"Learning to Run"-open support group



  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    Hey everyone! I just wanted to check back in since I haven't in awhile. I've been thinking about what I'm going to be doing during the off season and I really would love to continue to do a few outdoor runs as often as I can, I think I will find it difficult considering how early it gets dark already (in the Midwest). Milwaukee kind of sucks at keeping their sidewalks snow/ice free so I'm a bit worried for that, but I'm not sure if the trails are maintained during the winter. If those are, I could probably walk to a trail and run that. Although I have a gym membership, I've found it rather difficult to run for long periods of time on the treadmill cooped up inside a gym staring at a tv screen; it gets boring. So I've actually been running with the tv off and with music on, seems to be working. I never run outside with music anymore, I've really begun to love the sound of my feet on the trails.

    Any suggestions for winter gear? Specifically shoes. The shoes I have currently may be the culprit to my knee pains and if they're not, they're meshy on the sides and I hate having wet feet. I bought a long sleeve running shirt and am considering getting a pair of running gloves as well.

    Speaking of knee pains, I went to visit an orthopedic doctor last week and I had x-rays done on my knees and although there was nothing serious wrong (as I expected), they did notice my knee caps are slightly off-track which are causing inflammation in my knees and therefore pain for me. Apparently, this can happen when ones outer thigh muscles are stronger than the inner thigh muscles. So I'll be seeing a physical therapist for a few weeks. They'll be able to test my running gait (is that the right word/use of the word?).

    Also, if you weren't already aware or tend to ignore what other people say (because you think you're right, as I do), running 3-4x week is better on your joints than running 5-6x/week (as I was doing). And on your off days, cross training is quite beneficial. This could be eliptical, stationary biking, spinning, and weight training.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Any suggestions for winter gear? Specifically shoes. The shoes I have currently may be the culprit to my knee pains and if they're not, they're meshy on the sides and I hate having wet feet. I bought a long sleeve running shirt and am considering getting a pair of running gloves as well.

    Speaking of knee pains, I went to visit an orthopedic doctor last week and I had x-rays done on my knees and although there was nothing serious wrong (as I expected), they did notice my knee caps are slightly off-track which are causing inflammation in my knees and therefore pain for me. Apparently, this can happen when ones outer thigh muscles are stronger than the inner thigh muscles. So I'll be seeing a physical therapist for a few weeks. They'll be able to test my running gait (is that the right word/use of the word?).

    Also, if you weren't already aware or tend to ignore what other people say (because you think you're right, as I do), running 3-4x week is better on your joints than running 5-6x/week (as I was doing). And on your off days, cross training is quite beneficial. This could be eliptical, stationary biking, spinning, and weight training.
    I live in the desert, so we're just getting in to comfortable running weather, so I don't have much advice on that front, I'm afraid. I did just buy long compression pants, long sleeve shirts, a wind breaking running jacket and thin gloves because it does occasionally get below freezing here first thing in the morning, although they are telling us this winter will be mild and dry.

    Thanks for sharing your information on cross-training and muscle development. The area just above my knees has been a little achy and it probably means I need to hit the stationary bike more often, because I've been slacking. I'm glad you realized that running nearly every day is bad for you before serious injury was done. I always advise new runners here to run only 3 days each week and do something non- or low-impact the other days. Even though we might be able to handle running every day from a cardio sense, our joints need the days off.

    On a personal note, I ran 8+miles yesterday! The middle toe of my right foot was in serious pain (still hurts) and I happened to be visiting my sister in the Phoenix area, so I took my shoes back to Roadrunner and exchanged them for a half size larger in a similar style of Mizunos. I can't believe I'm wearing a 9 when I normally wear a 7 or 7 1/2 but I think these will help me. They were $10 more than the shoes I had bought previously (which were also an exchange) but the salesman gave them to me for no additional cost. I cannot say enough good things about Roadrunner Sports!
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks for your quick response Sue! Do you happen to have any links or brands of the gear you posted?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thanks for your quick response Sue! Do you happen to have any links or brands of the gear you posted?
    I've actually gotten most of my gear at Old Navy, including the long compression pants ($15 each). The jacket is an Adidas that I picked up at Ross yesterday while my sister was looking for pant suits for her new job. My one long sleeved shirt is Champion. They were selling them at Costco for under $20 and I think they still are. They have the thumbhole so the sleeves will stay tucked into your gloves. That's definitely something to look for so your hands and arms will stay toasty. Old Navy had nice jackets which have the thumbhole, too. (http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=69873&vid=1&pid=865582&scid=865582022)
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    Great group!

