Feel like crying

Hello. I began MFP about 3 months ago and have lost only 22 lbs. Most of I lost within 11 weeks. i haven't gained yet haven't lost. I feel really fat all over again staying at the same weight. All though I am proud to be down 2-3 clothing sizes...my scale is pissing me off! LOL. I wanna get rid of it, but can not. I am ALWAYS weighing myself, and I'm going crazy.Everyone says I look great...but I'm a 35 year old mother of 4...5'6" and a CW of 190.( started at 212) I feel fat again :O( I don't have the finances to head to the gym...I'm eating well, but should I cut back more than what MFP is allowing me? (1380 cal.) PLEASE send me some ideas or suggestions!!!!


  • zenetanar
    zenetanar Posts: 2 Member
    Can you run? Running is the only thing that takes my weight off -- I feel like it literrally just melts it away!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    22lb is a hell of a lot of weight to lose in 11 weeks!! you should be incredible proud of yourself.

    how much are you aiming to lose? the first few pounds are the easiest and i would say the last 20lbs or so are the hardest. you need to up your exercise and really watch your diet. i wouldnt cut calories to lower than what your on now.

    i think you have done so well already... you should be celebrating not crying x
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Sounds like you're losing almost 2 lbs/week. That's perfect! It's not all gonna fall off at once. Just keep doing what you're doing, hold yourself accountable, and know that you are making the choice to better yourself and be healthy. Hang in there!
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    I've been here 3 months and only lost 8 while doing everything MFP told me to. You're doing much better than me :wink: Maybe we're just slow losers, but slow and steady means we're more likely to keep it off! Don't feel bad, just think about your accomplishments so far and keep on going! :flowerforyou:
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    All i can say is WELL DONE YOU! 20 pounds is amazing! I wish I was there. I cant offer advise on anything else but I just wanted to say well done! x
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    I think you have done great so far! :smile: :smile: :smile: No crying! :cry: :cry: :cry: Celebrate :drinker: Celebrate :drinker: Celebrate :drinker: !!!!
  • kimaviles76
    kimaviles76 Posts: 28 Member
    I tried running last week and was embarrassed at how little distance I could run...and my boobs are "run friendly". :) I would love to lose another 10 as my next short term goal. I REALLY wish I had the $$ to go to the gym and tone up...when I went in the past I lost weight faster. Now I have extra flabby/lose skin arm flabs...UGGGG! I need a gym donation container...LOL
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Keep at it... slow and steady.
  • no tears! no tears!

    22 lbs in 3 months is absolutely incredible! our bodies all tend to plateau here and there, so please please dont get your hopes up. also, you should know, the scale can be your enemy. you had even said your self, you're down 2 clothing sizes, so your efforts are definitely showing. and its so true that muscle weighs more than fat, so sometimes the scale might not tip at all, but you'll lose inches.

    in regards to your fitness plan, there are plenty of things you can do around the house to keep in shape, using your own body resistance to tone up. i'm not sure of exact routines, but im sure your fellow MFP friends or a quick google search will give you at home workouts that you can use. I dont recommend dropping your calories too drastically. Anything under 1200 will have you starving and your body will then hold onto fat for dear life.

    Chin up!! Its the beginning of a new month, a new day, the possibilities are endless, and you are in control!
  • You dont need a gym membership to get exercise in. There is a free thing called walking in your neighborhood. Don't get discouraged! 22 pounds in 3 months is considered a healthy range of weight loss. A lot of weight loss is in your head, believe you can do it and you will! Just be conscious of your calories and the types of foods your eating, just because you are eating in your calorie range doesnt mean you are always eating the right foods. Eat lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein. Try to limit your carbs to before 2pm, that way you will burn them off by the end of the day. I know you can do it! Just stay positive!
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    FIRST of all are you kidding! ONLY 22lbs that's flipping fantastic! You go! You are so on the right track. And if you keep it all up you will be at your goal in no time. It's NOT a race! It took years, months to put weight on it's not going to take only 3 months to get it off!. From what I've read the slower it comes off the longer it will last! Take a breath and don't rush it... It will work. I don't set goals so I don't have the presure to make it. I know I will hit my goal I'm in no hurry!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    You are doing fine - just increase the exercise and you do not need the gym - walking is excellent and costs no more than a decent pair of trainers and wrapping up against the elements as needs be. I started in September at 205 lbs and have now lost 19lbs - I too am 5'6" so it is very comparable. The feeling fat is probably down to TOM or water retention. Don't be disheartened as you have achieved so much already. Just keep focused, weigh everything and get walking - the wieght will come off providing that you are strict about your diet and exercise regime! Good luck!
  • elissascotland
    elissascotland Posts: 256 Member
    "Only" 22lb? 22lb is a great loss so you should congratulate yourself on this! Well done.

