Ravenclaw Common Room



  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Checking in - did 1.75 miles on the treadmill AND my exercise owl.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello everyone. Had my 24 hour check up and the doc says my eye looks good (doesn't feel to good though :ohwell: ). Anyway, I'm released to go back to work tomorrow so we'll see how it goes...

    October Ravenclaw Results
    For the October 31 weigh-in, our Prefects are:
    sundancer1966 with 18 OWLs
    lottee1000 who lost 1.67% (hope she's able to log on and see this!!)

    Congratulations Prefects!! Sundancer, please email an exercise challenge to me by Thursday and lottee, if you get this, email a food challenge (I'll post one myself if I don't hear from her).

    Here's the link for the Prefect's badge (remember to change the upper case IMG to lower case img in both places):

    Last week's Prefects, please remove the badge from your signature.


    And for the entire month, desj16 came the closest to his goal weight - he actually went past it by 2 pounds! Great job Justin!! Scarlettdawn764 lost the most overall with 4.79%. Nice work Scarlett!! Once again, liz11599 earned the most House Point - a whopping 5660!! Whoo!! She's in the running for House Girl again. Wish her luck!!


    Great month everyone! Let's keep it going for November!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Not quite present, but accounted for. :wink:

    If I could just figure out how to get a couple extra hours in a day.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    So many things to say! o.o Here we go...

    Hope your work day goes well, Sue, and your eye feels much better by morning!
    Sundancer, sorry to hear the power situation hasn't improved yet :/ Maybe it'll be 'lights on' for you tomorrow!
    _gwen, I *love* the photo weight/height sites you posted -- very helpful
    lottee1000 - Hope you are doing okay and that you've gotten settled somewhere by now. Sounds stressful, among other things.
    Gooooooo liz!
    Woohooo for desj16! You're awesome! :D
    Scarlett -- seriously impressed, that is a HUGE drop %!

    Other than that, I had an amazing day at work yesterday (got to dress up and hand out treats and have a team dinner, which was fun). And today was pretty good as well, with the exception of the fact that I bit my lip yesterday when chewing gum and have now managed to re-bite it at LEAST three times today. *sigh*
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning all!! congrats to all on some great work this month.

    desj, lottee, scarlettdawn awesome losses!!
    sundancer great work on the OWLS!!
    liz your house points amaze me every week!!

    i have an unexpected day off today so i'm hoping to get a good workout in in between the chores i need to catch up on.
    hope all of my fellow northeastern US folks are doing well post storm (we had no damage or loss of power).

    have a great day everyone!!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Grats to everyone who lost! And for those who didn't, keep at it because you will! I honestly believe my loss has been so consistent because when I started my diet this time, I didn't just start some fad diet.....I did a lifestyle change! I no longer eat the processed foods so much (if it comes needing to be prepared out of a box, it's not on my diet). I hardly eat beef anymore, mostly tons of veggies, fruits, probiotics, and lean proteins (tuna, salmon, chicken breast, turkey burger/bacon). And very few carbs. It's a rare day when I get close to my carb limit for the day and usually if I go over, it's because it's been a cheat day and I ate something bad. I also try to eat my carbs by mid afternoon, and none after if I can help it. And honestly I don't beat myself up working out. I have a very active job, and most weeks I try to work out 5 times a week, with two for sure rest days. But you know, whatever works! I started my serious dieting/exercise at the beginning of August and have officially lost 30 pounds in 3 months! And I don't starve myself, because all that does is pull the rug out from under your diet. Anyways, not sure why I blabbed so much, but if even ONE thing I said can help someone to maybe lose a bit more consistantly like I have, then it was worth it :happy:
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Thanks everyone for the congrats!! I am so excited to make prefect!!

    I am happy to say that my power came back yesterday afternoon, and we did not loose any food. Thank goodness the ice bags in the fridge and freezer helped, and the coolers i had outside surrounded with snow kept the food nice. I was lucky, I had gone shopping and got a lot of food on Sat., half hour after putting it all away, lights out.

    Congrats to Lotttee and liz - and it was a good October
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Sue- sorry for the confusion but on my weigh in post I was already counting OWLS and house Points for this week- my OWLS and House Points for last week are :OWLS: 17 HOUSE POINTS: 315 - again I'm sorry for the confusion (I just forgot to post my weight on Friday post). BTW- this doens't change any standings, I just wanted you to have the correct numbers for quidditch game and house cup standings

    Today's Stats:
    Exercise (150 reps)- +1
    Food (veggies)- +1
    spirit- +1
    House points: 81

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 10 House Points: 261
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats to our new prefects and congratulations to everyone on another great month!

