Operation:Sexy Claus Week #7 10.31.11 CLOSED GROUP



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I am so tired today for some reason. I think I am coming down with a cold, which is no fun! But I am determined to make it a good week.

    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Somehow I went up 4lbs from 2 weeks ago.....but I think TOM is about to rear its ugly head soon.

    Nevertheless, I will keep on trucking. My plan is to do the 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse and then possibly look into the 17day Diet.

    Tuesday- Jillian 30 Day Shred
    Wednesday- Zumba Flat Abs and 20 Minute Express
    Thursday-Turbo Fire Fire 30
    Friday- Kickboxing or Boxing
    Saturday- Kickboxing or Boxing Class
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?

    I know that my yo-yoing was/is due to my own self image because I want to look in the mirror and like what I see. It doesn't matter how many ppl say, "oh, you look fine the way you are! You do not need to lose any more weight, I wish I was your size........". Until I feel comfortable, like what I see, and am satisfied.....IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS. I am almost at goal and I'm not satisfied. I plan to increase my strength training in an attempt to tone all my body parts.
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Tuesday!!! I have been crazy this past week or so and surely not on track like I've needed to be and deserve every lb I gained, which was about 4.... :( crazy that one week of being really stupid can make you gain 4 lbs... I think alot of it's fluid though b/c my hands are swolen and I feel so bloated and gross...so hoping if I push water today I'll get rid of some of this.... I was at a conference for work so it threw my schedule completely off...

    My exercise plan for this week
    yesterday: walked forever 1/2 time holding a 2 yr old
    today: My goal is to burn at least 500 cals... not sure how haha... I have alot of crazy cleaning to do, I went to Kroger this weekend and they were having a huge mega deal...so I have 40 cans goods that are on the floor of my kitchen right now, so going to put them all away and plan on picking them up one at a time to put them up in the cabinets... that should do something :) , loud music plus cleaning usually means me burning alot of calories...
    Tomorrow: Zumba
    Thursday: rest (I have work, then church mtg and dinner, so wont' get home til late...)
    Friday: your shape kinect game, hip hop abs, zumba
    Saturday: may try p90x dvd, crunches, may take daughter for a walk
    Sunday: rest

    Thank you for holding me accountable!!

    For todays question.... I don't know that I never thought I was deserving of it... but I think it had a lot to do with self image... and a feeling of hopelessness...kinda like whats the point... I'll just gain it back again etc.... not really having the motivation I needed...
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?

    I am up 1.5 lbs this week. I have been HORRIBLE with logging every calorie because of these bite-size Halloween treats. If I eat one and don't log it right away, by the end of the day I've forgotten what I ate. Anyhooo! Back to work today. My schedule this week will go a bit something like this:

    Tuesday: Chest and Back
    Wednesday: Insanity Plyos
    Thursday: Shoulders and Arms
    Friday: Cardio Power and Resistance
    Saturday: Jog and Recovery workout
    Sunday: Cardio Abs and maybe yoga?

    And as for today's QOD: I think my yo-yoing is a result of my thinking that I could resume old habits (without working out) and keep the weight off. It was more of a lack of commitment on my part to living a healthy, balanced life. I can't say that I ever felt in my heart that I didn't deserve this. It was just flat-out laziness.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I am so tired today for some reason. I think I am coming down with a cold, which is no fun! But I am determined to make it a good week.

    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?

    I think mine was due more to a lock of commitment than thinking I didn't deserve it. I would start and start losing but then I'd just give up or go back to my old eating habit and also was looking for an easy or a short cut. Now I know better.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?

    great question!

    looking back, i feel like i never knew how negative my own self-image truly was. i was always the type of person who just "didn't care" and it showed. i think the reason i yo-yoed and failed on previous attempts to lose weight was because i wasn't truly ready to commit and live a healthier lifestyle. for me, this has been quite an emotional journey that i don't think i was ready to tap into in the past, which is why i always gave up. i didn't have the confidence in myself to believe i could lose a significant amount of weight. over a year and almost 50lbs later, i don't even recognize my own self anymore. looking at old pictures honestly shocks me that i never truly saw how bad i was. thinking about how i acted/dressed/felt back then vs. how i am now is so different it's amazing. i think to really see success with weight loss and keep it off, you have to fully commit. if you don't, you won't succeed.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Well, since I am STILL yo-yoing. I can say that for me it's just laziness. I love to eat!!!! I find when I'm eating well and exercising I feel so much better but if I got more than a few days of exercising my eating goes to crap and I stop caring. I quickly get derailed from focusing on my goal.....:grumble:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    The reason why I asked this was because I believe that this was a lot of my problem. When I gained weight, my self-image was shot and I didn't think much of this until now. I think a lot of me didn't even want to try to lose the weight because I felt like this was suppose to be how it was. I had gained 20lbs for a5 years straight and there I was...I still relied on being the "intelligent" girl and felt like I wasn't suppose to be the "pretty one" so who cared what I looked like. A very negative way to think, but it was my way of thinking at the time.