    Just started running...my boyfriend runs a lot and he's always begging me to go with him. Sooo I figured I'd try and start.

    I have been running pretty well, but in the last week or so I've been getting horrible side cramps and have to stop at 2 miles. Any suggestions? I work on my breathing and made sure to stretch and hydrate well, but nothing seems to be working.

    Does anyone else have this problem?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hi! I just found this thread..I did C25K, ran a 5k (yay :)) then busted my ankle. I didn't want to start all over, so I'm now working on my speed on the treadmill by doing distance intervals instead of time. I completed the program at 5.0mph (but my 5k race took 42 minutes) and now I'm working on 5.6mph. I started with .25 mile at a time, now I'm up to .45 miles. I did that twice this morning, then just for kicks did the last .10 at a 6.0. I do .15 or .20 miles walking in between.

    So, I'm totally making up a program. Any feedback, positive or..constructive.., is very welcome :)

    And..I am also a size 7.5 shoe wearing a size 9 Brooks Glycerine sneaker.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hi! I just found this thread..I did C25K, ran a 5k (yay :)) then busted my ankle. I didn't want to start all over, so I'm now working on my speed on the treadmill by doing distance intervals instead of time. I completed the program at 5.0mph (but my 5k race took 42 minutes) and now I'm working on 5.6mph. I started with .25 mile at a time, now I'm up to .45 miles. I did that twice this morning, then just for kicks did the last .10 at a 6.0. I do .15 or .20 miles walking in between.

    So, I'm totally making up a program. Any feedback, positive or..constructive.., is very welcome :)

    And..I am also a size 7.5 shoe wearing a size 9 Brooks Glycerine sneaker.
    Thanks I don't feel so bad, now. LOL Brooks run small, too. My first pair were size 8 Brooks Ghost 4s and I had to return them within a few weeks (would have been sooner, but I live 2 hours from the store) because they were way too small. The 8.5s had my heels slipping out of them so I switched to the Mizunos.

    I like your speed plan. I need to work on mine, too, but I'm so focused on distance right now (and don't have access to a treadmill) preparing for the half marathon. I want to work on speed starting in January. I might need to join a gym. :) How long are you walking or jogging, and what speed, between the sprinting intervals?
  • HI All,

    I used to run a couple of 10ks a week but steadily put on the pounds by swapping exercise with eating - not a good move! I am now desperate to get back to the running but I honestly think I am just too heavy to run - every time I try I feel like I'm going to collapse and get shin splints. I go for 2 x 5 mile brisk walks a week and wonder how the intensity of this compares to slow jogging in terms of calories burnt.

    Good luck to all you new and experienced joggers - it is a great rewarding exercise.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    HI All,

    I used to run a couple of 10ks a week but steadily put on the pounds by swapping exercise with eating - not a good move! I am now desperate to get back to the running but I honestly think I am just too heavy to run - every time I try I feel like I'm going to collapse and get shin splints. I go for 2 x 5 mile brisk walks a week and wonder how the intensity of this compares to slow jogging in terms of calories burnt.

    Good luck to all you new and experienced joggers - it is a great rewarding exercise.
    Try interval running. Alternate a slow jog (can still talk) with walking. You can start as slow as 30 seconds jogging with 2 minutes walking and work your way up. I don't know how much you weigh, but there are people on MFP who are running at nearly 300 pounds, so I can't imagine you're too heavy to do this. Just take it slowly and easily.

    You might look into either the Couch to 5K or Jeff Galloway's interval program (I recommend this one) for a structured program to get you to 5K in a reasonable and safe timeframe. Just remember to limit running to three days a week, with a day off between doing something low- or non-impact to give your joints a chance to recover. Also make sure you have GOOD running shoes, especially if you are carrying extra pounds.

    ETA: Forgot the calories part... Average calorie burn for either walking or running 1 mile is 100 calories. The more you weigh, the more calories you burn. So each 5 mile walk is at least 500 calories burned, no matter how fast you go.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 340 Member
    Hello!!! I made it to two minutes before I had to slow down, which is amazing for me!!! :p Even better, I was able to chase my kids at the park yesterday!! That felt great!! I hope to be able to do a 5k at some point!!!!
  • Nanee24
    Nanee24 Posts: 21 Member
    Today was my first day of the Couch to 5K program. It felt amazing! I've been working out for the past few months, so I didn't totally die this morning.

