Appetite suppresant



  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sounds like you may need to lessen your goal of pounds per week of weight loss, exericse more, and drink lots of water! (i've had to do all the above to keep going)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am really struggling with being hungry. I have cut back to 1000-1200 calories per day from 2500 or more per day. Are there any appetite suppresants that really help with the hunger? I don't want to get dependent on them - but really could use some help.

    You really should not be eating under 1200 calories a day, it's not healthy. What does MFP recommend for your weekly calories?
  • 1200 calories is the amount MFP assigned me when I entered my data.

    I was in the same boat as you. MFP set me at 1200 cal. I was starving and not losing weight. Friends suggested I raise my calories...well, that wasn't so easy. MFP kept me at 1200 cal with most combinations of activity level and goal weight loss.

    I had to set my activity level at 'very active' (I'm not) and a weight loss goal of .5 lbs a week to raise my calories to about 1480. I always get at least 1300-1480 calories in and feel more satisfied and I'm losing weight again.

    If you are close to your goal weight or ideal weight, 1/2 lb a week loss is most realistic. I'm having trouble with that fact, but I can't seem to lose any faster, so I'll hang on to at least 1/2 lb...better than nothing.

    As far as appetite suppressant: water and protein. Try whey protein shakes sweetened with stevia. They are low in calories and if blended in a blender, they fluff up to a huge glass and a half -- very filling. I use almond milk, whey protein, ice, and sometimes a little fruit to sweeten it more if I can spare the extra sugar.
  • Babzl1957
    Babzl1957 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I asked my Doctor about an appetite surpressant to help me with my weight loss. She say's there is nothing out there without harming side affects and refused to give me anything. I went online and discovered a natural substance available in health stores called acai berry. Its supposed to be a berry that africans live on to keep them going when food is short. I take them twice a day. And they have helped me and given me more energy. But of course water before a meal fills you out more so you eat less, and eating plenty of fibre foods. xx Hope this helps, but to be honest I think we all suffer this until our bodies get used to eating less. Have you tried sugar free gum?
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    1200 calories is the amount MFP assigned me when I entered my data.

    I would get a second opinion.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I am really struggling with being hungry. I have cut back to 1000-1200 calories per day from 2500 or more per day. Are there any appetite suppresants that really help with the hunger? I don't want to get dependent on them - but really could use some help.

    if you are really having that much trouble adusting try cutting back gradually , this is what we advise for our clients.

    also lots of water, good protien.

    and there are lots of appitite suppresents some work better than others , some work for some and not others.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    The very best appetite suppressant I have come across is a long run of at least 13 miles. At the very least. The longer the run, the longer I'm not hungry. It's very effective. The problem; when you run for a really long time and then you aren't hungry for a really long time you only have a very short time to eat a whole lot of calories. However, then you can eat all of those calories you didn't want to eat before.

    It really works! :flowerforyou:

    13 mile run would end my hunger......................................for ever
  • I believe the best thing I found was Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (w/ the mother) and a teaspoon of honey. For some reason the vinegar has a LOT of health benefits.
  • 1200 calories is NOT enough! MFP quoted me at 1320 for one pound a week, I upped it to 1400 on my own and I lose weight providing I stick to it but even when I go to 1600, I am still able to lose. I remember when I was at 1200 and exercising in the morning and evening and wasn't able to lose.

    When I saw a nutritionist, she wanted me at 1600-1800 to lose 1 lb a week.

    Keep that in mind.

    As for suppressants, they are no good, trust me.
  • MFP recommends 1200 calories
  • Dinah22
    Dinah22 Posts: 69 Member
    Me too so you're not alone. Like you MFP just did it - I didn't stipulate how much I wanted to lose a week. So I' m doing it. I'm also keeping a points record (as per weightwatchers) to try and work out if they are the same - I can't work it out though...........
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    MFP recommends 1200 calories
    Don't forget to workout and eat back your workout calories! This has been helping me a lot this time around. Also lots of water as someone else already said. Foods higher in protien and fiber. More meat and veggies, nuts and whole grains. Brown rice is REALLY good and filling too.
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    1200 calories is the amount MFP assigned me when I entered my data.

    Same for me.Since then I've upped it twice,first to 1350 was still hungry and most recently to 1450.Not so hungry now:)
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    I think its taking age into consideration. The older you get the less you needs to eat. Fill up with fuits and veggies. My aunt eats about 1000 calories a day. She is 54. She's never hungry. I would die. Your body is very efficient. Give it a month and see how it works. Their are no appetite suppresants but your stomach will shrink. Also try eating 3 300 calorie meals and 2 snacks at 150 a piece. and lots of water.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I would really do this gradually. You've suddenly cut your calories in half, that's going to be very difficult to adjust to. If you were really eating that much before, were you gaining weight? If you were maintaining at that level then something is way off. How fast are you trying to lose?
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Don't go below the 1200, if you are still hungry change your setting from 2 pounds a week to 1 and it will raise you calorie limit. You will have better long term results without using an appetite suppresant.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    My mirror is an appetite suppressant.

    This!!! And a recent photo:)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I was in the same boat and I increased my exercise and therefore the number of calories I can consume. I feel much better physically and I am pleased that I can exercise more. Splitting it up unto several sessions a day helps. Make sure you are eating the full allotment of calories, drinking water and exercising as much as you can. The other thing I agree with is sticking with whole natural foods. Sugar, white grains, and lots of fruit make your blood sugar spike and crash and then you feel hungry.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    chromium is sometimes used as one. You can probably take a multivitamin with some in it or get it as a supplement. Worked for me. Though I would suggest eating at least 1200-1500. I too used to eating 2000-2500, I was very hungry at first. Now I stay around 1200-1400 comfortably. Takes time.
  • KaylaWeber87
    KaylaWeber87 Posts: 14 Member
    Then you definitely don't want to go under 1200.....:) But I agree that water fills you up if u drink plenty! Good luck!!