    My self-image is a lot better than it was then I will definitely say that, and I realized that I could be pretty and smart too, and I defined that for myself....not anyone else!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    QOD: Truly it is neither, but pure laziness. I will work out and eat well and drink all my water and I will lose a few pounds. So I will feel better and then indulge in a treat and another and another....until it has been a week of horrible eating, no working out and water? what water. :grumble:
  • I think mine was due to getting to lazy. I would lose weight and then treat the family to the buffet and by the end of the week I find that I had been eating restaurant all week.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?

    I still am yo-yoing and I think it does have something to do with self-image. I get frustrated because I want to look better and then end up getting stressed out and eatting like garabage .... and sometimes when I look in the mirror and I am like damn I am doing great I can eat out at lunch today comes to play. I think the entire weight issue for me is mental I know what I need to do I just need to get my mind to do it.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I feel like a really huge quitter today. :sad: I am quitting P90X with only 4 weeks left. The reason is because I am so unmotivated to work out when I get home because I know all the DVDs by heart and can recite them while I work out word for word. I cannot do the same workout for 90 days. I need a little variety. My God, I sound like such a whiner. Do you guys see the little violin?

    Anyway today I am starting the 30DS (I know and I just complained about variety). But I think I can hang on for 30 days and it is only 20 minutes a day. There is no coming up with excuses why I can't do it!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    So I feel like a really huge quitter today. :sad: I am quitting P90X with only 4 weeks left. The reason is because I am so unmotivated to work out when I get home because I know all the DVDs by heart and can recite them while I work out word for word. I cannot do the same workout for 90 days. I need a little variety. My God, I sound like such a whiner. Do you guys see the little violin?

    Anyway today I am starting the 30DS (I know and I just complained about variety). But I think I can hang on for 30 days and it is only 20 minutes a day. There is no coming up with excuses why I can't do it!!

    I feel you on the need for variety. I am doing P90X workouts, but have created my own workout schedule that incorporates some of my fave P90X workouts, jogging, 30DS, and some Insanity workouts. I am more consistent if I have a pre-set schedule written out, but I definitely get bored if I am doing the same thing over and over and over again. Best of luck with 30DS and if you ever feel like you miss Tony, he's only one DVD away. :smile:
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Question of the Day: In your journey of weight loss and adapting a healthier lifestyle, do you feel that a lot of the previous yo-yoing was due to your own self-image or feeling like you didn't "deserve" this?

    For me it was more about being terrified of failing yet again! My self esteem was in the can for so many years I just was "putting in time". I identified that I could no longer do the "all or nothing" and made small changes and slowly I am evolving into the person I want to be.

    I agree with the need for variety in exercise. I have P90X too but need the variety so some dvd's get played a lot more than others and adding in other workouts keeps it fun. It was becoming a chore to work out now I just "go with the flow".

    Here's to all of us getting stronger, increasing our self esteem and being good to ourselves!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    where is everybody?!? hope you're all having a good week! :)
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    where is everybody?!? hope you're all having a good week! :)

    I was just wondering the same thing. :smile: I know I, myself, am recovering from the crazy week that led up to Halloween on Monday.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sorry all! SO SO SO busy! :flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I have been out of it the past few days and not even at work. BLAH! But I am so going to be back on it over the weekend and next week coming up.

    So you know the drill

  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I have been out of it the past few days and not even at work. BLAH! But I am so going to be back on it over the weekend and next week coming up.

    So you know the drill


    HIGH: Hmmm honestly can't think of one

    LOWS: I ate like a person given 2 days to live! I mean seriously I ate everything that I shouldn't have...well really only hot wings and fries twice this week SMH But it is ok, Shakeology cleanse will be starting for me on Monday and then time to go grocery shopping to get my ish together! I have come way too far to go backwards!