Womens Boot Camp

So I'm starting boot camp on Monday, 11/7/11. I have no idea what this is going to entail. But I'm just curious if anyone else on here has tried out a boot camp and what type of success they had with it. Please let me know what I'm getting myself into.
Thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • JeffJohnson26
    JeffJohnson26 Posts: 77 Member
    My girlfriend signs up for those everytime her gym offers the class. It's usually a full body workout that torches fat. She burns upwards of 800 calories when she does it. According to her, it's an awesome workout.
  • It's FABULOUS for burning calories. Just be careful to follow the correct form and not go too fast (some instructors really push you to move quickly). If done correctly, it's one of the best cardio/calorie burning workouts you can get! :)
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I started with boot camp and I still go twice a week. It's a great workout that'll leave you sore afterward.

    We do things like squats, lunges, situps, pushups, etc. that use body weight. We also do some stuff with limited equipment. (The class is located on an empty floor in our office building.) We have a few kettlebells and dumbbells that we use for some weighted exercises (KB swings, goblet squats, deck squats, thrusters, push press) and we also have boxes for box jumps.

    Our class is a good combination of strength and cardio, and quite a workout.

    Best of luck to you!
  • I'm shadowing bootcamps while I get my certification. We just started a new session this morning. A good instructor won't let you push too hard too fast, we had a couple people modify/slow down this morning, so if you aren't feeling good, tell the trainer! You should burn a ton of calories, get a full body workout, and have fun.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The one I do is alternate minutes of cardio and weights, targeting different body areas, so planks, sprints, squats, lunges, step ups, press ups, skipping etc. The class is a 10 min warm up, 40 mins circuits, 10 minutes stretching, and I burn around 380 cals.
  • Awesome! This definitely sounds like its up my alley. I can't wait to try it out. Once I'm finished i'll do a post on how it went. :wink: