Anyone out there with only 8lb left to hit goal?

I Need a few tips, I have only 8 lb. left to hit goal and the weight loss is now very slow, any ideas out there to speed things up a bit?


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Im kinda in the same boat, I am 6'2" and at 181 (been camped out at 181 for a bit), I dont want to get much lighter, Im just on a quest to slay the belly fat I still have (not good for me with the diabetic risk). I recently started intervals/ tabata style and that seems to be helping
  • rustypust
    rustypust Posts: 19 Member
    Wow I just looked at your profile, good news beating T2 diabetes, I have just started interval training so I think that should kick start or shock my system into burning off the last pounds but I must admit it is hard to be motivated when the scales just don't move.