Mind and Body

Anyone suffer from depression? If so, what affect has it had on your body?


  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I suffered a mild bout of it, when my Grandad died and was on a very STRESSFUL course (Air Traffic Control) I suffered mostly with sleep problems and low self esteem. I'd find it hard to get to sleep thinking of situations over and over again and then wake up when I did get to sleep every couple of hours. It made me more stressed at work so I ended up with such bad digestion problems. No headaches as such. Just generally felt very malaised, tired, lethargic and confused. However, its very treatable and every one suffers differently. Milder depression doesn't have quite as hard a cycles to break and generally the symptoms are short lived and not particularly bad.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    I've suffered from depression before. I won't say it caused me to get fat but it did do anything for motivating me to exercise. If you're dealing with it currently, then I would suggest talking it out with someone, a friend, a therapist. It won't improve and neither will your mood until you start letting things go. I will say that once you make a breakthrough, exercise will improve your mood. It won't be all sunshine and rainbows but it does get better. I still have dark days and I've learned to overcome it on most instances.
  • Jacksheadache
    Jacksheadache Posts: 30 Member
    I'd say I was, well at one time far more so than I am now. Depression took away everything from a-z in me. Job, friends, feelings for anything, motivation to move. Somehow I forced myself to get into the gym and replaced the negative thoughts with positive outcomes, allowing me to change my views and I guess in turn become less depressed? or allowing me to deal with things. I always joke about the gym saving my life, but I think sometimes it really did.

    Doing something for yourself, knowing it won't change until you change it, that's when it will get easier. Pills, self help, help from others, all did nothing until I wanted to get better. If something isn't working, change it.
  • hot_momma0692
    I had post-partum depression after my twins were born six years ago. It got bad, really bad. It's under control now with medication, but I am finding if so, so hard to get motivated and get moving. As far as weight-loss goes, I lost baby weight, but put it all back on and then some. I am very sedentary and stay tired all the time. I've had all my levels check, i.e. thryroid, etc., with all tests coming back normal. I blame it on the depression. I tend to look at the bad, not the good. But it is hard to fnd the good when you take the notion to start walking, for expamle, and your knees and back give out. It makes you not want to do anything. I even get tired foldling clothes! I was just wondering if this was true for anyone else.
  • Jacksheadache
    Jacksheadache Posts: 30 Member
    You've done something positive by posting about it.