
So, I never exercise! I decided it was time I started to. I walked 3 miles both yesterday and the day before. I woke up this morning and guess what? I gained a lb! Oh I am so upset!


  • diegelmansm
    So, I never exercise! I decided it was time I started to. I walked 3 miles both yesterday and the day before. I woke up this morning and guess what? I gained a lb! Oh I am so upset!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Don't be upset. Just keep watching your calories and using this site. It will come off.
    I struggle everyday and just started walking 30 min. daily. YOU Can do it.

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    this post really does explain it for you.

    Remember D, this is a brand new thing to your body. It is just figuring out how to react to it. weight gain after exercising for the first few times isn't shocking. Your body could be building muscle.
    Plus, 1 lb is way to small of an amount to consider gain. 1 lb a week for 2 months maybe, but 1 lb could simply be scale fluctuation, or water weight. So I wouldn't worry about it. Remember, this is a long term solution, it may take 6 to 8 months to see the results you are looking for, but compare 6 months with the rest of your life and I think you'll realize it's worth it.

    Best of Luck,

  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    I dont exercise either Deige and i know I should. I am going to start when it gets warmer. However, loosing weight for me has been slow. Up/Down and even when I am eating so good. Following all the rules except walking. After three weeks of staying the same I lost another pound today. So it works but it takes a lot of patience for sure. I stay away from the scale as long as I can. When I start to feel a little different in my clothes or in just the I feel I then hop on the scale and ususally its a positive thing. I am not loosing by any great leaps and bounds but I am loosing. So keep up the good work and yea for you for walking. Good luck
  • prettyinpink
    prettyinpink Posts: 94 Member
    Yes! Do NOT be discouraged! It is something new to your body! Trust me, I gained 5 lbs before I started to drop anything. That is because of muscle! Muscle weighs more than fat and it helps burn more calories! Make sure that you are doing cardio and a few strength building exercises. Those in a mix will help you more in the long run and you will start to feel better!

    If you have not started, start measuring. Measure at your waistline(the skinniest part), at your belly button, at your hips, around the upper thigh and the knee, and your upper arm if you wish. After a while, you will see those numbers decreasing. I helps because when I didn't see pounds falling off, I saw where my body was shrinking!! It made me feel SOOOO much better!

    Keep your head up! You are doing great and your body will thank you for it (literally)!!
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hang in there young Lady:flowerforyou: You are doing great.........I haven't been able to exercise for a couple of days, but stay faithful to my calorier count.:smile: Like the rest have mentioned 1 pound could just be a pair of heavier jeans you have on today or water. :drinker: Keep up the good work you will see that pound go away before you know it.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I can't remember what Bob Greene (Oprah's Trainer) said exactly, but there is some physical reason why you gain weight when you start exercising. It's something about muscles retaining water for the first few weeks of exercies:huh: I tried to google it, but I couldn't find it. Maybe try checking out his book at the library.

    Keep it up! It is so good for you. I know that I eat better when I exercise too.
  • nicole777
    nicole777 Posts: 16 Member
    im so discouraged! im the same way. i finally started working out and started eating less and i either stayed the same or gained weight. i got so discouraged that i gave up for awhile. but now im starting over. i really wanna lose 10-15 lbs by may. its gonna take alot of work.