Anyone Want To Be My Friend?

So, I've just started week 2 and I'd really like some friends on here (I know, don't we all want that?). My husband joined to support me in this but it's hard for me to always use him as motivation - after all, he can't always be honest about my weight loss... he likes sleeping in our bed :laugh: . For the most part I made it through week 1 ok - except for Sunday which I totally blew.

Just a little about me - I'm a mom of two and have waaayy too much going on... I'm Hypothyroid and went from 125 lbs to over 200 lbs before I was diagnosed (I say over 200 because I know I got a good bit bigger after that but I couldn't handle seeing a 2 so I stopped weighing myself when I hit 200). I've lost about 50 pounds since my diagnosis... 30 of that on weight watchers and the other 20 by fluke I guess. That said - i struggle with losing weight b/c I LOVE LOVE LOVE food and until my thyroid stopped working, I never had to think about what I put in my mouth. I've got about 40 lbs to go to be in a safe range (safe meaning I will probably put a little back on when I stop so I need a cushion).


  • CarrieJ85
    CarrieJ85 Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for new friends! :flowerforyou:
  • You an add me too!!! I would love to loose 30lbs as a fluke!!!!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Welcome! :drinker: You'll love it here. Feel free to add me as well. :flowerforyou:
  • saraknotts
    saraknotts Posts: 37 Member
    I'm new too! I'd love to help motivate you and have you help motivate me. I am on my first real week of tracking and trying to get some excercise in.
  • Welcome to Mfp!!!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Good Luck here. It is a great site, you just have to use it. When I use the site I am successful. When I think I don't need it, I start failing again. Would love more friends too.
  • missmo248
    missmo248 Posts: 7 Member
    I just sent you a friend request.
  • Welcome, I'm a mom of 2 as well & also have hypothyroidism...Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • netztoy
    netztoy Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome, i"m new as well...this is a great support system, great site:smile:
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    Feel free to add me as well :)
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Today is my second day on here. Our stories are similar! I used to be super fit and everything...then BAM gained 100 lbs because of being hypothyroid....
    I still struggle to lose the weight and have a lot farther to go than you, but seeing as we are both hypothyroid we should be friends!
    Go ahead and add me? I'm not sure hwo this works!
  • ical50
    ical50 Posts: 59 Member
    There are plenty of supportive and helpful people here! Welcome to MFP! You will do great!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It might be more fun to spend some time browsing the forums, posting on topics, reading other people's responses...then friending those people. Or I suppose anonymous friends are fun, too....
  • alfredapittman
    alfredapittman Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a great tool and connections here will keep you motivated. Good luck with everything!
  • msgsarah
    msgsarah Posts: 53 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm about to send you a friend request....the more friends the better! I've just joined and already I think some of the advice and encouragement I've been given has been invaluable.

    We WILL achieve what we want! :)
  • I also need some friends and some motivations. Looks like we signed up around the same time :)
  • I've been on for a while but I'm just now adding friends. I find that I stay on track that way.