Aussie mum of 2!!!

Hi all, I live in QLD and am trying to lose 10kg and get my body back! 2 days on this app and so far so good. Would love o get to know others in the same boat. Also am exclusively breastfeeding, which is a concern for me to ensure I maintain my milk supply...and advice?


  • Hi - I have issues with trying to lose weight whilst breastfeeding too. I am breastfeeding a one-year-old so am breastfeeding a lot less than I was a few months ago but he still does feed several times a day. I find that even if I just eat quite healthily but still in large quantities, my supply does dip and I start to feel a bit drained too. I really don't know what the answer is. I feel that it is really hindering me losing weight and feel that the whole 'breastfeeding makes you lose weight' idea is a myth! I lost a fair amount to start with but the last bit is very difficult to shift. Somebody on her recommended upping the fat allowance allocated on here and lowering the calorie intake accordingly (but sticking to healthy fats: nuts, avocado, oils etc) but I am not quite sure how much or how to go about that. I would really appreciate some advice on how to take myself into hand because I am getting really grumpy about this last 16lbs odd (well, I could lose a lot more than that - but that amount would take me back into the healthy range which is my main concern right now)
    Hope we can keep each other motivated (have added you as a friend, hope you don't mind)
  • I'd say I'm looking at losing 8kg to 10kg too - so we're looking at about the same weight loss