
maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok... so my dr. put me on Phentermine to help control my appetite (I don't eat much anyway) because he said I need to lose weight because I'm fatigued, etc (Really, all symptoms of hypothyroidism but he doesn't want to test). I ate twice today and maybe two or three bites. No real meal. I've been really excited (not jittery or hyper). Called dr. and he said cut it in half. I'm SO afraid of rebounding once I'm off of it. It's not like I'm not working out and eating right because I am but I can't lose weight. Is Phentermine really neccessary? Will it really help me lose weight and change my habits or will it starve my body and make me rebound?


  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Coming off of speed will introduce you to a whole new level of fatigue. Phentermine is prescription speed - as evidenced by your lack of appetite and excitability.

    I would seriously question this doctor.

    Wholesome whole foods with adequate nutrition, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise will alleviate the fatigue AND help you lose weight. Phentermine will not help you learn any new habits - as soon as you quit taking it, you will crash and you will be right back where you were when you started.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Did you have trouble controlling your appetite before the meds? If, as you say, you don't eat much, then I don't see why you need an appetite suppressant. Maybe I'm missing something here?
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    If your doctor wont' test for Thryoid trouble I'd find another Doc PDQ! You need 2nd opion.!
  • With only needing to lose 39 pounds and already not eating a lot, I find it fishy your doctor put you on a weight loss drug. Plus, he wouldn't test for for something that you think he should?? I would speak with another physician. I think it sounds like a bad plan.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Coming off of speed will introduce you to a whole new level of fatigue. Phentermine is prescription speed - as evidenced by your lack of appetite and excitability.

    I would seriously question this doctor.

    Wholesome whole foods with adequate nutrition, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise will alleviate the fatigue AND help you lose weight. Phentermine will not help you learn any new habits - as soon as you quit taking it, you will crash and you will be right back where you were when you started.


    Also, any doc who doesn't want to test for thyroid issues is one to question. I had to have my thyroid checked before they'd put me on my anti depressants.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    And it causes bad breath.
  • stephaniev07
    stephaniev07 Posts: 59 Member
    I was on phentermine for 2 months it did help but as soon as I stopped taking it. (wasn't covered by insurance so it was out of pocket and I didn't have the $ to refill for a while after I ran out) I was so hungry I felt like I was starving. You know that saying "she's like an empty pit? that was me and I litteraly felt empty no matter how much I ate for about a week after I stopped taking it. Also before phentermine my heart rate was fine and now after ( I am not a dr so I am making a guess here) is really high so high and uncontrolable I am now taking meds to slow down my heart. at a rest in the dr's office for over an hour it was in the 170's. It didn't work well for or with me. I would get a new dr! Cuz even when my dr prescribed it he did a blood panel first to make sure it wasn't my thyroid.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Ok... so my dr. put me on Phentermine to help control my appetite (I don't eat much anyway) because he said I need to lose weight because I'm fatigued, etc (Really, all symptoms of hypothyroidism but he doesn't want to test). I ate twice today and maybe two or three bites. No real meal. I've been really excited (not jittery or hyper). Called dr. and he said cut it in half. I'm SO afraid of rebounding once I'm off of it. It's not like I'm not working out and eating right because I am but I can't lose weight. Is Phentermine really neccessary? Will it really help me lose weight and change my habits or will it starve my body and make me rebound?

    Sorry Hun, there's red flags all over this posts.

    1- I would seriously question a Doctor who would prescribe a appetite suppressant to someone who already doesn't have a good appetite

    2- He should be checking out your source of fatigue and if there is hypothyroidism

    3- You don't have that much to loose to warrant such drastic measures as a drug for weight loss

    Eat healthy well balanced meal with sensible portions and exercise, log everything, stay in your calorie goal and you will loose weight WITHOUT using phentermine
  • grneyedgf
    grneyedgf Posts: 23 Member
    It will only be effective for 3 months and it is used to help you change your diet without the hunger. If your not eating much as you say then you shouldn't use it. Go to a doctor who will test your thyroid. I have a thyroid problem and my doctor didn't want to put me on medication, even though I was gaining an average of 3 lb. every 2 weeks. I found one who listened and turns out I had ALL the symptoms. The phen will give you more energy, but again it is only a temporary solution to help you progress to an active lifestyle AND a healthy diet without constant hunger.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Sounds like a great doctor
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    I've seen him 4 times with the same complaint. 1) More sleep and less work; 2) Stop drinking so much caffiene; 3) Take B-12 (which made me sick to my stomach, etc with no help); 4) Phentermine and lose 40 lbs. See if losing some weight will help (I'VE BEEN TRYING!!!!!!!!) *I'm frustrated*

    I just wish that I could see results with what I've been doing. Working out 3-4 days/week. Small meals 3-4 times/day. Kicked my Diet Dr. Pepper habit so only water and an occasional sweet tea. Limited sweets. I'm turning into a fat rabbit!!!!

