I need you...

I really need some support and encouragement daily! My marriage is on the verge of falling apart because I am so
Unhappy with myself it depresses me. I have lost some weight but have about 130 left to lose. I have lost alot of weight before and felt beautiful and confident then got pregnant and gained almost 100 back. That was over 2 Years ago=( please add me if u are sincere about losing weight and logging in every day and I am going to do my very best to stay positive!


  • unicorn1081
    unicorn1081 Posts: 133 Member
    we can get to our weight loss goals together girl. i've got about 72 lbs i want to lose. my relationship is on ther verge too because i've gained so much weight. I'm Bipolar so this weight is putting pressure on my mental state and self esteem. but we will get there. you can come to me for encouragement anytime. today is my first time on the site and i'm lovin it. hope to chat with you soon! :bigsmile:
  • Doingitin2013
    Doingitin2013 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! Is today your first day on MFP? If so, I would just like to say welcome! This is my 3rd week on this site and I really like it a lot. You have come to the right place. There are a lot of positive and supportive people here. I have about 127 pounds to lose and get discouraged with myself at times for allowing myself to get this overweight. But... I can't go back and change the past so I'm working on the present. I'm learning to think about myself first and what I need to do for myself in order to be happy instead of always making sure that everyone else around me is happy. Shoot, I'm trying to bring my sexy back! It is a struggle and some days are easier than others, but WE all will eventually get where we want to be. I'm sorry to hear that your marriage isn't going well right now. All you can do is try your best/hardest and leave it up to God. I would be glad to help out any way I can in a positive way!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    :( sorry to hear about that. But as long as you're here, it's a great start. I'm so glad you found this place. With your determination and positive attitude, I am sure you'll definitely be able to get into shape in no time. :D Don't give up on yourself. Cheers! Feel free to add me if you need any support! I am here every day! :D
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Hang in there girlfriend. You didn't gain it overnight, so don't expect your body to lose it overnight. You just have the humdrums right now. To add fuel to the fire, it's fall and that's when we get depressed. I firmly believe you can do this.
  • Hello. I know how you feel bout the gaining weight cause of pregnancy. I gained 32 then had my son and 6months later was prego again and gained 75 and keep gaining. I have alot to lose and i have bi polar disorder and take meds that make me gain. I have never been married but have been with the same man for 12 years. I am so wanting to fit into that perfect dress but with all this weight i do not feel pretty at all. I am going to try my best to keep up with this program and stay positive. I do not have alot of encouragement and i desperately need it...keep in touch and we can stay positive together...:flowerforyou:
  • crystale0143
    crystale0143 Posts: 37 Member
    Such kind words. Thank
  • Divamomma
    Divamomma Posts: 66 Member
    You need me U got Me!! :) You can Do It Believe In Yourself!! You Are Beautiful!! For starters ( sounds Corney But It works Tell Yourself Whenever You Look In The Mirrior You are #1 You Love You & ARE Beautiful!!! #2 Set Goals Stick To Them ( Just Try Your Best) Log In Everyday !! I will Be Here To Encourage, Modavate & Help You!! I am faithful To MFP & my peepsYou are All wonderful!! since Sept1211 I've lost 14lbs & Going Strong !! Lets Do This I Believe In YOU!!:)
  • You can add me as your friend too! Together we can lose the weight! Ive only lost 4 pounds and have along ways to go.:wink:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member

    You've come to the right place for support in this journey. Don't focus on what you did yesterday, a month ago, or even 10 years ago. Focus on today. Work on making the best choices you can, change a little at a time, eat healthier, move more -- the weight will come off. But, patience is a virtue in this journey. You didn't gain it overnight - it won't be gone overnight. Remember that slow and steady wins this race.

    Good Luck to you!
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    Feel free to add me! A friend invited me so she would have a friend on here and I love it. I love all the stats and where I could be in 5 weeks keeps me going! I just wish my body would listen to those #s. I have hit a plateau and trying to keep moving forward! My heaviest I was 270 after I had my second child 11 yrs ago it was a hard pregnancy. Through the years I've gone up and down a little. I was 214 when I married my husband, not a tiny girl. I am now 214 again. You can reach your goals! You have done it before! You know how great it feels and the depression just melts away! You can do this, you will feel so much better. Did you ever talk to your doctor about post postpartum depression? I totally had it and didn't acknowledge it at the time!
    Take care of yourself! I too am here everyday!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You can add me. Please don't take this the wrong way. I have just started therapy, and if it is an option for you, I would suggest you try it out. It truly sounds like for you, like me, the weight issues aren't all about the weight! There are other contributing factors that you will need to deal with as well. Best of luck!
  • Isabella_Adeline
    Isabella_Adeline Posts: 21 Member
    We're all here for you and you've found exactly the right place to be. No one understands the stuggle of being overweight like someone whose in the same place and we're all there. Remember that there is beauty in you even now, we can all see it, it shines from the inside. No one is a bigger critic than we are on ourselves, but we're here to lift you up when you need it and bring you back to earth when you've lost your way! If you ever need an ear or a shoulder, feel free to message me directly. I really believe that if we stick together and support eachother we can do this!