Okay, I'm 5'3" and Approximately 185 lbs.. give or take a couple.. my overall goal weight is 130 lbs. I do have a bigger bone structure and have always been a bit bigger so I'm pretty positive nothing below 130 is possible. (we'll see) I started this journey about 12 days ago.. I have only lost 2 lbs!! And I am sticking to a 1200 calorie diet (which I usually fall about 100 calories below that) I go for at least a half hour walk 5 days a week, and I do Jillian Michaels 30ds 3 days a week on top of my walk to stay toned..

Even though I'm doing all this.. my weight loss has plateaued.. more like completely stopped.. I was down to 183 last week... and now this morning I weighed myself and it said 186.. What the He** am I doing wrong? Advice please.. I would like to see my numbers changing a little more often.. and why is it going up all of a sudden when I haven't done anything differently?! :explode: :mad:


  • Oh My Gosh! This sounds exactly what just happened to me! I just weighed in this morning and have gained 1# over my start weight, I exercise 5X a week and sweat like crazy! I eat my alloted calorie amount and never eat over the amount that I get when I exercise. I had a feeling that this was gonna happen because I weighed in yesterday and saw I was back to where I started. So I went into action...because I know with all the hard work I have done, something has to show somewhere. I decided to measure myself (which I should have done in the beginning) I checked my body fat % with my omron analyzer, I am going to stay in my fat burning zone and eat exactly what I am allotted, and stay away from my extra "exercise" calories.
    I AM NOT GOING TO LET THIS STOP ME, I AM EVEN MORE DETERMINED.......AND YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER. It sounds like you are on the right track with all that you are doing, just stick with it, you will see results. Hang in there.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    How's your sodium intake been? Water weight is a total pain. Usually I don't have issues with it but I went to Chinese buffet with my best friend about a month ago and I really noticed it then. Took my body about a week to recover from that little jaunt. Anyway, stick with it and drink plenty of water. That should help. Good luck.
  • Taskcr
    Taskcr Posts: 25
    Thanks guys!