new to the this

So on the cal intake. Mfp say 1200 to lose weight. So I went for a walk today and burned 366 cal. It says on my chart I can now eat 1566 today. What? I dont get it. Can some explain this to me. Thanks


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    You burned extra calories, you get to eat extra calories!
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member
    Calories in, calories out.

    You can't explain that.


    You burn off some calories, so you can eat more and still be on track to lose what your goal is set to.
  • I think most MFP's don't eat back their exercise calories but you can eat them back and still lose weight, but maybe not as quickly.
  • ajax321
    ajax321 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok thanks . I understand now.