Pregnant & due Jan-June 2012

Hello all,

I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant (will be on Monday) and was wondering if any other preggies that are in their 1st trimester that would be interested in budding up?

I've got a couple of friends who are expecting, but the more the merrier!

I for one am looking for support and motivation, tips & tricks too! This isn't my first pregnancy, but this will be my first fit pregnancy. Hoping to be very healthy through this pregnancy until delivery.

Reply here if you're interested


  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss and your pregnancy! I am not pregnant but just wanted to wish you the best and give you my congrats! :-D
  • your after pic looks awesome. you should be very proud of yourself.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss and your pregnancy! I am not pregnant but just wanted to wish you the best and give you my congrats! :-D

    Agreed :D
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Awww, thanks guys!
  • biederwoman
    biederwoman Posts: 26 Member
    I think it's fun that we're on the same week! I'll be 8 weeks on Thursday :) How are you feeling? I'm really struggling with stomach issues. Some nausea but the anti-nausea meds didn't help. My stomach just feels upset all the time and I'm always tired! I think I'm going to have to really watch what I'm eating. I haven't been doing very well keeping track...and I think I've been eating too much grease and spice. I've been all about the Pepper Jack Grilled Cheese sandwich the last couple of days. This could be a big part of my problem!

    I had an ultrasound on Friday that revealed I have a small bleed in my uterus. Thank God, it is not where the baby is trying to attach but still praying for it to go away. Makes me wearing of two much activity - including exercise... I do need to find exercise that I can do safely. What have you been doing?
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss and pregnancy.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    I'd love to join! I'm 7 weeks today- also not my first and also very consciously trying to stay fit.
  • Glovesave3373
    Glovesave3373 Posts: 92 Member
    Obviously I'm a guy so NOT A PREGGIE.... but my wife is about to give birth an day now. I would love to support you as I have my wife the past 8 1/2 months. I could give you some receipts I tried these past months. But as you know from your past pregnancy it's always different. This time I had to be careful as my wife has acid reflux pretty much most of the pregnancy so alot of plain foods.

    You can do it... congrats and don't forget... you can still excercise until your doctor tells you to stop.

  • Hey! I'm 7w4d and it's my first pregnancy!! So I would absolutely love any support and would be happy to offer the same. So far for weeks 5 and 6 I had some killer cramps that kept me up at night but those ended around mid week 6. For one day I had horrible nausea and now I'm just feeling a little turned off from food but not sick really. I'm really trying to stay active and eat healthy tho I have been a little guilty with fulfilling a certain chocolate/sweets craving a few nights in a row now... What are you doing for exercise?
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Hi guys!

    I am trying to do whatever exercise I've been doing, but listening to my body so I won't overdo it.
    Tonight it's yoga, yesterday I went for a walk/ jog, also 30 day shred (level 1 with alternates for ab section) and zumba
    I also just got Turbo Jam but haven't tried it yet.. am I nuts? I figure it's close enough to what I'm already doing so it's OK to start?
    I bought a book called "How to exercise when you're expecting" by Lindsey Brin- nice to have some guidelines and suggestions!
    What about you guys?

    Biederwoman- congrats! sorry about your tummy problems :( I'm all about the pepper jack grill cheese too! feel better!

    And MC- I am so with you on the sweets! Can it be cravings already or just my usual self?
    Glad your cramps let up! That can be stressful and annoying! No morning sickness here yet but in the past I've had it kick in at 8 weeks so I'm holding my breath!
    My most major symptom is total exhaustion all day!
    Hope everyone is feeling good!
  • tiff_hahn
    tiff_hahn Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 10 weeks pregnant this is mine and my husbands first baby and we are sooooo excited!!! Before I got pregnant I was doing weight watchers I was 163.2 and got down to 142.0 I am very happy with my weight loss. My goal was 125 but now that I am pregnant that will have to wait :D. I have so much to learn and feel like I need encouragement with the way that I eat lately I have given into EVERY craving and its ALL fast food and unhealthy for me and the baby I have already put on 6 pounds! I want to start walking every day after work with my husband. I need help, advice tips! anything!! I am so excited for everyone thats pregnant here and wish y'all the best in your pregnancy this is an amazing miracle!!
  • Hi! I am 7w 1d :) This is my second child. I was 30 lbs heavier with him at the beginning. I didnt gain very much with him but with this little one, i feel like ive gained so fast :( Probably because the diet was so strict that i was on, my body is holding on to everything. Im going to try to do an hour a day on the tredmill. Im excited for this baby but very worried about gaining due to my eating disorder. I track most things and try to stay healthy, stupid Halloween candy :(
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    hi guys! congrats and welcome!
    i really found the book (above) helpful in keeping my perspective re: getting in shape/gaining weight/pregnancy!
    For now can't eat anything other than grill cheese :/ I guess there really is a baby in there!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Yay, so glad others are on board!!!!

