halloween night indulgances

i've had:
a bite-sized snickers
a fun-sized butterfinger
a fun-sized twix
a kitkat
a caramel apple sucker

oops. :) back at it tomorrow.


  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    That's it? You did great compared to me, good thing these holidays happen far apart hey. :D
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I had two peanut butter cups. I'm still under may calorie goal, so I will NOT feel guilty. I enjoyed it, I'm still under, and "Tomorrow IS another day..."
  • dlsfarris
    dlsfarris Posts: 21 Member
    ok ok I had a fun size 3 musketeer, fun size bag or peanut M&M's. half a roll of smarties and 2 beers :P Happy Halloween! I did manage to stay under calorie count but I warn you it's not pretty!
  • BiskyB
    I went to the dentist and had my teeth clean and check up. Do not want to even look at candy. I bought all the things I hate: sour patch kids & gummies. No chocolate (MY BIG WEAKNESS ).
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    .5 toosie roll bar = 50 calories
    fun size m&m's 96 calories

    I decided that I would have a protein shake right before going trick or treating and grab my naglene bottle full of H20.:smile:
  • chicago_dad
    1. a fun-sized bag of M&Ms (recommended-- they feel like more candy for your calories if you eat them 1 at a time)
    2. a fun-size 3 muskateers
    3. a fun-size "Take 5"
  • idahoprincess72
    idahoprincess72 Posts: 48 Member
    I was way worse, but hopefully counteracted it by working out twice today and drinking lots more water than normal. I am proud of myself for not buying any candy this year, though. I only stole it from the children at the neighbor's tonight. :)
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Halloween for us was last night (live on a military base and the kiddos came around last night) I was SO bummed when they took all our candy! I got 5 bags thinking we'd have some left over haha but thankfully they took it all! But that being said my husband hid two for me :) I had a fun size 100 grand last night and tonight i had a fun size snickers....what a good hubbers I have :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    So proud I didn't eat any candy tonight. lol. I had some mini-butterfinger cookies that I bought about a week ago - but that was already something I planned and fit into my calories today. :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    MUCH better than me! I had about 10 yesterday! No more! :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I had 2 cups of hot cocoa, one fun sized snickers, 4 mini boxes of milk duds, one lollipop, one half of a fun size twix, and one Whoppers pack of 3 chocolate salty balls. Not too bad, there is no candy left over though so yay!!
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    1 Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
    1 Mini Snickers
    1 Mini Milky Way

    Stayed under calories, but just barely. I'm sending half of the candy to work with my hubby tomorrow. My two little boys won't let me get rid of the rest so I'm a bit nervous about it being around.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I have yet to have any, and I work at a counseling center for kids. There is candy EVERYWHERE. Plus, my kids went out on Saturday night (church party) and I didn't steal ANYTHING from them.

    I am however, going to have a piece of dark chocolate when I get home. And a glass of wine. :)
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    I just had some candy! 4 pieces... it was good but not as good as I remember...... That makes me feel good.
  • mfost50
    mfost50 Posts: 75 Member
    I had one Twix mini bar, and I was able to go under my calories goal. So I'm good. :)
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    8 minis from a variety bag. Still under calorie goal though, just a tiny bit over on sugar though. I've been generous handing out the candy tonight and everything that's left goes into the candy jar at the office tomorrow.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I walked for 2 and a half hours for trick or treating, came home to 2 McRibs and a large fry that the wife got for me. :devil:

    Also a .5oz bag of Sour Patch Kids, lol.
  • newmommynewfitme
    Took my son, niece, brother and 2 goddaughters trick or treating for nearly 3 hours , all on foot lol. Had 4 fun size candy bars, I am stil under my calorie count but I think I over did the sugar because I feel yucky!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    My Halloween treat was sushi....so much better than candy.
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I had a fun size Snickers and a milky way mini. And I stayed under my calories even though I didn't work out today - was so busy at work I pretty much missed lunch...