MW3 8 Nov 2011

maiituu Posts: 81 Member
Any Call of duty fans out there? I personally can't wait for this day to arrive, I play on Xbox so send me a friend request if you want to own during the first week. Tag Hayabusa Bancho


  • I would add you but I have PS3! I'm so excited for it to come out, it looks awesome. Hopefully it's better than Black Ops...
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    I have a acountdown timer on my home & work computers. I can't wait til Nov 8th :)
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I'll be a CoD widow on this day.
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    I was going to buy BF3 but a friend told me not to bother and just keep playing BOps until the release day. I have to tell you that I can't wait to use COD elite again, I was in the beta and I loved it, especially with their daily contests.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    battlefield!!! battlefield!!!

    Oh. Wrong thread
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Battlefield 3 Roxs! never been a cod fan but have mates that are
  • cyfairslam
    cyfairslam Posts: 17 Member
    Three Xboxs will be playing MW3 on Nov. 8th. (Me and my two sons) There could be a bandwith problem brewing. :<)

    Been playing BF3 this weekend, not a bad game.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    The 8th is a lifting day for me. So I'll lift before I even get on Xbox. Everyone will be 9 hours ahead of me =(
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Sorry wasn't trying to bad mouth BF, my friend knows that i like fast game play and BF does not match my style, he was just telling me to stay away from it because I would not like it, he however loves it.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Battlefield 3 Roxs! never been a cod fan but have mates that are

    Really? Everyone I have talked to said it was an overrated piece of garbage.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Battlefield 3 Roxs! never been a cod fan but have mates that are

    Really? Everyone I have talked to said it was an overrated piece of garbage.

    I love it. The people you've spoken to obviously can't tell a good first person shooter when they see one. Graphics are stunning!

    The only thing that is enormously crap is that they switched to Origin. They should have kept the digital download through Steam but EA just has to f%ck things up.
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Three Xboxs will be playing MW3 on Nov. 8th. (Me and my two sons) There could be a bandwith problem brewing. :<)

    Been playing BF3 this weekend, not a bad game.

    That's awesome, hopefully you have a good net provider lol.
  • cyfairslam
    cyfairslam Posts: 17 Member
    For the record, I had a discussion with my company's IT head and we both agree BF3 is a great game. He likes rush in multiplayer and I like team deathmatch. BF has really improved. Other than the gun lights, we have no complaints.

    There is always a war of words between BFrs and CODrs in every game forum. I have fun playing both.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Yeah battlefield 3 is way ahead in game play IMO. COD is a good game and if you like that style of game play even better. I have Black Ops and enjoy playing that, but the perks etc imo make the game more bias towards the serious gamer IE you put the time in you get the good stuff, you don't you get owned by the people who do as they have better perks etc.

    This is just my observation, I was a dedicated 1.6 player and personally its the new counter strike thats got me on my seats edge :-D
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    I just came from the Base exchange (the wall mart for the military) and they had MW3 for display. All I have to say is holy crap! I checked a few of the maps and they look sweet, they have a great variety, and special ops is freaking awesome, after 30 minutes I had to quit because i started losing track of time and I was just running errands for work.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm going to midnight launch of MW3.
    BF is good but I like CoD better, just personal preference. :)
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    I was thinking of doing the same but I already pre-orderd through amazon, and I have several things going at my job prevents me from taking leave, but I'll definetly take advantage of the 3 day weekend :devil:
  • While the CoD games are fun I just don't understand how people can buy them at full price every single year when they're essentially expansion packs to the older ones.
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Anybody else excited?
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Anybody else excited?

    I had a day booked off work tomorrow, but I have too much to get done so I cancelled it. I'm picking up my pre-order tomorrow at BestBuy and loading up my PC as soon as I get home.

    And yes, I play on my PC. I can't shoot straight on the XBox. Race a car, hit a baseball, throw a football, yes. Shoot anything - no.