    I'm trying to get a serious kick in my weight loss before my 30th birthday in a few months. I'd love to be able to run for 30 minutes straight by the end of the year....I'm feeling confident I can do it!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Speaking of knee pains, I went to visit an orthopedic doctor last week and I had x-rays done on my knees and although there was nothing serious wrong (as I expected), they did notice my knee caps are slightly off-track which are causing inflammation in my knees and therefore pain for me. Apparently, this can happen when ones outer thigh muscles are stronger than the inner thigh muscles. So I'll be seeing a physical therapist for a few weeks. They'll be able to test my running gait (is that the right word/use of the word?).

    I'm so glad you're getting that checked out before it turns into the issue I have! I wish they would have caught my problem before my kneecaps started dislocating!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hi! I just found this thread..I did C25K, ran a 5k (yay :)) then busted my ankle. I didn't want to start all over, so I'm now working on my speed on the treadmill by doing distance intervals instead of time. I completed the program at 5.0mph (but my 5k race took 42 minutes) and now I'm working on 5.6mph. I started with .25 mile at a time, now I'm up to .45 miles. I did that twice this morning, then just for kicks did the last .10 at a 6.0. I do .15 or .20 miles walking in between.

    So, I'm totally making up a program. Any feedback, positive or..constructive.., is very welcome :)

    And..I am also a size 7.5 shoe wearing a size 9 Brooks Glycerine sneaker.
    Thanks I don't feel so bad, now. LOL Brooks run small, too. My first pair were size 8 Brooks Ghost 4s and I had to return them within a few weeks (would have been sooner, but I live 2 hours from the store) because they were way too small. The 8.5s had my heels slipping out of them so I switched to the Mizunos.

    I like your speed plan. I need to work on mine, too, but I'm so focused on distance right now (and don't have access to a treadmill) preparing for the half marathon. I want to work on speed starting in January. I might need to join a gym. :) How long are you walking or jogging, and what speed, between the sprinting intervals?

    I am sooo slow, I feel like I have to improve my speed or else I might as well be walking :) I wish I could avoid the treadmill but for right now it's all I got...my neighborhood is not safe in the dark and I'm out there at 5:30am. I do plan to get back slow/long runs outside on the weekends one of these days. I'm in SoCal so it's always nice out.

    Generally when I finish a run I put it down to 3.4 for a few seconds then back to 3.5 until I run again. I try to run again after no more than .15 mile but today I had .20 in between runs. Maybe 2 minutes?? I also walk for .15 mile before running to loosen up my tight ol' hips. And I do 30 minutes on another machine, stairmaster or elliptical, before the treadmill. I always did it that way because I could burn more calories on other machines but now the treadmill is catching up, so that makes me happy!
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hi! I just found this thread..I did C25K, ran a 5k (yay :)) then busted my ankle. I didn't want to start all over, so I'm now working on my speed on the treadmill by doing distance intervals instead of time. I completed the program at 5.0mph (but my 5k race took 42 minutes) and now I'm working on 5.6mph. I started with .25 mile at a time, now I'm up to .45 miles. I did that twice this morning, then just for kicks did the last .10 at a 6.0. I do .15 or .20 miles walking in between.

    So, I'm totally making up a program. Any feedback, positive or..constructive.., is very welcome :)

    And..I am also a size 7.5 shoe wearing a size 9 Brooks Glycerine sneaker.
    Thanks I don't feel so bad, now. LOL Brooks run small, too. My first pair were size 8 Brooks Ghost 4s and I had to return them within a few weeks (would have been sooner, but I live 2 hours from the store) because they were way too small. The 8.5s had my heels slipping out of them so I switched to the Mizunos.

    I like your speed plan. I need to work on mine, too, but I'm so focused on distance right now (and don't have access to a treadmill) preparing for the half marathon. I want to work on speed starting in January. I might need to join a gym. :) How long are you walking or jogging, and what speed, between the sprinting intervals?

    I am sooo slow, I feel like I have to improve my speed or else I might as well be walking :) I wish I could avoid the treadmill but for right now it's all I got...my neighborhood is not safe in the dark and I'm out there at 5:30am. I do plan to get back slow/long runs outside on the weekends one of these days. I'm in SoCal so it's always nice out.

