Metabolism Boosts?

My eating habits (when I eat) are very very bad.

Back 4 years ago, I could eat pretty much anything and maintain weight

Now I eat barely anything and am still gaining weight

My fitness pal, has said I may be in starvation mode (which I somewhat guessed)

Ive just ramped up my exercise again to try and jump start my metabolism, and also I know I need to radically change WHEN I eat rather than WHAT I eat.

For example, I dont eat breakfast (makes me want to vomit), dont eat lunch either. I live on a couple of chocolate biscuits at work, and copious amounts of coffee (white with one)...and thats it for the entire day

When I get home Im starving, and eat a hearty dinner and randomly snack then until bedtime.

So I know the first thing to change, its eating breakfast and lunch EVERY DAY, as well as some healthy snacks in between

Is there anything else I should be doing to really jump start my poor metabolism?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    increased meal frequency doesn't increase metabolism
  • amathist
    amathist Posts: 24 Member
    Eating high protine snacks threw out the day will help increase your metabolism, I was in the same boat :-)
    Never underestimate protine :-)
  • Mel1612
    Like what Amathist?

    Those special protein bars?

  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    If you don't like to eat breakfast don't ... I drink mine. I make a protein shake in the morning and drink it on the way to work.

    What keeps you full is protein --- not processed carbs. Those make you want to nap.

    I changed my diary to time frames... I like to eat every few hours.

    Eat more protein:
    protein shakes
    greek yogurt (the good kind with more protein than sugar)
  • beeny83
    beeny83 Posts: 61
    You sound like you already know what you need to do. Exercise and eat 3 meals a day plus 2 small healthy snacks. You are eating how I used to eat. No breakfast no lunch (maybe a couple of biscuits) and then a good filling dinner followed by plenty of snacking and that's where all my weight had come from. I hated breakfast but now if i don't eat by 9 I'm feeling sick so trust me you will get used to it. Good luck in your quest!! (:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Eating several times a day may or may not work for your body, but if you are going to start, try doing things like a shake in the morning. You don't want to make changes that you find really hard to stick to.
    Even if you just track your food for a few days/week at first to find out where/how you can improve and then start making changes.
    Lunch would be a better meal to start eating more often :)
  • Mel1612
    Oh a shake in the morning might work well!!!

    Thanks Beeny, Im glad Im not the only one with bad food habits

    Breakfast here I come *gags*
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    your body burns more calories digesting protein also up your fiber it'll get things through faster which gives it less time to absorb also drink lots of water your body needs it
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    I agree, all bodies are different. I have to eat breakfast. I have read it is best to eat within an hour of waking (Dr Oz I believe). Turns out that just works for me, if I wait to eat until 10 or 11 and decide on brunch it seems to either make my shaky by then (hypoglycemic) or I am so hungry if I eat light I am still hungry a couple hours later.
    Seems to work best for me to eat every 2 -3 hours, not that I always do. I may have my meal replacement for breakfast, then a snack can be a half wheat bage with some lowfat cream cheese or an apple and a cheesestick, Greek yogurt mixed with some granola is a fav snack. A ricecake with some almond nut spread or a bit of sugar free jelly.
    I try to have a carb with protein --works best for me.
    I agree on the protein -- and fiber keeps you filled up too.
    I struggle with late night snacking or just 6 pm to bedtime.. usually have soybeans or edamame so I can have a nibble but not chips or anything bad for me.
    I am still figuring out what works for me. I am sure you will find a balance for yourself as well. Good luck.
  • troubledog2
    I truly understand sound very much like me. I simply don't eat much, I have fought the metabolism thing for years. Maybe we can figure this thing out together.
  • amathist
    amathist Posts: 24 Member
    hi again, high protine foods as suggested protine bar/shakes,eggs(1-2 snack) tuna,, meat, turkey all are high in protine. cheek on the web you will find hundreds of examples :-)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    HIgh protein diet and heavy weight training to put on more muscle.
  • Mel1612
    Thanks everyone....

    Cant wait to get cracking and try some of your suggestions
  • Wendy_bird
    My metabolism wasn't so good last March when I actually started to really want to lose weight. I did start eating healthier, more fruits, more veggies, and more water. I also started to exercise about 4-5 times per week. I have been searching the internet for clues, help, etc. and I also have been going to a Naturpath doctor about my face breaking out (I am 58-too old for acne!). He told me to exercise every day!!!! no breaks. He said I should consider a cleansing program for myself, especially my liver. So this special diet IS changing my metabolism! I DO eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack. I also try to drink 8 glasses of water per day. He told me, "No red meat (until we see a difference), nothing from a can, no processed meats, no sugar (No artificial sweetners either, but honey is ok and really natural brown sugar or suganat in health food stores). All of these foods are clogging up our systems! Lots of chicken, fish and Tofu are really good. These are all making a difference in so many ways. My face is clearing up, my weight is coming off. March I was at 161, now I am at 141 Lbs. (I am 5 ft. tall-this is good for me.) and most of the weight has come off in the last two months since seeing the doc. I feel stronger, I can go up the stairs without my bum knee hurting, my blood pressure is better than it has ever been. My whole family have a diabetic tendency. Not me. I am a lot healthier than I have ever been. If you are in doubt, go to a Naturpath doctor yourself and have him help you out. They are a lot more patient than medical doctors. Hope this helps you! At least start making some adjustments to your eating routine. You should see a difference. Wendy_bird