Team UK - November 2011, new members welcome :)



  • Caz2678
    Ohhh HELLO November!! Where does the time go??

    Let's make this month better than the last! October ended with a sweet filled halloween and lots of parties etc where food is in abundance! No use for us trying to lose some lbs!

    As the dreaded XMAS is creeping closer i think I will try to lose 8lbs by then....which i think is achievable. I WILL fit into that little black dress :tongue:

    Problem now is .... cold wet days and dark mornings and nights = Little motivation to move from the warm sofa! So plan of action... get my *kitten* to the gym, at least it's warm and light there lol

    Hope everyone else has a successful November!

  • Molly_Louise
    Hello Team UK.

    I can't quite believe it's November already and the thought of Christmas being next month is starting to scare me! I haven't even thought about Christmas shopping yet, I have no time to do any of it so I think those on my Christmas list may get their presents sometime in 2012 :laugh:
  • letmedrown
    Hey guys, im in! Im from the hartlepool up in the north east and just starting the push to try and lose another 60 lbs ( i lost 60lbs a few years ago and kept it off but ive still got a long way to go). Im actually really excited to get started. Hoping to lose a stone by christmas!
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    I live in th eShetland Islands Can I join?
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    Doesnt time fly.... November already.
    Had loads of little kiddies knocking for their halloween treets last night - none left for little ole me. LUCKILY lol. Nice that we can share the same shops eg Tesco, Sainsburys. It gets very confusing with shops and stuff from America. Also I find american weights confusing - exactly how much is 1 cup, 3/4 cup ????? I usually have to re-find calorie listings in grams. Oh - and can someone point me in the right direction as to what exactly, is Turbo Fire ?????

    Anyway gonna seriously think about buying Christmas pressies early this year (yeah I say that every year). I know what to buy most people except my husband....... I have no idea whatsoever what to get him........Any ideas appreciated..

    Anyway have a good November everyone.

    Jules x
  • emilyajones
    Hi everyone-

    Dont know what to put, thought Id say hello :). Hopefully november will see me going to the gym alot more (im doing the 1000 minutes challenge!) and just being that little bit healthier!

    Anyway- have a good month! x
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    well i did my first day of ripped even though i feel poorly!
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member

    For those who do instructor recommended a website that can help you get a more accurate idea of how many calories you it's a basic site but does the job :)

    Thanks for sharing the above...I'm going to look this up in a min!
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi everyone sorry I went missing from last months post lol. I'm being driven mad by the fact I can't do much due to surgery last week they say I should be back to normal in two more weeks then I am starting the 30ds. I have already over done it a couple of times and been doubled up I'm pain so better not start anything to strenuous lol.

    As for UK peoples diaries its great to know what things are. I really don't know what grits are lol (one of my us friends seems to live on it)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    Welcome to the newcomers :)

    I signed up for 2 challenges - 1000 minutes of exercise in November and 100 miles in November!

    Today I did 130 mins and 7 miles so made a good start! Oh, then I finally got around to baking the gingerbread cupcakes. So yummy! We had one each but the rest will go to hubby's work tomorrow (they are very spoiled!).

    Dotti xo
  • Molly_Louise
    I hope everyone has had a good day, how are you all? I've been suffering from tonsillitis for the past few weeks but I'm starting to feel better thankfully. Tomorrow I start a work placement in a local primary school, I'm really excited about it so fingers crossed I get off to a good start there.

    Did you have many trick or treaters this year? We only had two, so they ended up with all of our sweets! :laugh:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    sorry for being a bit rubbish, I will try harder, tagging fo later, hope you are all ok :flowerforyou:
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Hello everybody!

    My goal for the month is to lose a stone and regain my motivation. I lost 2 and a half stone this year but have gained about 10 pounds and my motivation has gone. I'm also doing low carb as it seems to work for me.

    I feel a little guilty as so many people are talking about different kinds of workouts, etc. I was planning to go to the gym at lunchtime but after a very stressful day, I went to Nandos instead! But I stuck to my plan....

    Anyway, I must try harder and go to the gym tomorrow!
  • cathoult
    Ooooo just been playing with the exercise tracker..did you know you can track cleaning as exercise??? :-D Brilliant coz for me exercise seems pointless if it's not fun or producing anything tangible and I get bored quickly!

    Clare - Hope you're up & about properly soon, I know how frustrating it is to 'take it easy' when all you want to get cracking with stuff :)
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I've been rubbish at posting, Sorry. But good at encouraging any friends I've made from UK thread so not all bad !
    Cold and sunny here today.
    Watched a few food programmes this week - love getting enw ideas. But rarely make anything from them. This week loads of good ideas for snacks and canapes for Christmas but all involving puff pastrty ! Let me know if anyone has any good low cal ideas.
    Off to look up something from Jamie Oliver last night now. (he used bloomin puff pastry last night too !)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    panyg - God I love Nandos, I'm daydreaming now!!

    SuzMcH - I'm also better at responding to status updates than getting in here. I'm dreading Christmas, have been trying to decide my new goal now I have successfully maintained for 6 weeks - do I go for 2 months (which will have weigh in of 2 Jan - eeek!) or a bit shorter or longer to avoid the danger of the festive season blowing me totally off course??
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    I've had the afternoon off work. Done some food shopping and cleaning. Really need to start getting organised for xmas. I've hardly bought any presents and its getting close now
  • ozycat
    ozycat Posts: 72 Member

    Oh, then I finally got around to baking the gingerbread cupcakes. So yummy! We had one each but the rest will go to hubby's work tomorrow (they are very spoiled!).

    LOL, I love baking but send my husband off to work with tins of the stuff i make too! I allow myself a taster and then it's out of the house! They've started sending requests home with him now.

    I ran for 15 mins on the trot today, just thought i'd see if running was something I could get my head around. I normally do loads of walking and bike to work. I was chuffed to bits to see how easy I found it, so my pre-Chrimbo challenge is to get 5k under my belt. Might even consider signing myself up for a 10k sometime in the next few months!

    Have a great November all!

  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    Been a bit rubbish keeping up with this thread, story of my life, i've got this horrible cold thats going around, made worse by being in the beginning stages of Ripped in 30 and TOM - honest it all feels like some mad type of torture Lol!
  • wixy15
    wixy15 Posts: 19
    oh hello. i lost the team uk thread for october for some reason, couldn't find it, thought it must have fizzled out, anyway im pleased it hasn't. is there any way to bookmark this thread so i can easily view it when i log in rather than searching through the whole messageboard?

    i am pleased with my progress in the last few weeks, i haven't lost much weight - only 3lbs in 4 weeks - but i feel like my fitness level has improved significantly. i ran an 8 minute mile at the gym last night which is amazing, i am so chuffed! that was a mini goal of mine from the beginning, as when i started i could barely run for 5 mins at 12 minute mile pace!