"Life's New Journey" November Challenge



  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Is there anyway the daily challenges could be decided ahead of time and have a weeks worth of them posted or something? Or even post them a couple days ahead. I am having trouble seeing the daily challenges in time to do them as well.

    I'm thinking of doing the daily challenges a day behind everybody else so that I can actually see them in time to do them.
  • Jess05071981
    Jess05071981 Posts: 44 Member
    I just had an awesome workout at the YMCA!!!!
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member
    Is there anyway the daily challenges could be decided ahead of time and have a weeks worth of them posted or something? Or even post them a couple days ahead. I am having trouble seeing the daily challenges in time to do them as well.

    I'm thinking of doing the daily challenges a day behind everybody else so that I can actually see them in time to do them.

    I might have to do that too :)
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Tuesday's mini challenge:

    Under on Carbs and stick to whole grain/etc: was under on my carbs and used my brown rice for bibimbap last night. :) did have some other "white" carbs earlier in the day but overall not much.

    Cardio: 10 minutes running stairs w/ my 21lb 8mo old on my back!

    Strength: 3 sets each of 10reps of hammer curls, front raise, lat raise, 3 sets of 15 situps and 20 full squats.
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    Is there anyway the daily challenges could be decided ahead of time and have a weeks worth of them posted or something? Or even post them a couple days ahead. I am having trouble seeing the daily challenges in time to do them as well.

    I'm thinking of doing the daily challenges a day behind everybody else so that I can actually see them in time to do them.

    I might have to do that too :)

    And me as well.
  • Lippis
    Lippis Posts: 21
    WAY TO GO Team Journey to Lose!! And all the other Life's New Journey Challengers!!

    Food - Under on Carbs and ate really well Tuesday (even with my husband home and off the road!) Even resisted the Key Lime Pie at work!

    Cardio - Skipped the Stairs (nursing a sore left knee) and went to Pilates instead. Not exactly high intensity but it did get my heart rate up!!

    Strength - did 10 sets of 10 arm raises and threw in some over head presses and laterals (20 each) for good measure. Using my two 3lb weights.

    Monday Catch up - did my 100 crunches today (better a day late than never!!) 25 regular, 25 on ball, 25 reverse, 25 bicycle

    Hope everyone has a Fantastic Wednesday!!
  • m_erira
    m_erira Posts: 52 Member
    I was just looking for some motivation and accountability to keep me going, and I think joining your group is just what I need.
    My SW was 220
    CW 179.8
    GW 135-140's
    Please add me to your group and let me know how it works.
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Happy Hump Day Everyone,

    I hope everybody had a good day yesterday. If you have opened the spreadsheet today you may notice I have moved some people. If you had your heart set on a particular group just let me know and I can shuffle around again. I am amazed at the number this month.

    I am going to try my best to get the mini challenges posted the night before and hopefully that will help some of you.

    Wednesday's Mini Challenge:

    Food - watch the amount of salt that you are consuming. There is a lot of hidden salt in food. Pre-packaged food and dining out are very high. Take the salt shaker off the table. Try adding other spices to food your prepare. Try to stay below 2500 mg per day.

    Cardio - today lets do some interval training. Do a 5 minute warm up walk then alternate 1 minute jog or brisk walk and 1 minute walk and do that 8 times, and finish up with a 5 minute cool down walk.

    Strength - today lets do 10 sets of 10 squats. If you need a little challenge with this, then add some hand weights.

    Quote of the Day - You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.

    I hope everybody has a great day.

    Keep smiling :smile: :wink: :smile:
  • m_erira
    m_erira Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for the quote and taking the time to inspire us all!!!
  • wowsuzie
    I agree! Thank you for being so involved and caring enuff to lead us in such a difficult & emotional task! We're all doing great and being accountable! Thanks donna!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Love the quote, thank you Donna...this challenge is great!!!!
  • MamaGoat1
    MamaGoat1 Posts: 17 Member
    My first challenge - wish me luck!
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member
    Results of wednesday mini challenge:

    Heart. Is. PUMPING.

