What foods do you really, *really* crave?



  • taritchie
    taritchie Posts: 11 Member
    I could eat Pizza everyday of the week.
  • The ones I'm successful at avoiding for the most part:
    - Cheese - really high quality kinds, oozey, gooey and stinky. Fortunately for my waistline it's very hard to find them where I live, or they're prohibitively expensive.
    - French bread and butter - again, on the other side of the world, makes that a bit difficult!
    - McDonalds cheeseburger and fries - once every couple of months I allow myself a meal, always hits the spot. But a very rare indulgence
    - Sugar. Lollies/candy (though I'm starting to go off it, makes me feel ill now), homemade cookies/cake (I can control this by not baking though)
    - Mashed potato - My boyfriend requests this now and then, I only make it full of cream and butter. Worth the calories once a month
    - Coke Zero - I allow myself a bottle once a week maximum
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Chocolate or anything covered in chocolate and ice cream. I do love pizza too, but I allow myself to indulge once in a while as long as I fit it into my allowances for the day.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anything that keeps me full for more than 5mins!! Healthy foods just DO NOT fill me up!!

    That has to be psychological. There is no reason that a food would be more or less filling simply because it is considered "unhealthy".
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I honeslty can't think of anything. I rarely get food cravings, except maybe for nachos or spaghetti, but it's easy enough to make healthy versions of those that are tasty and satisfying so I never really worry about bingeing on them. I've never been much of a binge eater except for Cheetoes. I can put away an entire bag of Cheetoes in no time at all. But I don't crave them. I rarely think about them unless I see them.
  • I know it's horrible for you, but my craving is always Taco Bell. I have had it once in the last five weeks and I made sure it fit in my daily calorie allowance. :)
  • I don't really crave foods either like some who have posted here... I do have some "likes" that aren't so healthy though but they're your usual! Such as cheese, chocolate, chips and dip (mmmmm I allowed myself some at a party in the weekend, it was so good!), crackers and things like that. But I don't deny myself them, cos I know I can do it in moderation and have the control.

    But coke? That's the devil's drink! haha
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Pick n Mix sweets. I'm seriously considering skipping dinner so I can have some tomorrow night at the movies!
  • OMG

    Panda Express.

    I crave Chow Mein pretty much all the time.
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Proseco & Wine on Friday nights/Saturdays

    Tortilla Chips and Corona/Peroni....again on Friday nights!

    I live in Scotland, drinking is a way of life. When outside of Scotland, I like nothing more than sitting in the sun in some Spanish seaside town drinking wine whilst nibbling on salty snacks such as pistachios....
  • Diet Coke , occassionally fudge and Nestles nutty chocolate covered icecream cones .. yuuumm just had one yesterday (the icecream) and It was 290 calories but it was the llast one lleft in the house so no more of those in the house for awhile. I hadn't had one before that in I dont know when .. I have to go a long way away from home to get good fudge so even if i want it i cant have it .. Diet coke i still drink but not to the degree i used to where i would finish a two liter in one day.. I let myself have a glass or two sometimes but I suppliment my thirst with ice tea and sweetner otherwise. Now if i could only make myself drink water more ...
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    This time of year, I just want caramel in all forms. The sugar free kind will give me the major runs. I want TWIX!! But, so far, with the help of Sugar Free Jello Pudding and whipping cream, I've been able to stave off temptation. I want to be THIN!! :)
  • little_gothic_girl
    little_gothic_girl Posts: 22 Member
    I see a lot of sweets!! But mine is anything with heart stopping amounts of salt... pickled anything (bologna, okra, cucumbers, eggs, olives), cheese, salt and vineger chips/crisps or beef jerky/salami... i love sushi too, if i could only have one food, it would be sushi. I am somewhat good about keeping my calories down, but salt is my downfall!!
  • Mexican food, & sourdough bread. Sweet freaking jeebus!!! It's tough living in San Diego where so much good Mexican food is around! I'm actually learning to take roads around the normal taco shops that I used to frequent :P
  • kiahpyr
    kiahpyr Posts: 85 Member
    French fries, pizza, ice cream and my dh's spicy cheese dip.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I have to be so careful around cheesecake. It is the yummiest thing ever.