is it just me or....



  • kpxfiles
    kpxfiles Posts: 56 Member
    I am going through the same thing. I have been working on my spiritual self, which has been helping me deal with this. I read this book Forgiveness and it has helped me a lot. This is also a great book 4 Agreements .
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    I had a boss once and she told me, after she lost 100 pounds, that it's normal for your brain to still "SEE" a fat person when you have lost a lot of weight. It took her a cpl months after she stopped losing to get accostomed to her new healthy self. Your brains eye will adjust to your new weight and size, and then you will be very comfortable. But just try to remind yourself that this is normal and you still shop for smaller sizes.
  • Always keep at least ONE pair of big pants around. Then when you feel that way put them on and watch them drop to the floor.... after laughing you will feel better about yourself.

    Congratulations on such GREAT success you have had!

    I have a pair of my 42's and even now my 36's are getting to big
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Definitely not just you; I go through the same thing but what I have discovered is that, for me, part of my journey isn'y just about the outward appearance and physical health but my emotional health as well. Just as I built new healthier habits of caring for my physical body, I am slowly building a healthier habit of caring for my emotional self too (this includes changing the focus away from that fat girl image and truly realizing my "self").
  • I read that, everyday as a "fat" person we live eat and breathe think as a "fat" person..and when we lose the weight, even though our bodies our smaller/thinner/healthier. Our minds still "think" like a "fat" person. If that makes sense. Changing thought habits can be just as hard as changing eating habits
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I read that, everyday as a "fat" person we live eat and breathe think as a "fat" person..and when we lose the weight, even though our bodies our smaller/thinner/healthier. Our minds still "think" like a "fat" person. If that makes sense. Changing thought habits can be just as hard as changing eating habits

    You are so very right! (& you said it very well).
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Your before and current photo....what a HUGE difference!!! Keep it up...look how far you have come!
  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    3/ It took me 47 years to come this far, at 95 I'm gonna be smoking hot (maybe a little wrinkly).

    I am still learning to accept me, as a result I am starting to love the skin I'm in.

    LOVE THIS - yes you are gonna be smoking hot!!! Great job!!!

    We are all our own worst critic but I definitely think we have to remind ourselves how far we've come and where we're heading FOR ALL THE REASONS...eventually our eyes will catch up!
  • jchester71
    jchester71 Posts: 124 Member
    Body image is an odd thing, I had the exact opposite problem. As I was packing on the weight and headed north of 300 lbs I looked in the mirror and saw the 225 lb athlete I always was. Self perception is extremely powerful and can't be trusted. Know you are doing great and settle yourself on the facts and don't be bullied by your feelings. As it is written the heart is deceitful above all things, who can understand it?
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I think it's a common thing, happens to me. I've been heavy for 17 years and it's hard for me to adjust to the person in the mirror. I go clothes shopping and by default I head to the + size section. Still can't bring myself to shop in the skinny section until the bigger clothes look like tents on me in the dressing room.

    I still push the table out at a restaurant thinking I'm not going to fit in the booth. Crazy!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    It's called body dismorphia. IMO everybody has this.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    For a while I didn't recognize the person in the mirror. I just because so use to being the fun fat guy. Then I didn't recognize the skinny person looking back at me. Took some getting use to. I still have about 10 lbs I'd like to lose but I don't think it will change my face much.
    You're doing great and don't let anyone derail you. Super Job!!!
  • I think this is perfectly normal. I spent most of my adult life grossly overweight and sometimes I'm almost confused at the woman I see in the mirror.

    When you come from a high weight and lose a lot of weight, for me it was 126 lbs, you still have to get past always feeling like the big girl. I recently took a photo with some of my friends who I have always thought were thin and when I saw the posted picture I saw that I was actually smaller than they are. I still see them in real life as smaller than me.

    Truth is, I'm not a big person anymore but I think I will always have the mindset of a larger woman. In a way I think that is good because the day I get too comfortable with this weight is the day I fear I will tumble back into my old lifestyle and regain all I worked so hard to lose.
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    Do me a favor and next time you are at the gym, Lift, press, and haul around those 65 lbs you lost. It will be a very sobering effect. Maybe you might not be able to do it but thats all those pounds you lost. And if you cant lift them now, think about what it would be like to have those back on. You have done a lot, you will do more.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    try on one of those old shirts in the mirror!
  • KimmySue72
    KimmySue72 Posts: 67 Member
    I've been struggling with this very thing. I've lost 49lbs in the last 19 weeks, and still have long way to go to reach my ultimate goal, but I have a hard time "seeing" the difference to this point. I keep trying to remind myself that I've lost 5 pounds more than my five-year-old son weighs, and in my mind I know I'm on the right track and losing (my baggy clothes are proof that there are changes happening) but I just can't see it in myself visually yet. At least I know I'm not alone! :)
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