Gotta stay motivated and dedicated...

I just had my worst week effortwise and if shows on the scale. I think I've gotten too comfortable with the loss I've had so far and the comments so far from people. I have to stay motivated towards my goal...

Also, a couple more friends would also help I believe to motivate me as I motivate others...


  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    The fact that you are hear and posting is a good start. Now stop looking back and start RIGHT NOW!!!!! Eat, drink and exercise well today!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I am right there with you! The first 30 pounds came off pretty easy and I started feeling good about myself. Then I got lazy and gained some back. We need to do this. MFP all the way!!
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm so with you guys!!! I was down 45, then got "lazy" and lost focus, gained 8 back! BUT, I started at it again yesterday, committed to the 17 Day Diet, already lost 1 lb (I know not a lot, but it's a start!) so I'm now back to 38 lbs lost, I know by the end of the week I'll be back to 40+ and on my way to my goal, which is a total of 61 lbs. removed... WE CAN DO IT! It's the 4th quarter, we can't quit now!

    SW - 186
    CW - 148
    GW - 125
  • kya101
    kya101 Posts: 37
    Staying motivated if my biggest problem lately!!! I used to be so committed, never missing a workout and never looking twice at "junkie" food, but lately (weird enough closer to my wedding) I have less and less energy and will-power!!!!! AHHHHH..... sometimes it really helps when my fiance reminds me of how dedicated I was before and how much more energy I have when I actually make myself get up and get moving!!! Thanks for the post... I'm gonna go do my workout now!!! Feel free to add me if you like!!!! You have come too far to turn back now!!!!
  • mblanke2000
    mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
    ME TOO! I have lost around 30 overall and the last 15 I have lost using MFP. I have slacked too so I am up around 3 lbs. I am trying to be more dedicated in exercising every morning and staying within 1200-1300 calories. I feel better doing this but sometimes staying motivated to exercise is my problem. I have kinda become comfortable where I am at but I want to lost around 25 more. We can do it! Feel free to add me as a friend. The more friends the better! :)
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    For me, I try to keep the battle reduced to "Today Only". It helps me to stay on track if I don't focus on yesterday (or last week) or on tomorrow. Today is all I have.

    When I first started, I wrote down words to this effect:

    One meal at a time.
    One workout at a time.
    One pound at a time.

    I have to live in the moment to stay sane.

    :) Good luck to all!
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    The fact that you are hear and posting is a good start. Now stop looking back and start RIGHT NOW!!!!! Eat, drink and exercise well today!

    Definitely!! I fell off months ago and gained all my weight PLUS about 8lbs now I am on track and doing great! You can do this!!! :happy:
  • Joelflow
    Joelflow Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks guys...