    I'm doing pretty good so far. Lots of sporadic morning sickness which makes eating hard. I've got the typical 4 lbs that I yo-yo with and with that I've lost a lb since becoming pregnant.

    More things offend me than I like. However I really like chocolate and really crave chicken flaunts, but I think it's the fried corn tortilla that I'm after ...

    I'm still doing my usual exercise routine, just taken down a notch. I use to burn between 800-1200 calories M-F and now I burn between 400-800. I upped my calorie intake to 1500 calories from 1200 but still can't get in enough food. I'm trying, but it's so hard.

    I took a picture today at 8 weeks 3 days and I've got a very high pooch (not sure if it's due to actually being thinner/fitter or that this is the 6th time my uterus has stretched out).


    Feel free to friend me if you all want.

    As for the nice dad to be, has your wife delivered yet? Congrats to you!!!
  • I'm 8w 1d and thankfully didn't wake up sick today! To be honest, my morning sickness hasn't been consistent - meaning, not every day. It's happened 3 times now where I was totally turned off from food (which is NOT like me at all). I'm trying to monitor my weight. I'm already pretty overweight (actually obese according to bmi - 160#, 5'1) so I am really not wanting to gain weight this first trimester. I am eating a ton more fresh veggies and fruits though which is awesome. But for example the looks of raw chicken is absolutely repulsive to the point that even if I don't handle it and hubby just cooks it I still can't eat it. Raw beef on the other hand doesn't gross me out at all. Go figure. SO I gotta figure out how to get lean protein in other ways right now. I'm anxious to meet with my gyno for the first time to discuss exactly how much weight gain I should aim for total. The gyno app is not for another 2 weeks!! Ah!!

    Meanwhile I'm doing loads of walking and also some Leslie Sansone DVDs as well as free weights for upper body. I really should do some yoga though but I have a really hard time getting into it. I have only found DVDs that are either so slow I am bored or so hard I give up... If anyone has a good one to recommend, I'm all ears! Hope everyone is doing well today and I'm so very thankful we can all offer support to one another here! Happy friday!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    hi guys!
    spicy pepper- you look awesome! what pooch?? and what are chicken flaunts?

    Miss C- I'm also anxiously awaiting my 1st appt! 1 more week! WIsh I had a good dvd to recommend- sorry.

    My eating has been nuts- yesterday all i could eat was starch and then had a craving for greasy fast food (which I usually don't even like!) steak sandwich and chicken poppers for dinner with my lonely defrosted salmon abandoned in the fridge (usually my favorite supper- now its ewww)
    but hey at least I'm exercising! Been doing zumba and yoga classes. Hope I'm not overdoing (haven't told anyone IRL that I'm pregnant- even class instructors)

    Enjoy the weekend everybody!
  • gotta get a good workout in today even though I did spend about 5 hours cleaning (this happens once a month maybe!) the apt yesterday I don't really feel like I've worked out worked out. Does that make sense?? Feeling pretty miserable this morning bluuuhh. I can't live on potato chips!! ybodwen I totally know what you mean about eating being nuts. Here's to some relief soon! Back to the work week I go. Have a great week everyone (I know it starts tomo for most of you but here it starts today... :grumble: )
  • everyone doing alright???
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm doing good, just super busy. I started a group on the groups thingy called Pregnant and due January-June 2012. If you all want to for easier tracking, join up!

    Going tomorrow for my first OBGyn appointment and I get to see the baby pepper for the first time! Super excited!!!!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    good luck tomorrow pepper!
    hope everyone is doing great!
    I am getting to that way too nauseous to eat normal food and way too exhausted to exercise stage...
    relieved about having all these symptoms cuz I know it's a good sign!