    Now, I haven't looked at your profile, but what kinds of things do you like doing?

    Me, I LOVE listening to the radio, programs like the UK's Radio 4, NPR in the USA and the ABC in Australia.

    One of the things that I do while listening to the radio is fit in a few sit-ups, or see how many jumping jacks/star jumps I can do while a particular segment is on.

    Or, if you like walking, then walk on the spot while watching your fav TV show or listening to the radio. Or try the "daily challenge" poster on here by a user named something like "Charger".

    Do you wear a heart rate monitor? This is very helpful as both the MFP and gym machines can miscalculate calories burned - my gym had me buring 30-40% more than what my HRM says I burn!!

    If the weather is ok outside, you could try to go for a 15 minute walk just for fun.

    In terms of calories, why not mix it up a bit. Some days eat back all of your exercise calories, others less than half, others almost not at all.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

    Edit - gosh I'm a slow typer! When I wrote this there were no reponses LOL.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    1 pound a week loss is the recommended pace, it's the best way to stay healthy and tone as you lose, which would be 12 pounds...you have lost 22 so I don't understand why you are so upset. You didn't gain the weight overnight, so you cannot take it off overnight. Don't beleive these weightloss ads that say you can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It's all bull and if anyone does it's water weight, not fat.

    Would you rather lose 50 pounds all at once and have flabby skin jiggling? Keep going at this pace, you're doing fine.
  • I tried running last week and was embarrassed at how little distance I could run...and my boobs are "run friendly". :)

    C25k!! I started in April, with week 1 being a struggle, and am about to run my first 10k in 3 weeks!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I've been at this since April (SIX FREAKING MONTHS) and just BARELY reached 15lbs. I have a "cheat day" once or twice a month max and I strength train a ton (burning 300-600 calories each session). I am really good at staying within my calorie limits on the average day and I cried many times because I've been stuck at that thirteen pound mark. Your having lost over 20 pounds and being bummed bums me out more!!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    22lb is a hell of a lot of weight to lose in 11 weeks!! you should be incredible proud of yourself.

    how much are you aiming to lose? the first few pounds are the easiest and i would say the last 20lbs or so are the hardest. you need to up your exercise and really watch your diet. i wouldnt cut calories to lower than what your on now.

    i think you have done so well already... you should be celebrating not crying x
    ^^THIS!! That's something that a lot of people aren't able to do in a lifetime. Stop the self pity and start celebrating your accomplishment. It might just be time to change things up to keep it going.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    I just finished talking about this with my husband....are you checking your inches. My scare did not move for two months after I lost 21 pounds. But I was loosing inches and building muscle. Kind of look at it as your body re adjusting itself for your next round of weight loss. Your body goes in cycles. Loose weight then adjust by tightening up. This is normal...it is also normal your frustration. It will pass and you will continue to your goal.
  • androidgal
    androidgal Posts: 46 Member
    I have been trying to diet on and off for several years now, sounds like based on my own situation you are doing a grand job, sometimes I have noticed for no particular reason, you can go a few weeks and not lose any weight despite doing the same things.

    Don't forget your metabolism changes also and sometimes your body needs energy to repair itself and keep your immune system in check....As others have said averaging 2lb a week is perfect and recommended for healthy weight loss....

    Just keep going as you are I am sure the rest will fall off in time....once you over the next hill, it will start to drop again...:))):wink:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's difficult to give advice with so little informaiton. averaging 2 pounds per week is amazing, btw. So mfp gives you 1380. are you exercisiing? are you eating back those exercise calories? are you getting to 1380 per day? are you being honest with what you're eating and logging everything so that you can see it (as parents we sometimes grab a morsel here or there without thinking about it as we're snacking the kiddos)? how are you tracking your calories burned? there are a ton of exercises you can do without a gym including running, home videos, on demand fitness shows, fitness training on the internet, saving up your pennies and purchasing some good home workout equipment (especially weights since you can cardio anywhere but weight training is difficult without weights and really important for women around our age for not just strenght in general but also to help fight osteoporosis (sp), I'd start with either a bar and rack or full kettle bell set).

    Edit: when i was fuller figured I double up on the sports bras. Running does take time and can make you feel down a first when you can only make it short distances, but if you stick with it you'll start surprising yourself in very little time. Couch to 5K program is a great place to start.