New and Needing Help/Encouragement...

Hello all,

I've had an account with MFP for a couple of months now, but I've already fallen off the wagon and back to my old bad habits. I would love some feedback about a few things that I'm really struggling with:

1) How do you motivate yourself to keep the food journal on here? I was doing it for a while, but I stopped because looking at the food that I was eating made me feel incredibly guilty, and also sick to even think about. You would think that this alone would motivate me to eat better, but it's a hard pill to swallow any way you look at it. Any suggestions?

2) I have also had a gym membership for a few months now, but I'm thinking of canceling because a) I haven't been going regularly enough to justify the costs and b) I recently looked at my student loan statements and wanted to cry. I think it's about time for me to quit the gym and try to do it at home. Has anybody had any success with this? How did you do it?

3) With that in mind, part of my goal is weight loss (I have 50lbs to go), but more than that, I would like to get in really good physical shape. There is a 5K race/obstacle course coming up in 6 months that I've signed up for, and my biggest goal is to be able to run the course and complete the obstacles (getting over chain link fences, getting over walls, climbing up hills, etc). Is there any good way to train for this at home? I'm fortunate in that I live very close to a park, so I can safely run outside, but as far as strength training goes, can anybody recommend any good workout regimens or videos that can help me with this goal?

4) For all you runners out there: I was doing really well running for a while, but then... ATTACK OF THE SHIN SPLINTS! WTH. How do I get rid of them, and how do I avoid getting them in the future?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but I seriously would love your help and feedback! I've been browsing the message boards for a while before this post - you are all incredibly inspiring! Thank you for sharing your stories :)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Only you have the power to change your life. Either you can stay the way you are or you can change. Someone once told me "When the student is ready the teacher will come". It is so true. When you are ready you will do it.:drinker:
  • georgeandpat
    georgeandpat Posts: 1 Member
    I have always been motivated by wanting to be in control. I want to control it not it controlling me..sos that motivates me to keep the food intake each day to below the allowable amount.... To be fair you can have the odd cheat day.
    A gym membership is not an is an investment in your health....if you think of it in that way you will get a return on that investment that is far greater than your student loan...
    50 pounds looks overwelming if you only see the end goal.... Its a pound at a time...1 pound becomes 2 become 5 becomes 10 and so on.....When I quit smoking years was minutes become hours, became a day, became a week and so on...
    Hope that helps and remember you can do it....
    You just have to want to badly enough....
  • dillard_kelly
    Gracious, you sound like a carbon copy of me... I just started back to MFP after a good 4 months gone and now I am 8 lbs heavier... I just stopped working out and gave in to the cookouts over the summer and those wonderful pies !

    Add me as a friend and maybe we can motivate each other to keep it up !

    I tell you what... drop the gym membership and save your money. Invest in a Jillian Michaels DVD (I love that) and try to get in a walk around the neighborhood. Take the stairs and not the elevator...

    Chin splints... I get them all the time. I have tried shoes and dr. appts., there is nothing really you can do other than take an IB Profin... I believe it is how you hold your foot and the pressure points you are hitting that causes the hurt in your legs... or so that is what I have been told. I hate to say take a pill but it works great for me!

    I am not a runner but I am a walker and I jog a little...

    Anyway, hope that helps... I need some motivation in a bad way. This is day 3 for me and I am sweating bullets just dying to attack a candy bar from my kids halloween buckets..

    Good Luck !
    Kelly Dillard
  • rosssport
    rosssport Posts: 16 Member
    #1 Just do it!!!! Don't feel guilty about what you eat, just keep logging on and tracking your cal intake. Some days are going to be bad but most are going to be good!!! Point is if your logging in and your cutting your cals from your normal intake the weight has to drop even if your not eating the right foods all of the time. I still have ice cream, cake at birthday parties, steak dinner out with my wife and fast food but I don't make it a habit to eat them all of the time and I don't feel guilty because you have to enjoy some of the food you eat too... Don't look at this as a diet because diets don't work, this is a tool to help you track what you eat so you can learn to eat right and loose the weight....
  • Justins68ford
    Justins68ford Posts: 16 Member
    I've had the same issue with keeping the food logs i joined about 6 months ago but only kept track for about 3 weeks, I restarted last week, I grabbed 3 co-workers/friends and had them sign up and made it to where my diary was publicly viewable in hopes it makes me more accountable and I challenged them to a 1 month weight loss challenge.

    As far as going to the gym, Its not easy to do every single day but you just have to make it a habit. If you dont want to go the gym I would suggest p90x (for muscle building and cardio) but thats just from personal experience and it will still cost you about 3 months of gym membership if not more. If you do start it dont get discouraged when you cant do the whole workout, they are rough.

    I hope I helped a little.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I hear your frustration, and I think that you need to keep focusing on what you really want, and that will answer your questions. I get the guilt from the food diary, but it's not supposed to be a tool for punishment. It is supposed to make you aware of what you are putting into your body. If you are feeling guilty, explore those feelings--don't ignore them--because the only person you're accountable to is you. I write down everything, even when I go way over. And I also use the notes section as a diary for how I'm feeling. Maybe spend a couple of days not trying to cut back, record everything, and then use the diary as an analytical tool. See where you can cut back a little--not a lot--just make it a goal to cut back some calories without depriving yourself.

    As far as the shin splints go, I used to feel them when my shoes were tied too tight or when I bought shoes that were too narrow. If you ahve a mom and pop kind of running store nearby (the kind of store where the owners are avid runners--not a big box store), talk to them about what they recommend. Good luck!
  • sfburdett
    sfburdett Posts: 83 Member
    GoBees, the answer is as always control, controlling what you eat and knowing when you've overdone it. I have always been heavier than I should be and the only time previously I have been able to lose weight is when recording my calories. This was done alongside various other work colleagues who eventually gave up, one after a day, when I have the self control to stick it out I can do it so far this time I have shed over 2 stone this can be put down primarily to MFP. The other side of the coin exercise, I walk from the station to the office everyday and have started to extend the length of the journey this can burn a considerable number of calories and spares the need to pay expensive gym membership. You need to find a way of exercising that suits your lifestyle.
    Good luck feel free to add me as a friend.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    About the gym I would get "Jillian Michaels" DVD's or "Beach-Body" if you can't afford it with school. I personally love both of them! Plus, with time I find it's easier at home. Your motivator has to be you!! No one can force you. Think about your why as Jillian Michaels talk about. Is it just to lose weight or is it to be more healthy. After my 4th child I had 50 lbs. to lose. I was determined and I did it. This time I only have 10 lbs. to lose. Honestly, I feel so good, so that means more to me. Add some of us like me to motivate each other.

    About the 5K just walk and then jog around. I did 3 5K's this summer/fall with my 12 yr. old. The first one I was soo sore. I never trained for it. I love the feeling. So I kept up to 2 more. I even jogged a few weeks ago with my 12 yr. old 2.5 mi. It's awesome! Between my DVD's and jogging I absolutely love it!! Do what you feel is you!! You can do it!!!

    About the food journal for me it helps me to make more healthy choices. Keep logging it. Don't feel guilty about it. Just do it!! I would personally make it public, so others can help you. We are not here to judge each other. Just do your best, and where are all here to support one another.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Just so everyone here knows as far as responses I just went to message this person as I've been there too. This person deactivated her/his account. Only this person can do it!!!
  • Justins68ford
    Justins68ford Posts: 16 Member
    well I feel like a crappy motivator, lol oh well, I hope they dont just give up and continue doing something even if this site didnt work for them
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    well I feel like a crappy motivator, lol oh well, I hope they dont just give up and continue doing something even if this site didnt work for them

    The thing is this person didn't allow much time. I was about to message this person to reach out. I read the post, and thought it's not like anyone was being unsupportive. Sometimes people just aren't ready. I'm personally glad to have myfitnesspal is for sure. I didn't feel true motivation until now!!