New to this..

Hi.. Im Nikki, Im 33 years old and a mum to 6 kids.. I have struggled with my weight since having my first daughter 10 years ago.. It was only after i ahd my youngest son that i realised i had gained 30 kgs.. I have gone from a size 10 to a 16.. I feel embarrassed going out because of how big i look and feel.. I had always weighed around 60 kilos and now weigh 96kgs.. I am so looking forward to losing thye extra 30 kgs i need to get down to a healthy 65 kgs.. bring it on.. Yay


  • annastuff
    Hi Nikki, welcome! I've been doing MFP for about a month and a half now and it's been 100% worth the effort - once you have the tools to be in control of your calories the weight will come off like clockwork and when you see the results you will be encouraged to keep going, good look on your journey!

    Anna :smile:
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Wow! 6 kids?? You're one super mom. Welcome to MFP :) It's awesome here, people are nice and encouraging. I'm sure you'll go back to size 10 in no time. Probably even smaller! :)
  • nikkimee
    Thankyou Anna.. I only joined Fitness pal a few weeks ago and cant wait to see kgs falling off..:wink:
  • nikkimee
    Hi carolin.. 6 kids is a lot work but burns calories running around after them all day lol..