still no weight lost and frustrated.

How meny of you out there are working out and eating right and not eating late and still not loosing weight. The only thing I have lost is 1 inch off my thighs and 1/2 inch off my stomach. I want to shoot someone. I have been at it for 1 month and 2 weeks now and still no dang weight lost. I am tired of this crap! Can anyone help me ? Or does anyone feel as crappy as I do!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWH!


  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    How meny of you out there are working out and eating right and not eating late and still not loosing weight. The only thing I have lost is 1 inch off my thighs and 1/2 inch off my stomach. I want to shoot someone. I have been at it for 1 month and 2 weeks now and still no dang weight lost. I am tired of this crap! Can anyone help me ? Or does anyone feel as crappy as I do!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWH!
  • babyhippo
    babyhippo Posts: 247
    You've lost 1 and 1/2 inches! That's progress. Especially 1 inch of your thighs. That my toughest place to loose.
    Obviously you have lost something. The scales aren't always the best at showing it. The tape measure is far more accurate at showing progress.

    You CAN and WILL keep it up. Don't quit. (make sure you are drinking lots of water:drinker: )
  • soxfanfl
    soxfanfl Posts: 4
    Welcome to my world! Been on this program since mid-January and the scale is stuck on stupid! It's frustrating! But, I'm not about to go back to eating a quart of ice cream at night, and pigging out on burgers & beer, so I'll stick with it. I REALLY don't want to get any bigger! :happy:
  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    lol not stuck on stupid I feel you girl.
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    Not to be a downer, but I gave up! Im in the same boat as you and I've just had it.
    I will continue to go to the gym, but I just can't be bothered trying to turn myself into something that isn't going to happen. I just hit a slump and can't seem to pick myself back up.

    I commend all of you who have made progress....continue the GREAT work!!!!
  • babyhippo
    babyhippo Posts: 247
    Not to be a downer, but I gave up!

    Come can't quit. You could let those few extra pounds on now. But, in five years there be more added to that, then 10 years more added to that. Stay on top of it now!

    You guys can do this!!!!!!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    you are losing inches, that is what matters. But yes, I have been and actually am currently frustrated with my progress too. I started off really slow, got sick, it was my birthday, took a week off work, forgot to exercise and now I am lazy and well.... it seems liek I have gained about 5 lbs in 3 weeks. Way to go *pats myself on the back* lol :laugh:

    Just hang in there and tell yourself you are here for the long run (you know, your entire life) :wink:

    It will happen for just takes some people longer.

    I learned a new word today, "Frienvy" - --- yes its a NEW word in the dictionary. Being envious of your friends for whatever reasons, like, how a certain friend can drop 30 lbs in 3 months with the same effort as you and all you have lost is 3 lbs .... gurrr

    it happens to a lot of us.
  • ksukaro
    ksukaro Posts: 29
    i have also been kind of stuck for the last couple weeks, sometimes something that helps is changing just one thing about your diet, I cut out bread, pasta and rice, and started eating more fruit and salads and that helped me shed a couple pounds
  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    oh I love pasta. That is my weakness. But last night I did go to the store and buy some spinach to make a salad.
  • lek134
    lek134 Posts: 3
    I hear ya! I was really sick and managed to gain 3 lbs back while I wasn't able to work out. BUT, Even when I had lost weight, I lost it all in my middle and upper body... I would kill to lose and inch my thighs! So take heart, you're definitely making progress!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Something else to think about - what has changed for the better? So the scale hasn't moved - do you feel better? Do you have more energy? You don't have a huge amount of weight to lose, but you did lose inches. Maybe your muscle is building up and balancing out with the fat loss and the number is the same, but are there changes in your body? Sometimes you have to look elsewhere, besides the scale, to see the progress. If you keep up, eventually the scale will catch up!
  • mystery7707
    mystery7707 Posts: 25 Member
    One trick that I use to avoid frustration is by looking at this as a lifestyle change to better my health for the rest of my life. If you make it more about your health than about your number on the scale or the size of your jeans, you'll be a lot less frustrated, and the weight will eventually follow. Think about it.... the better you eat, the less likely you are to predispose yourself to things like diabetes and certain types of cancer. And, if you aren't totally consumed by the number, but rather the lifestyle, you'll be less likely to gain the weight back by "going off the diet".

    Don't give up! Rome wasn't built in a day and if you're losing inches you're doing something right! Listen to your body regarding other things.... like I noticed that it was easier to climb stairs today or sprint to catch the bus. And that felt good even if the scale hasn't reflected that improvement.
  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    Shoots thanks for all the input! I think I eat well. Yesterday I ate apple before work out and cereal with whole milk after. ( Smart Start) . Then on lunch I ate soup and salad. Snack I had banana. Dinner I had 1 drumstick with corn flakes ( used instead of flower and frying) sprayed pam on the drumstick and corn flakes and baked in oven. I ate 1/2 cup of cauliflower, mashed up like mash potatoes with 1/2 a teaspoon of sour scream and 1 splash of milk( to make cauliflower taste like mash potatoes) so Good. I also ate 1/2 corn on cob ear with butter. raspberry yogurt for desert and a orange at 7:30. I am trying to not eat after 7:30. I drunk 1 1/2 glass of orange juice and lots of water.
  • darlenebull
    I just want to give some encouragement to those of you not seeing any progress. Stick with it, I went through the same thing, I was working out 4 to 5 days a week for 6 weeks before I lost any weight. It's frustrating but stick with it!!! Something that helped me was, really keeping track of what I ate, it was a real eye opener. All those little snacks were adding up. Also, I changed my workout routine. Between those two changes I am finally seeing some progress. Good luck! :smile: