Snack Ideas



  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    *opens desk drawer*
    Rice Cakes
    Applesauce cups
    PB2 and sandwich thins
    fruit cups
  • otherwyse
    otherwyse Posts: 7 Member
    I start with a "free" drink first ... usually I'm just thirsty ... some of my favorites are any herb tea ... hot or cold and sweetened with Stevia, bottle of water with Propel or just plain water ... then if I'm still hungry I go for a snack like veggie sticks, or a piece of fruit, a small amount of nuts, or my favorite ... 2 tablespoons of plain yellow popcorn ... I put that in a small brown paper lunch bag, fold over the top and nuke for 3 minutes or until the popping stops ... sprinkle some salt or herbs and spices (zero calories) and enjoy. By far the most filling for me.
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    I understand the need to snack throughout the day. I just think that snacking should be avoided as much as possible. Try eating a medium sized breakfast of fruits and some organic oatmeal, and a LARGE warm lunch, then a small light dinner. Throughout the day sip warm water. I read in a book about ayurvedic dieting that cravings are oftentimes because the body is dehydrated. Snacking mid-day will program the body to keep needing those snack breaks, and you'll find yourself compromising more often than not, and potentially sabotaging your diet. I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist, but I've found this large warm high-noon lunch keeps me feeling balanced, satisfied, and keeps my metabolism UP throughout the day. I wish you all the best with your goals :)
  • lmvince
    lmvince Posts: 54 Member
    My favorites are air popped popcorn with almonds, celery with light blue cheese, grapes, and gala apples. I always heard that crunchy foods help with hunger.
  • Jeaniece1
    Jeaniece1 Posts: 74 Member
    Not sure this helps, but I usually have the same thing for my snacks:

    VitaTops or Vitamuffins with an apple


    Chobani 0% with either a slice of light bread + 1 tbsp low fat peanut butter
    Sometimes I will eat 1 oz of nuts instead of the bread/peanut butter combo

    For my evening snack I will usually do a skinny cow fudge bar or protein shake
  • cristina_marie
    I usually bring Hummus or salsa with celery, reduced fat crackers, or tortilla chips. It's very filling. Also, fruit, fiber plus bars, 100 calorie snacks, sugar free pudding, fiber one yogurt, real fruit strips, or Naked juices (high in calorie but super filing and full of nutrients that your body needs. Also make sure you're drinking plenty of water and it will help to snack less. Hope this helps:)
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    beef jerky in oz portions 80 cals