    The only reason I haven't found another doctor is because I just moved here and this is the dr. my husband goes to and there are so many to choose from. I don't want to take them but I don't want to go against a dr's orders. Does that make any sense???
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    The only reason I haven't found another doctor is because I just moved here and this is the dr. my husband goes to and there are so many to choose from. I don't want to take them but I don't want to go against a dr's orders. Does that make any sense???

    Find a new doctor, if there are so many to choose from you have many options.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    If you're fatigued and not eating enough you shouldn't take phentermine. I'm not a doctor and I can tell you that. I have a friend that didn't eat more than twice a day. She took phentermine and it made her FORGET to eat entirely. Result...she fainted while DRIVING. Luckily, her foot fell off of the excelerator. Am I trying to scare you into not taking this drug, yes I am. Find another doctor.

    Eating more is a better option, taking B12 is a better option, taking iron is a better option. Taking phentermine is not.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Your doctor's a ****ing quack. You have 39 pounds to lose. You're not morbidly obese.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I've seen him 4 times with the same complaint. 1) More sleep and less work; 2) Stop drinking so much caffiene; 3) Take B-12 (which made me sick to my stomach, etc with no help); 4) Phentermine and lose 40 lbs. See if losing some weight will help (I'VE BEEN TRYING!!!!!!!!) *I'm frustrated*

    I just wish that I could see results with what I've been doing. Working out 3-4 days/week. Small meals 3-4 times/day. Kicked my Diet Dr. Pepper habit so only water and an occasional sweet tea. Limited sweets. I'm turning into a fat rabbit!!!!

    The only reason I haven't found another doctor is because I just moved here and this is the dr. my husband goes to and there are so many to choose from. I don't want to take them but I don't want to go against a dr's orders. Does that make any sense???

    Doctors aren't gods. You can disobey and disagree. Please find a new one that will actually test you for things you have a legitimate reason to be concerned about.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    question your Dr. seriously. get more than a second opinion. and get the heck off of speed! you are right to be concerned. best wishes.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    If your goal is to make this a lifelong change I would get off now! Be strong! You can push yourself to do anything u want!
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 337 Member
    If your doctor wont' test for Thryoid trouble I'd find another Doc PDQ! You need 2nd opion.!

    I agree! :noway:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 337 Member
    Coming off of speed will introduce you to a whole new level of fatigue. Phentermine is prescription speed - as evidenced by your lack of appetite and excitability.

    I would seriously question this doctor.

    Wholesome whole foods with adequate nutrition, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise will alleviate the fatigue AND help you lose weight. Phentermine will not help you learn any new habits - as soon as you quit taking it, you will crash and you will be right back where you were when you started.

    DITTO! Weight is a life style change not a new addiction!!!!
  • Redheadbkb
    Redheadbkb Posts: 22 Member
    Phentermine will not help you at all with your habits.

    In addition, even FDA-approved weight loss drugs usually aren't safe. Pharmaceutical companies aren't obligated to publish trials in which they found negative side effects, or in which the drugs were shown to be only as effective as placebo.

    Don't do it. Make him test for hypothyroidism, or go to another doctor. That's bad medicine, if he's really saying he won't do it.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    Ok... so my dr. put me on Phentermine to help control my appetite (I don't eat much anyway) because he said I need to lose weight because I'm fatigued, etc (Really, all symptoms of hypothyroidism but he doesn't want to test). I ate twice today and maybe two or three bites. No real meal. I've been really excited (not jittery or hyper). Called dr. and he said cut it in half. I'm SO afraid of rebounding once I'm off of it. It's not like I'm not working out and eating right because I am but I can't lose weight. Is Phentermine really neccessary? Will it really help me lose weight and change my habits or will it starve my body and make me rebound?

