Portable breakfast?

I'm looking for some creative portable breakfast ideas. I'll explain why.....sorry if it's long-winded!

Next week I have a business trip to Germany (I'm in the UK). We fly out one afternoon for a customer meeting the whole of the following day. The problem is that we have to leave the hotel at 6.30am (5.30am UK time :cry: ) in the morning before they serve breakfast.

I need to take something with me that I can carry in hand luggage (no liquids!) and that will keep me going all morning. There will be a very light lunch provided and if I'm lucky (!?!) my main meal of the day will be whatever we can grab at the airport on the way back.

Cereal bars are OK but I have tried them before and I'm hungry again half an hour later. German hotel rooms don't usually have kettles so sachets of instant hot cereal won't work either.

Any ideas?


  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    almonds and rice cages make great meals... almonds fill you up quite well and while high in calories and good fats, they are helpful in the healthy eating thing
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    The almonds are a good suggestion! Maybe a little trail mix with the nut and dried fruits?
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Packets of assorted nuts and stuff like that. I know it is boring but still. they also have travel packets of peanut butter, you could have some of that on some crackers.
  • I like 2 low-fat mozzerella cheese sticks and an apple-really fills you up and you don't get hungry!
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    Agree with the almonds. Also one of my go to quick items is string cheese - grab a stick and go. Bars that are the fruit and nut type will keep you going longer than the cereal type of bar.
  • Try a bar with higher protein content than cereal bars--they will stick with you much longer. I took several with me on a recent business trip. I also took freeze dried fruit.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Small jar of Peanut Butter (or to-go individual serving packs) and Wasa crispbread. High-fiber/protien cereal to munch on dry. Homeade loaf of banana bread, sliced, wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and stored in hard plastic container to prevent smushing.

    In the U.S. I've been allowed to carry on to the airplane the sealed Tuna Salad kits - the ones that come with with tuna, crackers, mayo and relish all together in an individual serving pack. Dunno if they'd let you do that there. It's not technically liquid.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions I will give one or two a try. Whatever it is has to be OK after 24 hours at room temperature as I won't have access to a fridge.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I like 2 low-fat mozzerella cheese sticks and an apple-really fills you up and you don't get hungry!

    This and maybe a couple of crackers. The only warning I'll give you is that sometimes during flight a liquid will pull from the cheese. It's okay, there's nothing wrong with the cheese if it does this.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I always take a small handful of almonds with me on the way to work because once I get there, who knows when I will have time to eat a meal. They are good for you and filling. I also LOVE Vita Tops. They can be found in the freezer section and they come in a lot of wonderful flavors at 100 calories each. Or Fiber One muffins (also in freezer section). I also love fresh fruit - a big orange or crunchy apple along with the almonds. They also sell individual serving sizes of almond butter at the grocery store, which tastes great with an apple.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    You wont be allowed to take peanut butter on a flight as they will count it as liquid! My sister wasnt allowed to take solid honey on a flight once!! I would go for a dried fruit pot! I take on to work with me and it really fills me up! Whole dried apricots are very very filling!!

    Oh! And maybe some ryvita!!
  • granola bars are good. and fruit! and diff flavour rice cakes.