    Another big thanks to Sue for making this all possible and keeping us all in track! I hope you are feeling better!

    Let's have a great November, everyone! :smile:
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    I realized I didn't put my goal for November on here yet.

    CW: 228.2
    End of Nov.: 221
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks for all the well-wishes! Its nice to know you're all thinking of me. :flowerforyou:

    I'm at work today and also trying to study for a mid-term I have this Saturday. My eye is getting really sore and I just want to take a nap - but I don't think my boss would approve of that :laugh: Getting in bed tonight will be so wonderful!

    I'm not allowed to work out for a week, so I won't be much help with our competitions this week. I'm not even allowed to pick up my cat :cry: - he weighs over 20 pounds and the doc said specifically "don't lift anything over 20 pounds". *sigh*

    But all in all, my eye is doing better. I can see out of it, and even though it goes blurry from time to time, it tested at 20/20 yesterday. So after some healing time, I should be good to go.

    Have a wonderful day everyone. I really enjoyed reading all the chit-chat today. We've got such a great group!!

    Oh, and momofJandA, I'll fix your numbers when I get home tonight. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My brother got hired today, so I'm especially happy.

    I tried out the pedal exerciser... not worth the money. You can't adjust it so accommodate the desk height, so it doesn't quite work out. I'm still figuring out how to incorporate it or exercise into the work week.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning all. running a bit late today. had a really fun walk/run with my dog yesterday. i am not a runner but, surprisingly, we both had fun. gotta get moving or i'll be late for work. hoping to get to the gym tonight. have a great day everyone!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws am just checking in to say hi, so far this week I have 2 - 4 OWLS (really need to keep track of them), I have 290 House Points so far. :)

    I am still feeling crappy but am hoping to start feeling better soon and I don't understand why I feel sick.

    Hope that you get better soon Sue, you are an amazing person and this group would not be the best if it wasn't for you so thank you so much. :D
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Almost Friday . . . .

    Today's Stats:
    Exercise (150 reps)- +1
    Food (veggies)- +1
    spirit- +1
    House points: 45

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 13 House Points: 306
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Hola Ravenclaws! No classes today--WOOT! Went for a run and did the rowing machine this morning and I'm pooped! But in a good way.

    So workout exercise minutes: 26

    And I'm going to lunch with friends so I'll be sure to get some veggies.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm not allowed to work out for a week, so I won't be much help with our competitions this week. I'm not even allowed to pick up my cat :cry: - he weighs over 20 pounds and the doc said specifically "don't lift anything over 20 pounds". *sigh*
    Is it ok if that cat walks on you? If I couldn't at least hold my kitties, I would feel bad.

    Recover quickly!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Having a hard time getting started today. I just don't feel like moving, and I really need to get some things done before work...which is coming up annoyingly soon. Oh well. I'll get up in a minute.

    Excited for November. We just found out that we'll all be off for Thanksgiving (not always the case), so I don't have to worry about missing the holiday with my family. Yay! :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Thursday Ravenclaw! October's Inter-House results are in...
    YAY! Here are the results for October Week 4 and October overall:


    Things were really close, but Gryffindor won Week 4's Quidditch MATCH, and by only .005%! Incredible! Go Lions!

    ****Hufflepuff wins the House Cup for October, so they get to keep it in their Common Room! Awesome job, Badgers!

    ****However, they have to surrender the Quidditch Cup to the formidable Slytherins, because they win it this month! Nice work, Snakes!

    ****Our Head Girl is Kelsue35, again, with an impressive 7045 House Points earned for October! She's using exercise to help her quit smoking, so double kudos to her for that! :)

    Now, let's strive to improve even more during November! :)
    I reminded our Head Master that we had 2 Head Girls last month and asked her to double check. I think our own liz11599 has a good chance at it again. Will keep you posted!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Checking in late today.

    Hope you recover quickly Sue! Glad to hear the surgery was a success.

    Having a hard time today, stressed because of work and family garbage. Just want to cry. Wait, did that and trying not to continue. Seems like a lot of people at my office are having a bad day also. I hope you all are doing well.