minute? Go slow. Still can’t? GO SLOWER!"

    Stick with it, you can do this!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Hey guys, About 3 weeks ago i got my bike out of the shed and started using it to commute to and from work and going on little rides to burn some extra cals, since doing that i have felt great and fitter and its gotten alot easier.

    I've decided to kick it up a notch and try jogging. Got up this morning and set out for a jog, i must of lasted about 4 minutes and i thought id been kicked in the chest by Bruce Lee.

    i weigh 260 lbs and im 6"1, is it too early to try jogging and running? i didnt realise how much harder it was than cycling.


    6'3, and I started @ 440 lbs. go SLOW. I was walking for a few months before I even gave thought to jogging. at least 1 hr non-stop walking. don't feel bad if you need to take walk breaks. and it helps to jog as slow as you can to work up your endurance. even if you can walk faster, just don't stop.
  • Ian214
    Ian214 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for the link to your beginners tips Berry it was very helpful although i think il pass on the lycra for now :)

    lacrolix well done with your progress so far it has really inspired me. Thanks for posting :) good luck! (but it dosent look like you will be needing it)
  • katbat65
    I can run for ages on a treadmill. Try it on the real ground and I'm like a fish out of water!
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    There is a C25K group on here who are starting around 5 November feel free to join us!

    I want to join also. Doing a 5k on Thanksgiving started running a week ago. Would love the company trying to train. Is there a group name I should look for. I'm fabi8081.