    Generally when I finish a run I put it down to 3.4 for a few seconds then back to 3.5 until I run again. I try to run again after no more than .15 mile but today I had .20 in between runs. Maybe 2 minutes?? I also walk for .15 mile before running to loosen up my tight ol' hips. And I do 30 minutes on another machine, stairmaster or elliptical, before the treadmill. I always did it that way because I could burn more calories on other machines but now the treadmill is catching up, so that makes me happy!
    3.5 MPH is the average speed for my walk intervals, too. I should probably try to make one of my short runs during the week a speed training session. I can run about 6 to 6.5 MPH but out on the street it's just guessing how fast I'm going until my phone app tells me (every two minutes) what my current speed is. When I'm tired, it's easy to overestimate my speed. LOL
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i love running now !!!
    (only after 2 months!!)
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    HI All,

    I used to run a couple of 10ks a week but steadily put on the pounds by swapping exercise with eating - not a good move! I am now desperate to get back to the running but I honestly think I am just too heavy to run - every time I try I feel like I'm going to collapse and get shin splints. I go for 2 x 5 mile brisk walks a week and wonder how the intensity of this compares to slow jogging in terms of calories burnt.

    Good luck to all you new and experienced joggers - it is a great rewarding exercise.

    I'm pretty sure we all started out this way. I sure did! If you haven't seen this guy's website, here it is: http://www.500lbs2marathon.com/Home_Page.html

    He's very inspirational!
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    Hello!!! I made it to two minutes before I had to slow down, which is amazing for me!!! :p Even better, I was able to chase my kids at the park yesterday!! That felt great!! I hope to be able to do a 5k at some point!!!!

    Congratulations! That's very exciting. Keep doing what you're doing and just sign up for a 5k. I kept putting it off forever and finally just signed up for one so I'd HAVE to do it. I'm so glad I did and now I want to run them all the time.

    My run yesterday was the fastest I've ever run consistently at 7mph (or 8.5 min/mile) for 30 minutes. I'm amazed and never thought I'd be able to do that, not without dropping more weight first. Another amazing feeling for me was not being incredibly exhausted. I was able to breath comfortably and my heart rate dropped from 184 to 124 in less than 30 seconds (from the point I started walking). Amazing!
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    OMG what is my problem?....I have been at this now for 6 weeks and I can barely jog for 2 to 3 minutes straight...I feel like if I go any slower it would be considered walking...I am having no cramps, shin splints, or knee problems, just breathing issues...I discovered I was breathing incorrectly and so when I changed I thought it would be better and its not...I have never had asthma but I did smoke for 10 years and have been smoke-free for 7! I am doing my first 5K on Thanksgiving and I am now unsure of myself...I don't expect anyone to have an "answer", but has anyone else experienced this?? Am I just being too hard on myself and messing with my brain (overthinking things??)...This happens whether I run outside or inside on the treadmill. I think I am just psyching myself out...LOL...Maybe after the 5K I will calm down...I refuse to give up! I am thoroughly enjoying this too much...I have not run since I played softball my freshman year of HS some 20 odd years ago so I am very proud of myself!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    OMG what is my problem?....I have been at this now for 6 weeks and I can barely jog for 2 to 3 minutes straight...I feel like if I go any slower it would be considered walking...I am having no cramps, shin splints, or knee problems, just breathing issues...I discovered I was breathing incorrectly and so when I changed I thought it would be better and its not...I have never had asthma but I did smoke for 10 years and have been smoke-free for 7! I am doing my first 5K on Thanksgiving and I am now unsure of myself...I don't expect anyone to have an "answer", but has anyone else experienced this?? Am I just being too hard on myself and messing with my brain (overthinking things??)...This happens whether I run outside or inside on the treadmill. I think I am just psyching myself out...LOL...Maybe after the 5K I will calm down...I refuse to give up! I am thoroughly enjoying this too much...I have not run since I played softball my freshman year of HS some 20 odd years ago so I am very proud of myself!
    Have you considered just running intervals? I do all of my running that way. 2 or 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking is my current pace. I'm at least as fast, if not faster, than if I were just running and I went 8 miles that way this weekend. There are a lot of benefits to running intervals. Google Jeff Galloway if you'd like some additional information.