30 Day Shred Review

So I was thinking about getting it and wanted to hear some reviews on it.

What do you like about it? Hate about?


  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    So I was thinking about getting it and wanted to hear some reviews on it.

    What do you like about it? Hate about?
  • amccarville
    amccarville Posts: 185
    love it. been doig it on and off since dec. but right know am on day 15, doing 30 straight days. 10 days at each level. love love love it
  • Nicole114
    Nicole114 Posts: 38
    I love it! It definitely kicks your butt and makes you sweat. It's only 20 minutes too, so towards the end you start getting tired then it's over and you're like "that wasn't so bad" lol. Anyways, LOVE IT!!
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Love it:heart:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Just my opinion but I did not like the 30 Day Shred. I tried it for a couple of weeks. However, I love the Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD. Guess you just need to find what works for you.
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    20 minutes burns 220ish calories for me, I like it a lot. No crazy dance moves, anybody of any age and size can do it, the modified versions are easy to see on screen, and Jillian gives good tips on proper form.

    If you want to try it before you buy it, you can always order it on Netflix (if you have it).

    The only thing you need for the DvD is a set of 1-5lbs weights. I just use two 16oz soup cans, since I don't have a weight set.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I love it. I also have the BL bootcamp and love it I have about every since BL workout DVD and I love them all.
  • jjoyg
    jjoyg Posts: 12
    I like it a lot and I am very athletic. It can def make you sweat and get you working. My fiance even does it with me because it challenges you a lot with your own body weight.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Love it, did it today. Plan on doing it again tomorrow.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I like it. I am almost ready to go to level 3, the toughest level I've heard. You definitely get a good workout and sweat a lot.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    That's a good idea about the Netflix. It's only like $8.00 at Walmart so it's not a big deal if I'm not a fan. Hopefully they have it in stock!
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    I love it. I've been doing it for 20 days now and I've noticed big difference in my muscle tone and endurance.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    SO I checked out my On Demand with Time Warner Cable and they have the first and second level of 30 day shred. Yipppeee! I'll check it out there and see if it's worth buying!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    How do you enter something like a video on the exercise part?
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I enter it as circuit training.
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    After reading this thread I decided to order this from netflix. If I like it I will buy it.
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    Read alot of reviews and talked to people who had done other Jillian Michaels stuff (wii) and was both scared an anxious to try it. Did my first day of the 30 day shred today. OMG!!!!First off, woke up with a cold coughing and tight throat. I was gasping during the warm up. Half way through, was thinking I was crazy, then on last circuit, found I was liking it and trying they advanced stuff. Got done, LOVED IT!!. My legs were weak and took 20 minutes to cool off, even after a short 1/2 mile slow walk to the mail box. Plan on doing all 30 days (even though I have to get up @ 4a.m. to sneak it in before work). She also has a couple of other videos I bought to use later into the program.