    What is it with the idiot dr's lately?? Find a diff dr!!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    My doctor also prescribed this for me at the beginning of the year. It definitely worked. For the first time in probably my whole life I could barely eat. I had to force myself to try to get in 1200 calories. I lost weight but it was awful. I stopped sleeping completely - I've never felt so horrible. I was so exhausted I couldn't work took everything to even walk to the bathroom. After two weeks (even going to 1/2 pill) I couldn't do it anymore. I stopped taking it and my appetite was crazy. I couldn't stop eating. I put back on all the weight I lost.

    I'm not pro or against diet pills, but I've tried Phen and it wasn't worth it to me at all. I almost wish I hadn't tried it at all, it messed me up. You gotta do what's good for you though so I wish you luck! :flowerforyou:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Let me start out and say this.. There is nothing wrong with Phentermine... if used correctly.

    I must be the only pro person for Phentermine on this site. I'm cool with that. I used it for a month while getting in the habit. It was a great tool. People knock it and want everything to be 100% clean. They aren't living in reality. Phentermine was a huge blessing for me and a great boost to the start of my lifestyle change. To call a Dr. idiot's for prescribing it I think is harsh. The problem is they don't explain what it is and the rules and how to use it.

    Is it a pill to take and lose weight and be happy? No... it's a tool.. You take it and you create good habits. If you aren't forming good habits then you will have a bad experience and you will gain that weight back and more.

    I'm not a Dr. nor a weight loss specialist but I have dropped a **** ton of weight fast and getting stronger, faster, and leaner in the process. Phentermine really helped jump start that. Use it as a tool and and not an answer and it's a great product. Funny enough I've lost faster without the Phentermine but the phentermine really helped get that gym habit going. I think it's a great and wonderful short term tool if you are truly ready to lose the weight. Anyone who insults it without trying it, being on it, or understanding its use is saying it just to say they are against it. Those that tried it some have had bad experiences and I completely understand that, it's not for everyone I will say that every time. You have to be ready to change your life if you go on it. Many people aren't. Biggest problem I had was I was put on too high of a dose, but that is why my Dr. checked back with me in 1 week. We lowered my dose and I was off of it after 45 days or so. 2 weeks of weaning off after being on it a month.

    If you wanted to go to the Dr. then give his advice a shot, if you didn't want the medicine or his advice why did you go? So many come on here and complain about all Dr's. If you are uncomfortable with one Dr's, go see another. If you don't want the medicines or any Dr.'s advice then why go at all? Not directing towards OP just to people in general.

    I hate seeing all the hatred spewed towards phentermine on here. Is my lifestyle accomplish less then yours because I took phentermine? Is my hours in the gym somehow voided out? Is the fact I've stuck with it as I've watched a good chunk on my friends list struggle or quit all together make me using phentermine as out to be cheating? In the end we all want to get to the same goal. Some of us need different paths for others.

    You asked is Phentermine necessary or right for you.. The one who can answer that question is yourself. Do you think you need it? If the answer is no, then you have your answer right there. Are you ready to only be on it a short time and for good habits? If you say no then you have your answer right there. It's a tool, please don't treat it like a solve all or poison. It's neither of these.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    My doctor also prescribed this for me at the beginning of the year. It definitely worked. For the first time in probably my whole life I could barely eat. I had to force myself to try to get in 1200 calories. I lost weight but it was awful. I stopped sleeping completely - I've never felt so horrible. I was so exhausted I couldn't work took everything to even walk to the bathroom. After two weeks (even going to 1/2 pill) I couldn't do it anymore. I stopped taking it and my appetite was crazy. I couldn't stop eating. I put back on all the weight I lost.

    I'm not pro or against diet pills, but I've tried Phen and it wasn't worth it to me at all. I almost wish I hadn't tried it at all, it messed me up. You gotta do what's good for you though so I wish you luck! :flowerforyou:

    I respect this opinion. You've tried it. I agree my first week was pretty insane. Wasn't hungry, didn't sleep I got cut from 47.5mg down to half pills.. I noticed it took a couple weeks for my body to really get used to it. By the time I felt it wasn't even having an effect on me I was on half of that and weaning off.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Get a new doctor please. He should at least be running the tests for your thyroid... and if they come back "normal" ask to see the actual numbers. Even if your TSH is 5 some doctors will say that you're "normal" but a good endocrinologist will know that this is not normal. A lot of hypo people don't feel well until their TSH gets controlled to under 2.