    bell peppers sliced and 2 T hummus

    cherry tomatoes

    frozen green smoothies that melt through out the day and you sip on all day (see for more on green smooties)
  • a29y03
    I usually try to have a "meal" every two hours. I have breakfast at 7am, then a snack/meal, apples, cottage cheese with fruit (always measure), 100 calorie snacks, (that way you feel like you are getting your "sweets", strawberries, grapefruits, carrots. Most of us are use to certain things as "snacks" when in reality it is what has contributed to our weight gain. We just have to make healthier choices; so think about it, myfitnesspal has a great easy way to keep track of your calorie intake, so what is better a whole apple or a tiny piece of chocolate that will prob. have more calories than the apple. I just ask myself, what will fill me up with the least amount of calories. Good Luck everyone :wink:
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    fiber one bars/brownies, hard boiled eggs, rasins, m&ms snack size..any candy snack size, grapefruit, apples....
  • Sahalsaver
    bell peppers are my go to snack to fill me up... I cut one up every morning and keep it with me and snack on a strip whenever I feel the urge to munch....
    I also keep a half a serving of Special k chips and a serving of Special K crackers with me. I separate them into baggies, so I can just grab and go, that way I don't accidentally eat more than I should.
    Preparation for all my meals, including the 3 daily snacks I allow myself, help me to feel I am eating a ton, without going over my calorie goal. I've also discovered small meals through the day help me from feeling famished and thus binge eating.
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    Every trainer I have ever talked to recommends eating 5 to 6 time a day. Granted soem of those meals will be larger but it is good to eat all day. God for your metabolism and blood sugar levels.
    I understand the need to snack throughout the day. I just think that snacking should be avoided as much as possible. Try eating a medium sized breakfast of fruits and some organic oatmeal, and a LARGE warm lunch, then a small light dinner. Throughout the day sip warm water. I read in a book about ayurvedic dieting that cravings are oftentimes because the body is dehydrated. Snacking mid-day will program the body to keep needing those snack breaks, and you'll find yourself compromising more often than not, and potentially sabotaging your diet. I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist, but I've found this large warm high-noon lunch keeps me feeling balanced, satisfied, and keeps my metabolism UP throughout the day. I wish you all the best with your goals :)
  • Starthin
    I agree with the water first. Sometimes you're just thirsty not hungry. I do enjoy snacks too! Fresh fruit (what ever is in season). I buy the 100 calorie portioned snack bags. A piece of fruit and any of the 100 calorie snack treats about 3 in the afternoon tides me over until I can cook a wholesome dinner.
  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    Dried fruit (mango or apricots are my favs) and almonds or cashews
    Dr. Kracker flat bread (has seeds in it for protein)
    club soda (I like the bubbly and it helps me feel full when I've eaten enough)
    greek yogurt with a small amount of honey
    beets (boiled and cubed)
    instant oatmeal
    minute rice cups (several flavours)
    mana bread or ezekial bread with red pepper hummus
    Mint tea (traditional medicinals is m fav brand, supposed to curb hunger)
    Dark chocolate (I like the ones with chili powder)
    Garden carrots from my local market (the ones that taste like from garden)
    Snap peas
    Nut butter and celery
    Weight watchers whole wheat bagel with no fat cream cheese and cinnamon

    So I'm a bit of a food snob and the list goes on...
    Also, I put things in tiny containers, people think it's silly but it definitely helps with portion control. I have little jars and cups with lids.
  • LaLaLewi
    WOW! Huge response... y'all are awesome and are reminding me of snacks I do love that I've totally forgotten about. I forget how much I love a yellow bell pepper! :) Keep 'em coming... I've been writing down any new ones on my shopping list!
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Okay for all the hard boiled egg people in this thread, how the hell long do you have to boil these to get them done? My granny always said 3 minutes, but that does not work.

    I like almonds, popcorn, and hummus for my usual snacks, I also eat oatmeal with peanut butter even for a late afternoon snack. My other trick is just to save 1/2 or so of my lunch and eat it for an afternoon snack.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Okay for all the hard boiled egg people in this thread, how the hell long do you have to boil these to get them done? My granny always said 3 minutes, but that does not work.

    How I do it:
    Put eggs on until the water boils... Turn off heat and remove them from the heat... stick a lid on and let sit for 15-20 minutes.. and you have hard boiled eggs. Drain the pot and fill with cold water and let them sit in the cold water as you peel them.. makes the shell come off a lot easier.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks, that will probably do the trick.
  • 5starshelly
    5starshelly Posts: 43 Member
    Green or Black tea. Kidney Beans, Cherry tomatoes, Cucumber spears, Apples, Grapes, Hard boiled egg whites. String cheese, beef jerky, and bell peppers.
  • Molissa08
    Molissa08 Posts: 112 Member
    I eat alof the same things for snacks - mainly almonds, Greek yogurt, fruit, veggies and humms, edamame, popcorn, Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Fiber bars - so good!, Kid's Cliff Bars.
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    bell peppers are my go to snack to fill me up... I cut one up every morning and keep it with me and snack on a strip whenever I feel the urge to munch....
    I also keep a half a serving of Special k chips and a serving of Special K crackers with me. I separate them into baggies, so I can just grab and go, that way I don't accidentally eat more than I should.
    Preparation for all my meals, including the 3 daily snacks I allow myself, help me to feel I am eating a ton, without going over my calorie goal. I've also discovered small meals through the day help me from feeling famished and thus binge eating.
    My kids love bell peppers and I found a really cool trick on you tube. When coming home from the grocery make the time to slice all your bell peppers and simply store in a container filled with water keeps them fresher longer. Plus they are ready for the kids to grab and go that way it saves you some time from cutting every morning.