    Cardio: I did about 9 intervals of jogging/walking in place. I was enjoying it so much I went over a little. =]

    Strength Training: 10 sets of 10 weighted (soup cans) squats. Felt the burn!!!

    Well, that's for this challenge. Still working on my food diary but as for now, I think Imma go look up some strengthening exercises for my core since it's "weak".
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Wed Mini Challenge:

    Cardio: I did some intense HIIT;
    30 seconds jumprope, 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of mountain climbers, 30 seconds of skiis, then rest for 1 min. I repeated all of that 4 more times. I was dead, but a good dead. :D

    Strength: still gonna hit the squats tonight. I love squats.

    Food. Done for the day and I did good.
  • wowsuzie
    Wednesday's Mini Challenge:

    Sodium - I'm at 2,150 mg for the day. Not too bad for me, since I always add salt, salt, and more salt.

    Cardio - I did interval jogging/walking outside since it's the last nice day! And it was rough..lol I didnt even run that much, but my body feels like it got run over by a car. I have a pinched nerve in my neck, so I can't turn my head to the left! I managed lower ab sit-ups tho, since I couldnt do regular ones (my neck wouldn't move that way).

    I didnt do squats, but I jump roped for the first time in probably 10 years. I did 3 intervals of 1 minute, and burned 33 calories.

    I need more water today, but my emotional and mental states are feeling fab! Come oooonnnn weekend!
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    Wednesday's mini challenge:

    Oops...didn't track salt but also didn't add any to my food and I don't really eat pre packaged stuff.

    Cardio--big day for me: went to gym and did treadmill (which I hate) before I had breakfast then did another 15 minutes of video on demand (cardio-Biggest Loser video). That was actually fun and challenging! I am thinking that since I hate treadmill and elliptical that I can break up my cardio into smaller increments and do fun videos at home.

    Did squats as part of the BL video.

    Food-under calories again... I WILL lose something this week (please?)
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    doing a double here(forgot to log Tuesday Mini-challenge)
    Stairs: check
    arm raises: check
    Food: check(no sodas, no white bread, just clean eating)

    Food: check(salt a little close 2200)
    Cardio: check(always have loved interval training)
    Strength: check(squats are us)

  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    Is there anyway the daily challenges could be decided ahead of time and have a weeks worth of them posted or something? Or even post them a couple days ahead. I am having trouble seeing the daily challenges in time to do them as well.

    I'm thinking of doing the daily challenges a day behind everybody else so that I can actually see them in time to do them.

    I'm so with this idea I'm always a day late, so if possible post ahead of time

  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    :smile: :love: :wink: Hello Everyone,

    Just want to say you are all doing amazing. I am thrilled that you are attempting the challenges and if you can't do what I say you are filling in with something else. You are all "Biggest Losers" to me.

    Thursday's Mini Challenge:

    Food - today is the day to consume your limit of protein. Protein is the nutritional handyman and is essential for the repair and maintenance of your body. When choosing snacks, try to find ones that have protein in them. Examples are peanut butter with apple, nuts, tuna & crackers,

    Cardio - today lets walk with Leslie. One of my favourite free on-line you tube videos is Leslie Sansone. It is a 15 minute 1 mile walk. If you want to make it a little tougher add a bounce to your step or hand weights. The link is:
    (Part 1)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndVjwkaLGDk
    (Part 2)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8b4P57jNsQ&feature=fvwrel

    Strength - today lets do 10 sets of 10 push-ups. You choose your level of difficulty. Can be anything from wall, to knee, to regular. Make sure you challenge yourself.

    Quote for the Day - Wake up every day with the realization that this is it, that there is only one shot at this life and you can either enjoy the ride and live life to it's fullest and to your highest potential or you can stay the way you are. You are all worth itso strive for the best.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday

    Keep smiling :smile: :love: :smile:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Results from Wednesday's Mini Challenge:

    Food - Over Sodium today by 747 :grumble:

    Cardio - Tomorrow is my running day but I did walk over 4 miles today :smile:

    Strength - No, unless the squats from Ripped in 30 counts :wink: