Halloween candy everwhere! What to do?

FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member
edited October 4 in Food and Nutrition
When I arrived at work there was already a bag of candy on my desk that someone left for me. A couple of minutes later, a coworker stopped by with a box of goodies and a "happy halloween!" wish. Of course this is to be expected on such a festive day. :) That's where the plan comes in. Today I brought in the following:

1) 2 bananas
2) 1 bag of raisins
3) 1 apple
4) 3 slices of 100% whole wheat bread (5 ingredients only...whole wheat, water, honey, salt, yeast)
5) 1 avocado
6) 1 bag of baby carrots

I'm going to eat so much of that yummy healthy food I love that I won't be hungry for all the junk that I'll see all day. Yay my body!


  • Throw it away and/or donated to a shelter! Empty calories and no nutriotional value, high sugar, Great to hear you have a healthy plan...!
  • staywithit
    staywithit Posts: 19 Member
    Great Plan !!!
  • skinnypigeon
    skinnypigeon Posts: 107 Member
    Great planning ahead! Make yourself a mini goal: make it through the whole day without eating any candy. Seems like you are already on that path though. NICE JOB!!!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    What to do? Not eat it!

    I'd save it. Treat myself to a piece every once in a while when I have a hankering for something sweet. But that's just me.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Yum! Your snacks sound way better than those candies. Good for you for thinking ahead! If you have something healthier to eat, you won't snack on the candy then.
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    Great idea! I've found that putting it away somewhere really helps--out of sight, out of mind!
  • Just say "NO"! Once you start, it's a slipperly slope!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    You were smart to plan ahead! It's the darn 'fun size' bars that sucker me in....
  • skinnypigeon
    skinnypigeon Posts: 107 Member
    You were smart to plan ahead! It's the darn 'fun size' bars that sucker me in....

    Yes not so "fun" when you see them on the scale!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    When I arrived at work there was already a bag of candy on my desk that someone left for me. A couple of minutes later, a coworker stopped by with a box of goodies and a "happy halloween!" wish. Of course this is to be expected on such a festive day. :) That's where the plan comes in. Today I brought in the following:

    1) 2 bananas
    2) 1 bag of raisins
    3) 1 apple
    4) 3 slices of 100% whole wheat bread (5 ingredients only...whole wheat, water, honey, salt, yeast)
    5) 1 avocado
    6) 1 bag of baby carrots

    I'm going to eat so much of that yummy healthy food I love that I won't be hungry for all the junk that I'll see all day. Yay my body!

    The stuff you brought to work is full of sugar (except for the Avocado) and would leave me so hungry I would be sick.

    Good luck to you.
  • skinnypigeon
    skinnypigeon Posts: 107 Member
    When I arrived at work there was already a bag of candy on my desk that someone left for me. A couple of minutes later, a coworker stopped by with a box of goodies and a "happy halloween!" wish. Of course this is to be expected on such a festive day. :) That's where the plan comes in. Today I brought in the following:

    1) 2 bananas
    2) 1 bag of raisins
    3) 1 apple
    4) 3 slices of 100% whole wheat bread (5 ingredients only...whole wheat, water, honey, salt, yeast)
    5) 1 avocado
    6) 1 bag of baby carrots

    I'm going to eat so much of that yummy healthy food I love that I won't be hungry for all the junk that I'll see all day. Yay my body!

    The stuff you brought to work is full of sugar (except for the Avocado) and would leave me so hungry I would be sick.

    Good luck to you.

    I am going to go ahead and say its about 1000% better than

    1) 2 snickers
    2) 1 bag of cheetos
    3) 1 cupcake
    4) 3 slices of cake
    5) 1 cola
    6) 1 bag of M&Ms

    Natural sugar does much less harm than processed artificial ingredients. Try to be supportive, and not in a condescending way.
  • FrankWorsley
    FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member
    When I arrived at work there was already a bag of candy on my desk that someone left for me. A couple of minutes later, a coworker stopped by with a box of goodies and a "happy halloween!" wish. Of course this is to be expected on such a festive day. :) That's where the plan comes in. Today I brought in the following:

    1) 2 bananas
    2) 1 bag of raisins
    3) 1 apple
    4) 3 slices of 100% whole wheat bread (5 ingredients only...whole wheat, water, honey, salt, yeast)
    5) 1 avocado
    6) 1 bag of baby carrots

    I'm going to eat so much of that yummy healthy food I love that I won't be hungry for all the junk that I'll see all day. Yay my body!

    The stuff you brought to work is full of sugar (except for the Avocado) and would leave me so hungry I would be sick.

    Good luck to you.

    Keep studying. :)
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    Great plan! You might need to remember it for the holidays to come. Good luck!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    We don't really do haloween here in Aus, but I know what you are going through. It was my little girls 4th birthday during the week, and we've had a steady stream of parties and visitors through the house. This culminated on Saturday when we had a party for her friends and there were deliciously evil foods everywhere! I'm talking cupcakes, my wifes famous choc-chip cookies and double choc brownies to name only a few...

    I managed to resist all weekend, a home made hamburger was my wost sin for the weekend which I'm really proud of. The best part was though, I had a few calories left on Sunday night and thought I'd have one cookie. I broke one in half and took the first bite, thought mmm that's nice but I've had the taste now and dont really need to finish the other half.... what the ?!?!?

    I wonder if this is my turning point to not craving the crap anymore, or if it was just one particularly good day :) I guess time will tell...
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    I feel your pain. I have a TON of candy left over. Towards the end of the night I started throwing handfuls into kids bags just to get rid of it. Didn't work very well. So it goes to the neighbor kids next door!! Good idea to stay clear of it and stick too healthy snacks though!! Good job!
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