    As for the phentermine, I took it and after a few months but I had to quit because it was affecting my aerobic capacity. I could only take half a pill because any more than that and I never wanted to eat at ALL and I was sooooooo constipated and wound up.
  • CityOnAHill
    CityOnAHill Posts: 136 Member
    If your doctor wont' test for Thryoid trouble I'd find another Doc PDQ! You need 2nd opion.!

    ^^^ This!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think you should get a second opinion - someone who's willing to run a simple blood test.

    I also would avoid weight loss drugs. Even if they help you to lose weight, that weight loss isn't sustainable once you go off the drugs. There are no magic pills.

    But, seriously, get a second opinion.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Let me start out and say this.. There is nothing wrong with Phentermine... if used correctly.

    I must be the only pro person for Phentermine on this site. I'm cool with that. I used it for a month while getting in the habit. It was a great tool. People knock it and want everything to be 100% clean. They aren't living in reality. Phentermine was a huge blessing for me and a great boost to the start of my lifestyle change. To call a Dr. idiot's for prescribing it I think is harsh. The problem is they don't explain what it is and the rules and how to use it.

    Is it a pill to take and lose weight and be happy? No... it's a tool.. You take it and you create good habits. If you aren't forming good habits then you will have a bad experience and you will gain that weight back and more.

    I'm not a Dr. nor a weight loss specialist but I have dropped a **** ton of weight fast and getting stronger, faster, and leaner in the process. Phentermine really helped jump start that. Use it as a tool and and not an answer and it's a great product. Funny enough I've lost faster without the Phentermine but the phentermine really helped get that gym habit going. I think it's a great and wonderful short term tool if you are truly ready to lose the weight. Anyone who insults it without trying it, being on it, or understanding its use is saying it just to say they are against it. Those that tried it some have had bad experiences and I completely understand that, it's not for everyone I will say that every time. You have to be ready to change your life if you go on it. Many people aren't. Biggest problem I had was I was put on too high of a dose, but that is why my Dr. checked back with me in 1 week. We lowered my dose and I was off of it after 45 days or so. 2 weeks of weaning off after being on it a month.

    If you wanted to go to the Dr. then give his advice a shot, if you didn't want the medicine or his advice why did you go? So many come on here and complain about all Dr's. If you are uncomfortable with one Dr's, go see another. If you don't want the medicines or any Dr.'s advice then why go at all? Not directing towards OP just to people in general.

    I hate seeing all the hatred spewed towards phentermine on here. Is my lifestyle accomplish less then yours because I took phentermine? Is my hours in the gym somehow voided out? Is the fact I've stuck with it as I've watched a good chunk on my friends list struggle or quit all together make me using phentermine as out to be cheating? In the end we all want to get to the same goal. Some of us need different paths for others.

    You asked is Phentermine necessary or right for you.. The one who can answer that question is yourself. Do you think you need it? If the answer is no, then you have your answer right there. Are you ready to only be on it a short time and for good habits? If you say no then you have your answer right there. It's a tool, please don't treat it like a solve all or poison. It's neither of these.

    I'm not anti Phentermine, but I have a huge problem that this doctor didn't even run a thyroid panel on this patient. I struggled for a long time with hypothyroid but my doctor didn't run a panel because my thyroid felt normal....I finally switched doctors and he ran a panel it turned out I was hypothyroid.
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    a few years ago a person I worked with died leaving her husband and 2 yr old twin girls. The cause was from a heart condition that was caused by her use of this drug. It sounds as if you have doubts over this and at the end of the day you need to listen to your gut.

    i had actually tried that before myself and while it does affect your appetite and it does help you lose weight, it doesn't teach you how to change your lifestyle. My cousin lost 50 lbs in just 4 or 5 months but did it last? no.

    I also have hypothyroidism. Your doctor needs to run tests to rule out other causes, especially if you are new. There are a wide range of things that can cause fatigue. By suppressing your appetite from what you say is an already low one, is just going to throw your body into starvation.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    I'm not anti Phentermine, but I have a huge problem that this doctor didn't even run a thyroid panel on this patient. I struggled for a long time with hypothyroid but my doctor didn't run a panel because my thyroid felt normal....I finally switched doctors and he ran a panel it turned out I was hypothyroid.

    100% I agree with that, that is why I said if something the dr says you don't agree with go to another one. I find it odd the Dr. wouldn't be willing to run a simple not overly expensive blood test.
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